Class FieldInfo

Direct Known Subclasses:
InfoObjectFieldInfo, SequenceFieldInfo

public class FieldInfo extends Object
The FieldInfo class represents the individual components of the structured types: SET, SEQUENCE and CHOICE. It has two subclasses: SequenceFieldInfo, which describes additional properties of a field that belongs to a SET or SEQUENCE, and InfoObjectFieldInfo for fields of information object classes.
ASN.1/Java 2.1
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the default value associated with the field.
    Gives the name of the field.
    Give the TypeInfo (metadata) associated with this field.
    Give the TypeInfo (metadata) associated with this field.
    Indicates if the field has a default value.
    Indicates if the field appears in the type definition after the extension marker.
    Return boolean indicator which is used to determine if a field belongs to the same group as the previous field.
    isGroup(boolean groupID)
    Indicates if the field belongs to the same group as the previous field.
    Indicates if the field appears inside version brackets.
    Indicates if the field is optional.
    Indicates if the field is referenced by a component relation constraint.
    Indicates if the field is referenced by a component relation constraint applied to an opentype field.
    Indicates if the Remove directive was applied to the field.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getTypeInfo

      public TypeInfo getTypeInfo() throws MetadataException
      Give the TypeInfo (metadata) associated with this field.
      descriptor for the type of the field
      MetadataException - if attempt to resolve the weak reference fails: class could not be found or typeInfo was not available.
    • getTypeInfo

      public TypeInfo getTypeInfo(Object context) throws MetadataException
      Give the TypeInfo (metadata) associated with this field.
      context - project environment
      descriptor for the type of the field
      MetadataException - if attempt to resolve the weak reference fails: class could not be found or typeInfo was not available.
    • getFieldName

      public String getFieldName()
      Gives the name of the field.
      the field name
    • isExtension

      public boolean isExtension()
      Indicates if the field appears in the type definition after the extension marker.
      true if the field appears in the type definition after the extension marker
    • isRemoved

      public boolean isRemoved()
      Indicates if the Remove directive was applied to the field.
      true if the Remove directive was applied to the field
    • isReferenced

      public boolean isReferenced()
      Indicates if the field is referenced by a component relation constraint.
      true if the field is referenced by a component relation constraint
    • isReferencedByOpenType

      public boolean isReferencedByOpenType()
      Indicates if the field is referenced by a component relation constraint applied to an opentype field.
      true if the field is referenced by a component relation constraint
    • isOptional

      public boolean isOptional()
      Indicates if the field is optional.
      false always. This method is for generic fields which do not have an attribute. Check subtypes for the override of this definition.
    • hasDefault

      public boolean hasDefault()
      Indicates if the field has a default value.
      false always. This method is for generic fields which do not have an attribute. Check subtypes for the override of this definition.
    • isGrouped

      public boolean isGrouped()
      Indicates if the field appears inside version brackets.
      false always. This method is for generic fields which do not have an attribute. Check subtypes for the override of this definition.
    • isGroup

      public boolean isGroup()
      Return boolean indicator which is used to determine if a field belongs to the same group as the previous field. For fields belonging to the same group the isGroup() indicators are equal. A group is defined to be all fields that are defined within one set of version brackets.
      false always. This method is for generic fields which do not have an attribute. Check subtypes for the override of this definition.
    • isGroup

      public boolean isGroup(boolean groupID)
      Indicates if the field belongs to the same group as the previous field. A group is defined to be all fields that are defined within one set of version brackets.
      groupID - group indicator
      false always. This method is for generic fields which do not have an attribute. Check subtypes for the override of this definition.
    • getDefaultValue

      public AbstractData getDefaultValue()
      Returns the default value associated with the field.
      null always. This method is for generic fields which do not have an attribute. Check subtypes for the override of this definition.