Class Tags


public class Tags extends Object
The Tags class represents a list of tags of an ASN.1 type
ASN.1/Java 2.1
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The number of tags in the array, and zero (0) if there is no array.
    Returns JER encoding instructions applied to the type or null if the metadata was generated without support for JER.
    getTag(int i)
    Return the value of the tag at the i-th index of the array, where i may be zero (0) or greater.
    Returns EXER encoding instructions applied to the type or null if the metadata was generated without support for EXER.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • count

      public int count()
      The number of tags in the array, and zero (0) if there is no array.
      number of tags in the array.
    • getTag

      public short getTag(int i)
      Return the value of the tag at the i-th index of the array, where i may be zero (0) or greater. Each tag is a short that has two high-order bits which contain the class and the remaining (14) bits contain the tag number. You can find the following table in x.690 (Table 1 in the clause with the two hi-order bits representing the tag class:
        0 0 - UNIVERSAL
        0 1 - APPLICATION
        1 0 - context specific
        1 1 - PRIVATE
      i - index of the tag in the array of tags.
      tag at position i.
    • getXTags

      public com.oss.metadata.XTags getXTags()
      Returns EXER encoding instructions applied to the type or null if the metadata was generated without support for EXER.
      the XTags object that represents EXER encoding instructions applied to the type.
    • getJTags

      public com.oss.metadata.JTags getJTags()
      Returns JER encoding instructions applied to the type or null if the metadata was generated without support for JER.
      the XTags object that represents EXER encoding instructions applied to the type.