Package com.oss.metadata

package com.oss.metadata
OSS ASN.1/Java API classes that describe the metadata. The metadata is the properties of the ASN.1 types such as constraint and tag information. If you are looking at this class for the first time, start with the TypeInfo class.
  • Class
    The AbstractBounds class represents ASN.1 ValueRange constraints
    The AllExcept class extends Constraints class and implements an expression which is the negation of a Constraint
    The BitStringInfo class defines properties of ASN.1 type BIT STRING.
    The Bounds class encapsulates information about bounds for bounded (constrained) types.
    The ChoiceInfo class defines properties of ASN.1 CHOICE types.
    The CollectionInfo class defines common properties of ASN.1 collection types: SEQUENCE, SET and CHOICE
    The ComponentRelation class is used to define component relations of the ASN.1 component relation constraint.
    The ComponentRelationConstraint class represents an ASN.1 component relation constraint.
    The ComponentRelations class encapsulates a list of component relations used to define component relation constraints.
    The CompoundConstraint class represents an ASN.1 compound constraint as a list of constraints.
    The ConstrainedByConstraint class represents an ASN.1 CONSTRAINED BY constraint.
    The Constraints class represents a constraint of an ASN.1 type
    The ContainedConstraint class represents the ASN.1 contained constraint.
    The ContainerInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 SET or SEQUENCE OF type.
    The ContainingBitStringInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 type BIT STRING constrained by a ContentsConstraint.
    The ContainingOctetStringInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 OCTET STRING type which is constrained by a ContentsConstraint.
    The DeferredComponentInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 structured type component described with the DeferDecoding directive.
    The DurationRangeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 Duration range constraint.
    The EmbeddedPDVInfo class represents properties of an ASN.1 EMBEDDED PDV type.
    The EnumeratedInfo class represents the properties of the ASN.1 type ENUMERATED.
    The Except class extends the Constraints class and implements an EXCEPT expression which is the difference between two constraints.
    The ExtensibleConstraint class represents the ASN.1 extensible constraint in two pieces: as a root constraint (the constraints prior to the extension marker) and an extension constraint (the constraints after the extension marker).
    The FieldInfo class represents the individual components of the structured types: SET, SEQUENCE and CHOICE.
    The Fields class represents the properties of a list of fields of a structured ASN.1 type, such as SEQUENCE or SET.
    The HashMapMemberList class extends MemberList to provide for efficient search of named items via a HashMap.
    The HugeBounds class encapsulates information about bounds for bounded (constrained) types.
    The HugeIntegerInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 INTEGER type with --<HUGE>-- directive.
    The HugeRangeList class represents the properties of an ASN.1 constraint range.
    The InfoObjectFieldInfo class represents the properties of an individual component of an information object class.
    The InnerTypeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 type constraints notation for WITH COMPONENTS which is the constraint definition for a component within the InnerTypeConstraints definition for SET, SEQUENCE, and CHOICE types.
    The IntegerInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 INTEGER type.
    The Intersection class extends Constraints class and represents the properties of an expression which is the intersection of two constraints.
    The Intersections class extends Constraints class and represents the properties of an expression which is the intersection of several constraints.
    The KMCStringInfo class represents the properties of the ASN.1 known-multiplier string types: IA5String, NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString, BMPString and UniversalString
    The MemberList class represents the properties of named lists and enumeration lists (INTEGER, BIT STRING and ENUMERATED).
    The MemberListElement class represents the properties of one element of a member list.
    The MetadataException is thrown by the com.oss.metadata classes when an error occurs when trying to resolve symbolic references to metadata objects.
    The MultipleTypeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 multiple type constraint.
    The OpenTypeInfo class represents the properties of ASN.1 open types which can be automatically decoded.
    The PatternConstraint class represents the ASN.1 PATTERN constraint.
    PERTime class identifies PER or OER time encoding kind via main determining row and date and time determining rows.
    The PropertySettingsConstraint represents an ASN.1 property setting constraint.
    The QName class is a helper class used by the metadata package classes to encapsulate generated qualified names.
    The RangeList class represents the properties of an ASN.1 constraint range.
    The RealInfo class represents the properties of an ASN.1 REAL type.
    The RecurrenceRangeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 Recurrence range constraint.
    The SequenceFieldInfo class represents the properties of individual components of the types SET and SEQUENCE.
    The SequenceInfo class represents the properties of the ASN.1 SEQUENCE type.
    The SetInfo class represents the properties of the ASN.1 SET type.
    The SingleTypeConstraint class represents an ASN.1 single type constraint imposed on every element of a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF type
    The SingleValueConstraint class represents an ASN.1 single value constraint.
    The SizeConstraint class represents an ASN.1 size constraint.
    The TableConstraint class represents an ASN.1 table constraint.
    The TagDecoder class represents an array of tags which is used for SEQUENCE, SET, and CHOICE types which have multiple fields, each field containing its own tag.
    The TagDecoders class represents an array of tag decoders for the SEQUENCE type.
    The Tags class represents a list of tags of an ASN.1 type
    The TimePointRangeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 Time point range constraint.
    The TimeSettings class captures information from ASN.1 PropertySetting constraint.
    The TypeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 type constraint.
    The TypeInfo class represents the properties of generic ASN.1 types.
    The Union class extends Constraints class and represents an expression which is the union of two constraints.
    The Unions class extends Constraints class and represents an expression which is the union of several constraints.
    The ValueRangeConstraint class represents the ASN.1 value range constraint.
    The VectorInfo class represents the properties of ASN.1 types which are strings or containers such as OCTET STRING or BIT STRING.