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ABORT - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response
Specifies that partial decoding procedure should be terminated immediately.
AbstractBinary - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractBinary class is the common ancestor of BitString and OctetString classes.
AbstractCollection - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractCollection class is the superclass of Sequence and Set classes.
AbstractContainer - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractContainer class implements functionality common to SequenceOf and SetOf classes.
AbstractData - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractData class is the base class for all OSS ASN.1/Java universal classes representing ASN.1 types.
abstractEqualTo(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
The abstract method used to compare AbstractData objects for equality.
AbstractException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractException class is the base class for all exceptions
AbstractISO8601Time - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601Time class implements the functionality common to all ASN.1 useful time types: DATE, TIME-OF-DAY, DATE-TIME and DURATION.
AbstractISO8601Time() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
The default constructor.
AbstractObjectIdentifier - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractObjectIdentifier class is a common superclass for the representations of the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER and RELATIVE-OID types.
AbstractObjectIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
The default constructor.
AbstractObjectIdentifier(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Construct from a byte array.
AbstractObjectIdentifier(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Construct from a String.
AbstractOpenType - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractOpenType class is a common superclass for OpenType and HugeOpenType classes.
AbstractPDU<T extends Enum> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The class is an abstract superclass for compiler-generated project PDU classes.
AbstractPDU() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AbstractPDU
AbstractReal - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Abstract Real class class is the superclass of Real, DecimalReal, and MixedReal classes.
AbstractReal() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AbstractReal
The default constructor.
AbstractString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractString class provides a common ancestor for all of the ASN.1/Java string classes.
AbstractString16 - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractString16 class implements the functionality common to all ASN.1 CharacterString types with one or two bytes per character.
AbstractString32 - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractString32 class implements the functionality common to all ASN.1 CharacterString types with four bytes per character.
AbstractTime - Class in com.oss.asn1
The AbstractTime class is the superclass of the two ASN.1 time types, GeneralizedTime and UTCTime.
add(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Compute the arithmetic sum of two numbers.
add(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Add an Element to this SET OF.
add(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Add an Element to this SEQUENCE OF.
add(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Add an Element to this SET OF.
add(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Add an Element to this SET OF.
addObject(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Add an information object at the end of the InfoObjectSet container if it is extensible
addUnknownExtension(byte[]) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.RelaySafe
This method saves individual extension for further relaying.
addUnknownExtension(byte[], String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Saves the encoding of the unknown extension for further relaying.
AmbiguousTagException - Exception in com.oss.util
Thrown by PDU class when decoding is impossible due to multiple PDUs are identified by the same tag.
AmbiguousTagException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.util.AmbiguousTagException
The constructor.
AmbiguousTagException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.util.AmbiguousTagException
The constructor.
appendElementContext(String, String, int) - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.VisitorException
Appends reference to ASN.1 object to the context trace.
appendExtensionContext(String, int) - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.VisitorException
Appends reference to an extension to the context trace.
appendFieldContext(String, String) - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.VisitorException
Appends reference to a field to the context trace.
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.TagClass
The application BER tag class
arbitrary_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Class constants identified chosen component.
arbitrary_Chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Class constants identified chosen component.
asCollection() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Return SEQUENCE OF as a collection of elements.
asCollection() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Return SEQUENCE OF as a collection of elements.
asCollection() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Return SET OF as a collection of elements.
asCollection() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Return SET OF as a collection of elements.
ASN1Module - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class is the superclass of all ASN.1 Module classes that are emitted by the ASN.1/Java Compiler.
ASN1PrintWriter - Class in com.oss.util
This utility class is the extended version of the that has the ability to print the instance of AbstractData in the ASN.1 value notation format.
ASN1PrintWriter() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
The default constructor.
ASN1PrintWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Create a new ASN1PrintWriter from an existing OutputStream without automatic line flushing.
ASN1PrintWriter(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Create a new ASN1PrintWriter from an existing OutputStream.
ASN1PrintWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Create a new ASN1PrintWriter without automatic line flushing.
ASN1PrintWriter(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Create a new ASN1PrintWriter.
ASN1Project - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class is the superclass of all ASN.1 Project classes that are emitted by the ASN.1/Java Compiler.
ASN1Type - Interface in com.oss.asn1
The contract for the ASN1Type interface is the ability to create instances representing the particular ASN.1 type.
ASN1ValueFormat - Class in com.oss.util
This utility class facilitates customization of the formatted string, returned by the toString(ASN1ValueFormat) method of the AbstractData.
ASN1ValueFormat() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
The default constructor.
averageDecodeCPUTiming() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns average decode() CPU time per iteration in milliseconds or NaN if CPU time measurement is not available.
averageDecodeTiming() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns average decode() timing per iteration in milliseconds.
averageDecodeUserTiming() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns average decode() time in user mode per iteration in milliseconds or NaN if user time measurement is not available.
averageEncodeCPUTiming() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns average encode() CPU time per iteration in milliseconds or NaN if CPU time measurement is not available.
averageEncodeTiming() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns average encode() timing per iteration in milliseconds.
averageEncodeUserTiming() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns average encode() time in user mode per iteration in milliseconds or NaN if user time measurement is not available.
AVNInput - Class in com.oss.asn1
Auxiliary class that is used to provide text input to the ValueNotationReader class.
AVNInput(Reader) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AVNInput
Creates a new text input for the ASN.1 value notation reader.
AVNInput(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.AVNInput
Creates a new text input for the ASN.1 value notation reader.
AVNParseException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
AVNParseException(int, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.AVNParseException
Constructs based on a reason code, error message and flags.
AVNParseException(ExceptionDescriptor) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.AVNParseException
Constructs from exception descriptor.
AVNParseException(ExceptionDescriptor, String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.AVNParseException
Constructs from the prefix that identifies specific visitor and exception descriptor.
AVNParseException(ExceptionDescriptor, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.AVNParseException
Constructs with 'String' additional parameter


BadObjectIdentifierException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
An exception is thrown when an ObjectIdentifier is constructed from a string of ASN.1 Value Notation that contains a bad arc or has an invalid format.
BadTimeFormatException - Exception in com.oss.util
Helper class to distinguish exceptions that occur while converting the the formatted string to the value of the time type.
BadTimeFormatException() - Constructor for exception com.oss.util.BadTimeFormatException
Default constructor.
BadTimeFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.util.BadTimeFormatException
Construct based on error message.
begin_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
begin_dump() - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when a BER encoding processing starts, before any other method invocations.
begin_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
begin_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
begin_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Benchmark - Class in com.oss.util
The Benchmark is an utility class that can be used for timing the coder.encode() and coder.decode() method calls.
Benchmark(byte[], AbstractData, Coder) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Construct new performance test which will use specified binary encoding of the value of type and Coder object.
Benchmark(AbstractData, Coder) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Construct new performance test which will use specified AbstractData object and Coder object.
BER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
BERCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for Basic Encoding Rules (BER).
BERException(String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.util.BERTool.BERException
Constructs using a message.
BERReader() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.BERReader
Constructs an instance with a default initial buffer size.
BERReader(int) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.BERReader
Constructs an instance with a specified initial buffer size.
BERTool - Class in com.oss.util
BERTool is an OSS Type-Length-Value(TLV) Print Utility and a nested utility class suite.
BERTool() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool
BERTool.BERException - Exception in com.oss.util
Thrown when an error is detected in the BER encoded data.
BERTool.BERReader - Class in com.oss.util
Provides the readTLV() method to read a complete BER encoding from an input stream and return it as an array of bytes.
BERTool.DecomposedBuilder - Class in com.oss.util
Implements a BER encoding dump in decomposed-TLV format.
BERTool.DumpBuilder - Interface in com.oss.util
Defines methods that are invoked by the BERTool.dumpTLV(ByteBuffer, DumpBuilder) BER parser.
BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder - Class in com.oss.util
Implements a BER encoding dump in extended dump format.
BERTool.HexBuilder - Class in com.oss.util
Implements a BER encoding dump in hexadecimal-TLV format.
BERTool.SyntaxBuilder - Class in com.oss.util
Implements a BER encoding dump in syntax-TLV format.
BERTool.Tag - Class in com.oss.util
Represents BER tags.
BERTool.TagClass - Enum Class in com.oss.util
Represents BER tag class values as Java enumeration objects.
BERTool.TLV - Class in com.oss.util
Represents a BER encoding as a TAG, LENGTH, and VALUE triple.
BERTool.TLVDumpException - Exception in com.oss.util
Thrown by the TLVDump.dumpTLV() method in case of unexpected end of data.
BERTool.ValueType - Enum Class in com.oss.util
Represents BER universal tag numbers as Java enumeration objects.
bigIntegerValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Get the value of 'this' object as a java.math.BigInteger.
Binary2JSONConvertor - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Binary2JSONConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules into JSON data encoded by the JSON Encoding Rules.
Binary2JSONConvertor(BinaryCoder, JSONCoder) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.Binary2JSONConvertor
Construct with two coder objects
Binary2XMLConvertor - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Binary2XMLConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules into XML data encoded with one of the XML Encoding Rules.
Binary2XMLConvertor(BinaryCoder, XMLCoder) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.Binary2XMLConvertor
Construct with two coder objects
BinaryCoder - Interface in com.oss.asn1
This marker interface is implemented by all the Binary encoding rules Coder classes
BIT_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for BIT STRING type is 3.
BitString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The BitString class represents an ASN.1 BIT STRING, an arbitrarily long string of bits, that may or may not be octet-aligned.
BitString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BitString
The default constructor creates an empty bit string
BitString(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Construct from a byte array.
BitString(byte[], int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Construct from a byte array and significant bits.
BMPString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The BMPString class represents the ASN.1 BMPString type.
BMPString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BMPString
The default constructor.
BMPString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BMPString
Construct from a String.
BMPString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BMPString
Construct from a String.
BMPSTRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for BMPString type is 30.
BOOLEAN - Class in com.oss.asn1
The BOOLEAN class represents the ASN.1 BOOLEAN type.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for BOOLEAN type is 1.
BOOLEAN() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
The default constructor.
BOOLEAN(boolean) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Construct from a BOOLEAN type.
booleanValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Get the value of 'this' object as a boolean.
byteArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractBinary
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of bytes.
byteArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Get the value of 'this' object as a byte array
byteArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of bytes.
byteArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of bytes.
byteArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of bytes.
ByteTool - Class in com.oss.util
This class provides utility methods for testing and manipulating byte arrays.
ByteTool() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.ByteTool


CER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Canonical Encoding Rules (CER)
CHARACTER_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for CHARACTER STRING type is 29.
checkError() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Flushes the stream if it's not closed and checks its error state.
Choice - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Choice class represents the ASN.1 CHOICE type.
cINDENT_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.oss.util.SampleUtil
Number of space characters printed per indentation level.
cleanup() - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.DecodeFailedException
It facilitates explicit cleanup of partially decoded data, especially in the case when the decoded value has nested components with the ValueInFile directive applied.
clear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Clears all the fields so they are set to UNDEFINED value.
clear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Clears all the fields so they are set to UNDEFINED value.
clear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Clears all the fields so they are set to UNDEFINED value.
clear() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeInterface
Clears all the fields so they are set to UNDEFINED value.
clear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Clears all the fields so they are set to UNDEFINED value.
clearBit(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Set a bit, identified by an index, to 0.
clearLastError() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Clears the last error that occurred when printing the value notation.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractBinary
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractCollection
Create a deep copy of 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BMPString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GraphicString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.IA5String
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601String
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Null
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.NumericString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectDescriptor
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifier
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifierIri
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OctetString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PrintableString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifier
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifierIri
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSequence
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSet
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.TeletexString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UniversalString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.VideotexString
Clone 'this' object.
clone() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.VisibleString
Clone 'this' object.
Coder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class defines public methods which allow access to the Coding Services of the OSS ASN.1/Java Tools.
COER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Canonical Octet Encoding Rules (COER)
COERCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for Canonical Octet Encoding Rules (OER).
com.oss.asn1 - package com.oss.asn1
Core OSS ASN.1/Java API classes.
com.oss.util - package com.oss.util
OSS ASN.1/Java API classes that are utility classes.
compare(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Compare two byte arrays for equality.
compareTo(AbstractISO8601Time) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Compare 'this' object to another AbstractISO8601Time object to determine whether the contents of this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of other object.
compareTo(AbstractISO8601Time, TimeZone, Locale) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Compare 'this' object to another AbstractISO8601Time object to determine whether the contents of this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of other object.
compareTo(AbstractString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
Compare 'this' object to another AbstractString object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(DecimalReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Compare 'this' object to a DecimalReal object by comparing their correspondent double values to see whether the double value of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the one of 'that' object.
compareTo(DecimalReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Compare 'this' object to a DecimalReal object by comparing their correspondent double values to see whether the double value of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the one of another object.
compareTo(DecimalReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Compare 'this' object to a DecimalReal object by comparing their correspondent double values to see whether the double value of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the one of another object.
compareTo(Enumerated) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Compare 'this' object to 'that' Enumerated object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of 'that' object.
compareTo(GeneralizedTime) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Compare 'this' object to another GeneralizedTime object to determine whether the contents of this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of other object.
compareTo(GeneralizedTime, TimeZone, Locale) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Compare 'this' object to another object of the same class to determine whether the contents of this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of other object.
compareTo(HugeInteger) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Compare 'this' object to another HugeInteger object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Compare 'this' object to another INTEGER object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Compare 'this' object to another INTEGER (signed) number to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(MixedReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Compare 'this' object to a MixedReal object by comparing their correspondent double values to see whether the double value of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the one of 'that' object.
compareTo(MixedReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Compare 'this' object to a MixedReal object by comparing their correspondent double values to see whether the double value of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the one of another object.
compareTo(MixedReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Compare 'this' object to a MixedReal object by comparing their correspondent double values to see whether the double value of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the one of another object.
compareTo(Real) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Compare 'this' object to a Real object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of 'that' object.
compareTo(Real) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Compare 'this' object to a Real object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(Real) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Compare 'this' object to a Real object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Compare 'this' object to another UnsignedLong object to determine whether the contents of 'this' object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of another object.
compareTo(UTCTime) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Compare 'this' object to another UTCTime object to determine whether the contents of this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of other object.
compareTo(UTCTime, TimeZone, Locale) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Compare 'this' object to another object of the same class to determine whether the contents of this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the contents of other object.
ContainingBitString<T extends AbstractData> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ContainingBitString class represents an ASN.1 BIT STRING that is constrained by a ContentsConstraint.
ContainingBitString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
The default constructor creates an empty bit string
ContainingBitString(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Construct from a byte array.
ContainingBitString(byte[], int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Construct from a byte array and significant bits.
ContainingBitString(T) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Construct an instance of this class with an AbstractData object that represents an unencoded value of a contained ASN.1 type.
ContainingOctetString<T extends AbstractData> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ContainingOctetString class represents an ASN.1 OCTET STRING that is constrained by a ContentsConstraint.
ContainingOctetString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
The default constructor.
ContainingOctetString(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Construct from a byte[].
ContainingOctetString(T) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Construct an instance of this class with an AbstractData object that represents an unencoded value of a contained ASN.1 type.
content(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
content(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when primitive contents octets are parsed.
content(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
content(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
content(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
ContentHandler - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ContentHandler class is used as a superclass of compiler-generated partial decode handlers.
ContentHandler.Response - Enum Class in com.oss.asn1
Return codes of event handling methods of a partial decoding handler classes.
Context_negotiation() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
The default constructor.
Context_negotiation(long, ObjectIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
Construct with components.
Context_negotiation(INTEGER, ObjectIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
Construct with AbstractData components.
context_negotiation_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Class constant to identify the chosen component.
CONTEXT_SPECIFIC - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.TagClass
The context-specific BER tag class
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response
Specifies that partial decoding should be continued in a normal way.
ControlTableNotFoundException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
This class is provided for compatibility with the OSS/ASN.1 JNI Tools.
convert(InputStream, OutputStream, AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
Decode the "source" stream, containing the "pdu" value and re-encode it into the "sink" stream.
copy(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Create a copy of an array of bytes.
CPER_ALIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Canonical Packed Encoding Rules (CPER - Aligned)
CPER_UNALIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Canonical Packed Encoding Rules (CPER - Unaligned)
CPERAlignedCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for ALIGNED variant of Canonical Packed Encoding Rules (PER).
CPERUnalignedCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for UNALIGNED variant of Canonical Packed Encoding Rules (CUPER).
createEncodingWithArbitrary(BitString) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Create the Encoding class instance with the chosen component, "arbitrary".
createEncodingWithOctet_aligned(OctetString) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Create the Encoding class instance with the chosen component, "octet-aligned".
createEncodingWithSingle_ASN1_type(OpenType) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Create the Encoding class instance with the chosen component, "single-ASN1-type".
createIdentificationWithContext_negotiation(EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "context-negotiation".
createIdentificationWithFixed(Null) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "fixed".
createIdentificationWithPresentation_context_id(long) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "presentation-context-id".
createIdentificationWithPresentation_context_id(INTEGER) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "presentation-context-id".
createIdentificationWithSyntax(ObjectIdentifier) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "syntax".
createIdentificationWithSyntaxes(EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "syntaxes".
createIdentificationWithTransfer_syntax(ObjectIdentifier) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Create the Identification class instance with the chosen component, "transfer-syntax".
createWithArbitrary(BitString) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
createWithOctetAligned(OctetString) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
createWithSingleASN1Type(OpenType) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
CXER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Canonical XML Encoding Rules (CXER)
CXERCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for Canonical XML Encoding Rules (CXER).


DATE - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for DATE type is 31.
DATE_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for DATE-TIME type is 33.
DecimalReal - Class in com.oss.asn1
The DecimalReal class represents the ASN.1 REAL type with the DECIMAL directive.
DecimalReal() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
The default constructor.
DecimalReal(double) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Construct from a double.
DecimalReal(float) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Construct from a float.
DecimalReal(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Construct from a String.
decimalValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Get the value of 'this' object as a string in NR3 format.
decimalValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Get the value of 'this' object as a string in NR3 format.
decimalValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Get the value of 'this' object as a string in NR3 format.
decode(Coder, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Decode and set the decoded form of deferred component.
decode(Coder, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Decode and set the decoded form of deferred component.
decode(InputStream, T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Decode the encoded data in the InputStream and populate a PDU instance.
decode(ByteBuffer, T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Decode the encoded data in the ByteBuffer and populate a PDU instance.
decodeExitStatus() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns the exception object indicating an abnormal termination of the decode() timing loop.
DecodeFailedException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
DecodeFailedException is thrown by decode() method of Coder.
DecodeFailedException(VisitorException) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.DecodeFailedException
Constructs the DecodeFailedException from some other VisitorException
DecodeNotSupportedException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
An exception thrown when an AbstractData subclass does not support the 'decode()' method.
decodePartial(InputStream, ContentHandler) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Partially decode the encoded data in the InputStream.
decodePartial(ByteBuffer, ContentHandler) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Partially decode the encoded data in the ByteBuffer.
DecomposedBuilder(PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
Constructs a new decomposed-TLV dump builder, which is used to dump data from a specified byte buffer source to a specified print stream sink.
DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_LINE - Static variable in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
The value that is used to initialize the bytesPerLine property.
deinitialize() - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.ASN1Project
Native Java compatibility dummy function.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractBinary
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractOpenType
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeEnumerated
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSequence
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSet
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
delete() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XRelaySafeEnumerated
Destroy the instance of the AbstractData.
deleteData_value_descriptor() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Delete the OPTIONAL "data-value-descriptor" component, marking it as absent.
deleteDataValueDescriptor() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
deleteDirect_reference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Delete the OPTIONAL "direct-reference" component, marking it as absent.
deleteDirectReference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
deleteIndirect_reference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Delete the OPTIONAL "indirect-reference" component, marking it as absent.
deleteIndirectReference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
DER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
DERCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER).
description() - Method in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Returns a string that describes this encoding rules.
disableAutomaticDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off automatic decoding of OpenTypes.
disableAutomaticEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off automatic encoding of the OpenType.
disableCompact() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Add whitespace as necessary to improve readability of JSON or XML document (JSON and XER only).
disableCompact() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Add whitespace as necessary to improve readability of JSON document.
disableCompact() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Add whitespace as necessary to improve readability of XML document.
disableConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Do not enforce constraints checking after a value was read.
disableContainedValueDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off automatic decoding of the value, that is contained in a BIT STRING or in an OCTET STRING with the contents constraint imposed.
disableContainedValueEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off automatic encoding of the value, that is contained in a BIT STRING or in an OCTET STRING with the contents constraint imposed.
disableContainedValuesWrapping() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
disableDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specifies that ASN1PrintWriter should set the error indicator and abort the printing if the value contains an error.
disableDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specifies that formatting should be aborted if the value contains an error.
disableDecoderConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do not enforce constraints during decode.
disableDecoderDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn debugging off during decode.
disableDeferredDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off deferred decoding of components marked with the DeferDecoding directive.
disableEncoderConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do not enforce constraints during encode.
disableEncoderDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn debugging off during encode.
disableEncodingOfAbsentComponents() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do not encode absent optional components (JSON only).
disableEncodingOfAbsentComponents() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do not encode absent optional components (default).
disableEncodinOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do not encode absent components with DEFAULT (JSON only).
disableEncodinOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do not encode absent components with DEFAULT (default).
disableIgnoreUnknownExtensions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Throw an exception if unknown extension occurs.
disableMultiline() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that the value notation for complex values is formatted to the single line.
disableMultilinePrinting() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specify that the value notation for complex values is printed on a single line.
disablePduWrapping() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
disablePrintingAsValueAssignment() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specify that the value is printed as an ASN.1 value notation.
disablePrintingOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specify that DEFAULT values for absent components are not printed.
disablePrintingOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that DEFAULT values for absent components are not printed.
disableRelaxedDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off relaxed decoding mode.
disableRichDecoderExceptions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Disable Rich decoder exceptions.
disableStrictDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn off Strict decoding mode.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
disableUseComponentRelationConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Do not use component relation constraint to determine an open type PDU.
disableXERCoderInterface() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Disable user defined XER encodings which are generated by user classes which implement XERCoderInterface (XER only).
disableXERCoderInterface() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Disable user defined XER encodings which are generated by user classes which implement XERCoderInterface.
divide(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Returns the result of integer division of this number by another number.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Get the value of 'this' object as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Get the value of 'this' object as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Get the value of 'this' object as a double.
dumpTLV(ByteBuffer, BERTool.DumpBuilder) - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Parses a BER encoding in a byte buffer and invokes dump builder object methods.
DURATION - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for DURATION type is 34.


elements() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractContainer
Get an Enumeration of the elements stored in the container.
EMBEDDED_PDV - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for EMBEDDED-PDV type is 11.
EmbeddedPDV - Class in com.oss.asn1
The EmbeddedPDV class represents the ASN.1 EMBEDDED PDV type.
EmbeddedPDV() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
The default constructor.
EmbeddedPDV(EmbeddedPDV.Identification, OctetString) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
Construct with components.
EmbeddedPDV.Identification - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Identification class represents the ASN1 type of the identification component.
EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Context_negotiation class represents the ASN.1 type of the context-negotiation component in the Identification class.
EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Syntaxes class represents the ASN1 type of the syntaxes component in the Identification class.
enableAutomaticDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on automatic decoding of OpenTypes.
enableAutomaticEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on automatic encoding of OpenTypes.
enableCompact() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do not generate whitespace into the JSON or XML document (JSON and XER only).
enableCompact() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do not generate whitespace into the JSON document.
enableCompact() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Do not generate whitespace into the XML document.
enableConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Enforce constraints checking after a value was read.
enableContainedValueDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on automatic decoding of the value, that is contained in a BIT STRING or in an OCTET STRING with the contents constraint imposed.
enableContainedValueDecoding(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on automatic decoding of the value, that is contained in a BIT STRING or in OCTET STRING with the contents constraint imposed.
enableContainedValueEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on automatic encoding of the value, that is contained in a BIT STRING or in an OCTET STRING with the contents constraint imposed.
enableContainedValuesWrapping() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
enableDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specifies that the ASN1PrintWriter should print the value even if the value contains some errors.
enableDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specifies that formatting should continue even if the value contains some errors.
enableDecoderConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Enforce constraints during decode.
enableDecoderDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn debugging on during decode.
enableDeferredDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on deferred decoding of components marked with the DeferDecoding directive.
enableEncoderConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Enforce constraints during encode.
enableEncoderDebugging() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn debugging on during encode.
enableEncodingOfAbsentComponents() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do encode absent optional components as properties with the value 'null' (JSON only).
enableEncodingOfAbsentComponents() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do encode absent optional components as properties with the value 'null'.
enableEncodingOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Do encode absent components with DEFAULT as present with the default value (JSON only).
enableEncodingOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do encode absent components with DEFAULT as present with the default value.
enableIgnoreUnknownExtensions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Unknown extensions are ignored rather than an exception is thrown.
enableMultiline() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that the value notation for complex values is formatted to multiple lines.
enableMultiline(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that the value notation for complex values is formatted to multiple lines.
enableMultilinePrinting() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specify that the value notation for complex values is printed on multiple lines.
enablePduWrapping() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
enablePrintingAsValueAssignment() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specify that the value is printed as an ASN.1 value assignment.
enablePrintingOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Specify that components with DEFAULT values are always present in the output even if the components are absent in the it's parent's value.
enablePrintingOfImpliedValues() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that components with DEFAULT values are always present in the output even if the components are absent in the it's parent's value.
enableRelaxedDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on relaxed decoding mode.
enableRichDecoderExceptions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Enable Rich decoder exceptions to return partially decoded data.
enableStrictDecoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Turn on Strict decoding mode.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInGeneralizedTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERAlignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableTruncatedZeroSecondsInUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERUnalignedCoder
Kept for compatibility with Native Java, but has no effect.
enableUseComponentRelationConstraints() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Use component relation constraint to determine an open type PDU.
enableXERCoderInterface() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Enable user defined XER encodings which are generated by user classes which implement XERCoderInterface (XER only).
enableXERCoderInterface() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Enable user defined XER encodings which are generated by user classes which implement XERCoderInterface.
encode(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Encode the source PDU into a ByteBuffer.
encode(AbstractData, OutputStream) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Encode the source PDU into an OutputStream.
encode(AbstractData, ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Encode the source PDU into the ByteBuffer.
encode(Coder, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Encode the decoded form of deferred component and set its encoded form.
encode(Coder, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Encode the decoded form of deferred component and set its encoded form.
encodeContainedValuesAsHex() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do encode value of BIT STRING or OCTET STRING with contents constraint which does not contain ENCODED BY as hex string.
encodeContainedValuesAsText() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Do encode value of BIT STRING or OCTET STRING with contents constraint which does not contain ENCODED BY as {"containing":JSON_value} where JSON_value' is the contained value.
encodeExitStatus() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns the exception object indicating an abnormal termination of the encode() timing loop.
EncodeFailedException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
EncodeFailedException is thrown by encode() method of coders.
EncodeFailedException(VisitorException) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.EncodeFailedException
Constructs the EncodeFailedException from some other VisitorException
EncodeNotSupportedException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
An exception thrown when an AbstractData subclass does not support the 'encode()' method.
Encoding() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Default constructor.
EncodingRuleConvertor - Class in com.oss.asn1
The EncodingRuleConvertor is used to decode input stream encoded by input encoding rules and re-encode it using output encoding rules.
EncodingRuleConvertor(Coder, Coder) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
Construct with two coder objects
end_constructed() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
end_constructed() - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when a constructed encoding ends.
end_constructed() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
end_constructed() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
end_constructed() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
end_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
end_dump() - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when a BER encoding processing ends, before returning control to the caller.
end_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
end_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
end_dump() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Enumerated - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Enumerated class represents the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type.
ENUMERATED - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for ENUMERATED type is 10.
eoc(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
eoc(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when END-OF-CONTENTS octets are detected.
eoc(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
eoc(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
eoc(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Compares two objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Compares two objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Tests for equality with another tag.
EQUALS - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Returned by compareTo() if the value of the object calling compareTo() is equal to the value of the object being passed to compareTo().
equalTo(AbstractString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(BitString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Compare 'this' object to another BitString object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(BOOLEAN) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Compare 'this' object to another BOOLEAN object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Choice) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Compare 'this' object to another Choice object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ContainingBitString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Compare 'this' object to another ContainingBitString object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ContainingOctetString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Compare 'this' object to another OctetString object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(DecimalReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Compare 'this' object to 'that' object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(DecimalReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(DecimalReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Enumerated) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Compare 'this' object to 'that' Enumerated object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(External) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(GeneralizedTime) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Compare 'this' object to another GeneralizedTime object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(HugeInteger) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Compare 'this' object to another HugeInteger object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Compare 'this' object to another INTEGER object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ISO8601Date) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Compare 'this' object to another ISO8601Date object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ISO8601DateTime) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Compare 'this' object to another ISO8601DateTime object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ISO8601Duration) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Compare 'this' object to another ISO8601Duration object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Compare 'this' object to another Fractional_part object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ISO8601TimeOfDay) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Compare 'this' object to another ISO8601TimeOfDay object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(MixedReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Compare 'this' object to 'that' object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(MixedReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(MixedReal) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Null) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Null
Compare 'this' object to another Null object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifier
Compare 'this' object to another ObjectIdentifier object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(OctetString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OctetString
Compare 'this' object to another OctetString object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(OpenType) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Compare 'this' object to another OpenType object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Real) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Compare 'this' object to 'that' object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Real) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Real) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(RelativeObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifier
Compare 'this' object to another ObjectIdentifier object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Sequence) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Sequence) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Sequence) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Sequence) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Sequence) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Sequence
Compare 'this' object to another Set object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Sequence) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(SequenceOf) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Compare 'this' object to another Set object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(SequenceOfDeferred<T>) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Compare 'this' object to another SequenceOf object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(Set) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Set
Compare 'this' object to another Set object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(SetOf) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Compare 'this' object to another SetOf object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(SetOfDeferred<T>) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Compare 'this' object to another SeqquenceOF object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(UnrestrCharacterString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Compare 'this' object to another object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Compare 'this' object to another INTEGER object to see if their contents are the same.
equalTo(UTCTime) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Compare 'this' object to another UTCTime object to see if their contents are the same.
error(ByteBuffer, String) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
error(ByteBuffer, String) - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when an error occurs.
error(ByteBuffer, String) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
error(ByteBuffer, String) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
error(ByteBuffer, String) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
excludeValueAssignment() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that the value is formatted as an ASN.1 value notation.
excludeXMLDeclaration() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Initial XML declaration is excluded from the XML document (XER only).
excludeXMLDeclaration() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Initial XML declaration is excluded from the XML document.
EXER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Extended XML Encoding Rules (EXER)
ExtendedDumpBuilder(PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
Constructs a new extended dump builder, which is used to dump data from a specified byte buffer source to a specified print stream sink.
External - Class in com.oss.asn1
The External class represents the ASN.1 EXTERNAL type.
External() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.External
Default constructor.
External(External.Encoding) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.External
Construct an External from it's components.
External(ObjectIdentifier, long, ObjectDescriptor, External.Encoding) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.External
Construct an External from components.
External(ObjectIdentifier, INTEGER, ObjectDescriptor, External.Encoding) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.External
Construct an External from AbstractData components.
EXTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for EXTERNAL type is 8.
External.Encoding - Class in com.oss.asn1
The External.Encoding class is used by the External class, and represents the External.encoding component, which is an ASN.1 CHOICE.


FALSE - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Constant used to specify the FALSE BOOLEAN value.
fillInBackTrace(Throwable) - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Fill-in the stack trace printed by the printStackTrace from another Throwable
fixed_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Class constant to identify the chosen component.
floatValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Get the value of 'this' object as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Get the value of 'this' object as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Get the value of 'this' object as a float.
formatTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Takes the instance of AbstractTime and converts it to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
formatTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Takes the instance of AbstractTime and converts it to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
formatTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Takes the instance of AbstractTime and converts it to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
Fractional_part() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Default constructor
Fractional_part(int, int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Constructs fractional part value form digits and fractional value components.


GENERAL_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for GeneralString type is 27.
GENERALIZED_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for GeneralizedTime type is 24.
GeneralizedTime - Class in com.oss.asn1
The GeneralizedTime class represents the ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type.
GeneralizedTime() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
The default constructor.
GeneralizedTime(int[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Construct an instance of this class from an int array.
GeneralizedTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Construct from individual time components.
GeneralizedTime(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Construct an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the GeneralizedTime.
GeneralString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The GeneralString class represents the ASN.1 GeneralString type.
GeneralString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralString
The default constructor.
GeneralString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralString
Construct from a char array.
GeneralString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GeneralString
Construct from a String.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Get field value.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get field value.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get field value.
get(int) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeInterface
Get field value.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Get field value.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Get an Element from this SET OF.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Get an Element from this SEQUENCE OF.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Get an Element from this SET OF.
get(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Get an Element from this SET OF.
getAbstract() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
The accessor for the field "abstract".
getArbitrary() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
The accessor for the "arbitrary" component.
getBackTrace() - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Returns the Throwable that was used to fill-in the stack trace.
getBase() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractReal
Returns the base of the real number.
getBase() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Returns the base of this representation of REAL that is 10.
getBase() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Returns the base of the real number.
getBase() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Returns the base of this representation of REAL that is 2.
getBeginDataResponse() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Return Response object previously set by ContentHandler.setBeginDataResponse(com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response) or CONTINUE by default.
getBeginInfoResponse() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Return Response object previously set by ContentHandler.setBeginInfoResponse(com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response) or CONTINUE by default.
getBit(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Check whether a bit at some index is 0 or 1.
getBytesPerLine() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
Gets the value of bytesPerLine.
getChosenFlag() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Get an integer value indicating which component of the CHOICE is chosen.
getChosenValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Get the value of the chosen component of the CHOICE.
getContainedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Get the unencoded value of contained ASN.1 type.
getContainedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Get the unencoded value of contained ASN.1 type.
getContentType() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Return The type of PDU handled by this content handler.
getContext_negotiation() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The accessor for the "context-negotiation" component.
getData_value() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
The accessor for the field "data-value".
getData_value_descriptor() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The accessor for the field "data-value-descriptor".
getDataValueDescriptor() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
getDay() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the day component of 'this' object.
getDay() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Get the day component of 'this' object.
getDay() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get the day component of 'this' object.
getDays() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the days component of 'this' object.
getDecodedData() - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.DecodeFailedException
This method will return partially decoded PDU aggregated in the exception object to the user.
getDecodedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractOpenType
Get the unencoded value as an instance of a valid ASN.1 type.
getDecodedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractPDU
This function returns the decoded value.
getDecodedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Get the unencoded value of contained ASN.1 type.
getDecodedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Get the unencoded value of contained ASN.1 type.
getDecoder() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
Returns decoder object that is used to decode the input stream
getDecoderDebugOut() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Get the character-output stream that is the destination for the decoder's debug output.
getDecoderDebugProperties() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Get current settings of the decoder's debugger.
getDefaultIndentWidth() - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Gets the width of an indentation level.
getDefaultTruncationLimit() - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Gets the truncation limit for long contents strings.
getDigits() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Get the digits component of 'this' object.
getDirect_reference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The accessor for the field "direct-reference".
getDirectReference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
getEncoded(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Return encoding of deferred component.
getEncoded(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Return encoding of deferred component.
getEncodedValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Get the encoding of an instance of a valid ASN.1 type.
getEncodedValueAsStream() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractOpenType
Get the encoding of an instance of a valid ASN.1 type.
getEncodedValueAsStream() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Get the encoding of an instance of a valid ASN.1 type.
getEncoder() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
Returns encoder object that is used to re-encode to the output stream
getEncoderDebugOut() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Get the character-output stream that is the destination for the encoder's debug output.
getEncoderDebugProperties() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Get current settings of the encoder's debugger.
getEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The accessor for the field "encoding".
getEndDataResponse() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Return Response object previously set by ContentHandler.setEndDataResponse(com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response) or CONTINUE by default.
getEndInfoResponse() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Return Response object previously set by ContentHandler.setEndInfoResponse(com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response) or CONTINUE by default.
getFixed() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The accessor for the "fixed" component.
getFractional_part() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the fractional part component of 'this' object.
getHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Get a string containing the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
getHex(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Get a string containing the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
getHour() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the hour component of 'this' object.
getHour() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get the hour component of 'this' object.
getHour() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Get the hour component of 'this' object.
getHours() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the hours component of 'this' object.
getIdentification() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
The accessor for the field "identification".
getIdentification() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
The accessor for the field "identification".
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Get the number of spaces allocated for indenting (JSON and XER only).
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Get the number of spaces allocated for indenting
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Get the number of spaces allocated for indenting
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Get current setting of the indent width.
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Get current setting of the indent width.
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
Gets the value of the indent width.
getIndentWidth() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Gets the value of the indent width.
getIndirect_reference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The accessor for the field "indirect-reference".
getIndirectReference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
getIsUTCTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Determine whether this GeneralizedTime represents a UTCTime value (with 'Z').
getLastBit() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Get the index of rightmost '1' bit in the BitString
getLastError() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Get information about the last error that occurred when printing the value notation.
getLength() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
getMessage() - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Returns the descriptive message for the exception.
getMillisecond() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Get the millisecond component of 'this' object.
getMinute() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the minutes component of 'this' object.
getMinute() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get the minutes component of 'this' object.
getMinute() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Get the minutes component of 'this' object.
getMinuteDifferential() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the minutes-differential component of 'this' object.
getMinutes() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the minutes component of 'this' object.
getMonth() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the month component of 'this' object.
getMonth() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Get the month component of 'this' object.
getMonth() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get the month component of 'this' object.
getMonths() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the months component of 'this' object.
getNamedBits() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Returns the named bit list for this Bit String type.
getNumberOfPaddingBits() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
The method returns number of padding bits produced by previous call to encode.
getObject(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Returns an information object identified by its index from the original array of objects.
getOctet_aligned() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
The accessor for the "octet-aligned" component.
getPresentation_context_id() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
The accessor for the field "presentation-context-id".
getPresentation_context_id() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The accessor for the "presentation-context-id" component.
getReason() - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Get the reason that this exception was thrown.
getRecursionLimit() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
getRelayID() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.RelaySafe
Returns identification for the relay (coder) that decoded these unknown extensions.
getRelayID() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Returns the identification of the coder that decoded the unknown extension, saved by the addUnknownExtension method.
getSecond() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the seconds component of 'this' object.
getSecond() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get the seconds component of 'this' object.
getSecond() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Get the seconds component of 'this' object.
getSeconds() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the seconds component of 'this' object.
getSignificantBits() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Get the number of significant bits the BitString contains. This method is deprecated. Use the getSize method instead.
getSingle_ASN1_type() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
The accessor for the "single-ASN1-type" component.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractContainer
Return the size of the container.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
Get the number of elements in the array of objects.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Used to get the length of 'this' object in characters.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Used to get the length of 'this' object in characters.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Get the number of significant bits of BitString
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Return the size of the container.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OctetString
Get the number of octets in the OctetString.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Return the size of the container.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Return the size of the container.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Return the size of the container.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Return the size of the container.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Used to get the number of Unicode code points of 'this' object.
getSize() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Used to get the number of Unicode code points of 'this' object.
getString_value() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
The accessor for the field "string-value".
getSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The accessor for the "syntax" component.
getSyntaxes() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The accessor for the "syntaxes" component.
getTagClass() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Gets this tag class.
getTagNumber() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Gets this tag number.
getTimeSettings() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeInterface
getTransfer() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
The accessor for the field "transfer".
getTransfer_syntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
The accessor for the field "transfer-syntax".
getTransfer_syntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The accessor for the "transfer-syntax" component.
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractOpenType
Return encoding rules identifier of this open type value.
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BERCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.COERCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERAlignedCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CPERUnalignedCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.CXERCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DERCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OERCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERAlignedCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PERUnalignedCoder
getTransferSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
getTruncationLimit() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Get current setting of the truncation limit.
getTruncationLimit() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Get current setting of the truncation limit.
getTruncationLimit() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
Gets the value of truncationLimit.
getTruncationLimit() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
Gets the value of truncationLimit.
getTruncationLimit() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Gets the value of truncationLimit.
getTypeID() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractPDU
Return an Enum instance that identifies type of the decoded value.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractReal
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BMPString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GraphicString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.IA5String
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601String
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Null
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.NumericString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectDescriptor
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifier
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifierIri
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OctetString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.PrintableString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifier
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifierIri
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Sequence
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Set
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.TeletexString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UniversalString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.VideotexString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.VisibleString
Returns the name of ASN.1 type this java class represents.
getUniqueKey() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.UniqueKey
Returns an object that is typically contained in the implementing class and which uniquely identifies its instances.
getUnknownExtension() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Returns the unknown extension saved for relaying.
getUnknownExtension(int) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.RelaySafe
Retrieves the specific unknown extension.
getValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Get the value component of 'this' object.
getValueType() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Gets this tag value type.
getValueTypeName() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Gets a string representation of this tag value type.
getWeeks() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the weeks component of 'this' object.
getYear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get the year component of 'this' object.
getYear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Get the year component of 'this' object.
getYear() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Get the year component of 'this' object.
getYears() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Get the years component of 'this' object.
GRAPHIC_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for GraphicString type is 25.
GraphicString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The GraphicString class represents the ASN.1 GraphicString type.
GraphicString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GraphicString
The default constructor.
GraphicString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GraphicString
Construct from a char array.
GraphicString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.GraphicString
Construct from a String.
GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Returned by compareTo() if the value of the object calling compareTo() is greater than the value of the object being passed to compareTo().


hasArbitrary() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Check whether "arbitrary" component is chosen.
hasContext_negotiation() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Check whether "context-negotiation" component is chosen.
hasData_value_descriptor() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Check whether the OPTIONAL "data-value-descriptor" component is present.
hasDataValueDescriptor() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
hasDirect_reference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Check whether the OPTIONAL "direct-reference" component is present.
hasDirectReference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
hasFixed() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Check whether "fixed" component is chosen.
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractBinary
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Returns a hash code value of this object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Returns a hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
hasIndirect_reference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
Check whether the OPTIONAL "indirect-reference" component is present.
hasIndirectReference() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
hasNamedBits() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Returns whether the type has a named bit list or has none.
hasOctet_aligned() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Check whether "octet-aligned" component is chosen.
hasOctetAligned() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
hasPresentation_context_id() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Check whether "presentation-context-id" component is chosen.
hasSingle_ASN1_type() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Check whether "single-ASN1-type" component is chosen.
hasSingleASN1Type() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
hasSyntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Check whether "syntax" component is chosen.
hasSyntaxes() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Check whether "syntaxes" component is chosen.
hasTransfer_syntax() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Check whether "transfer-syntax" component is chosen.
hasUnknownExtension() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Choice
Checks if the object is the result of decoding an unknown extension of extensible CHOICE type.
HexBuilder(PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
Constructs a new hexadecimal-TLV dump builder, which is used to dump data from a specified byte buffer source to a specified print stream sink.
hexDigit(int) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Determines the character representation for a specified hexadecimal digit represented by integer value.
HexTool - Class in com.oss.util
A utility class for converting binary data to a hexadecimal string.
HexTool() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.HexTool
HugeInteger - Class in com.oss.asn1
The HugeInteger class represents the ASN.1 INTEGER type with the HUGE compiler directive applied.
HugeInteger() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
The default constructor.
HugeInteger(BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Constructs from java.math.BigInteger value.


IA5String - Class in com.oss.asn1
The IA5String class represents the ASN.1 IA5String type.
IA5String() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.IA5String
The default constructor.
IA5String(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.IA5String
Construct from a char array.
IA5String(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.IA5String
Construct from a String.
IA5STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for IA5String type is 22.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.BERCoder
The ID string identifies BER encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.COERCoder
The ID string identifies COER encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.CPERAlignedCoder
The ID string identifies Canonical PERAligned encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.CPERUnalignedCoder
The ID string identifies Canonical PERUnaligned encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.CXERCoder
The ID string identifies CXER encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.DERCoder
The ID string identifies DER encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
The ID string identifies JSON encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.OERCoder
The ID string identifies OER encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.PERAlignedCoder
The ID string identifies PERAligned encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.PERUnalignedCoder
The ID string identifies PERUnaligned encoding rules.
ID - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
The ID string identifies XER encoding rules.
Identification() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The default constructor.
includeValueAssignment() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Specify that the value is formatted as an ASN.1 value assignment.
includeXMLDeclaration() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Make the XML document contain the initial XML declaration (XER only).
includeXMLDeclaration() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Make the XML document contain the initial XML declaration.
indentlevel - Static variable in class com.oss.util.SampleUtil
Indentation level.
InfoObject - Class in com.oss.asn1
The InfoObject class represents the ASN.1 InfoObject class type.
InfoObject() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.InfoObject
The default constructor.
InfoObjectSet<T extends InfoObject> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The InfoObjectSet class represents a set of information objects of the appropriate information object class.
InfoObjectSet() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
The default constructor.
InfoObjectSet(T[], int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Construct an instance of InfoObjectSet from an array of information objects and flags.
InfoObjectSet(T[], int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Construct an instance of InfoObjectSet from an array of information objects, flags and a name.
initialize() - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.ASN1Project
Native Java compatibility dummy function.
insert(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Insert an Element into this SET OF at specified index.
insert(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Insert an Element into this SEQUENCE OF at specified index.
insert(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Insert an Element into this SET OF at specified index.
insert(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Insert an Element into this SET OF at specified index.
insertObject(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Insert an information object to the container at the index if the InfoObjectSet is extensible.
intArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of int.
intArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get an int array containing the components of this object.
intArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Get an int array containing the components of 'this' object.
intArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of int.
intArrayValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Get the value of 'this' object as an array of int.
INTEGER - Class in com.oss.asn1
The INTEGER class represents the ASN.1 INTEGER type.
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for INTEGER type is 2.
INTEGER() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
The default constructor.
INTEGER(int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Construct from an int.
INTEGER(long) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Construct from a long.
INTEGER(short) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Construct from a short.
intValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Get the value of 'this' object as an int.
intValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Get the value of 'this' object as an int.
isConstructed() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Indicates whether or not the value is constructed.
isContainedValuesWrappingEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
isDebuggingEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Indicates how errors in the value are handled.
isDebuggingEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Indicates how errors in the value are handled.
isEncodable() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Tells if this AbstractData can be encoded/decoded.
isExtensible() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Check whether 'this' InfoObjectSet corresponds to an extensible information object set.
isMultilineEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Get current setting of multi-line printing.
isMultilinePrintingEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Get current setting of multi-line printing.
isNaN() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Detect if the current value is NaN (NOT-A-NUMBER).
isNaN() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Detect if the current value is NaN (NOT-A-NUMBER).
isNaN() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Detect if the current value is NaN (NOT-A-NUMBER).
isNegativeInfinity() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Detect if the current value is -INFINITY.
isNegativeInfinity() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Detect if the current value is -INFINITY.
isNegativeInfinity() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Detect if the current value is -INFINITY.
isNegativeZero() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Detect if the current value is negative zero (-0).
isNegativeZero() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Detect if the current value is negative zero (-0).
isNegativeZero() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Detect if the current value is negative zero (-0).
ISO8601Date - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601Date class represents the ASN.1 DATE type
ISO8601Date() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
The default constructor.
ISO8601Date(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Constructs date value from year, month and day components.
ISO8601Date(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Constructs date value from a string.
ISO8601DateTime - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601DateTime class represents the ASN.1 DATE-TIME type
ISO8601DateTime() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
The default constructor.
ISO8601DateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Constructs time of day value hour, minute and second components.
ISO8601DateTime(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Constructs time of day value from a string.
ISO8601Duration - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601Duration class represents the ASN.1 DURATION type.
ISO8601Duration() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
The default constructor.
ISO8601Duration(int, int, int, int, int, int, ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Constructs duration value from years, months, days, hour, minutes, seconds and fractional part components.
ISO8601Duration(int, ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Constructs duration value weeks and fractional part components.
ISO8601Duration(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Constructs duration value from a string.
ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part - Class in com.oss.asn1
Class Fractional_part represents a duration's fractional part.
ISO8601String - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601String class represents the ASN.1 TIME type
ISO8601String() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601String
The default constructor.
ISO8601String(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601String
Construct from a char array.
ISO8601String(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601String
Construct from a String.
ISO8601TimeInterface - Interface in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601TimeInterface interface define methods for accessing integer fields inside parsed representations of ISO8601 time instants and durations.
ISO8601TimeOfDay - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ISO8601TimeOfDay class represents the ASN.1 TIME-OF-DAY type
ISO8601TimeOfDay() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
The default constructor.
ISO8601TimeOfDay(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Constructs time of day value hour, minute and second components.
ISO8601TimeOfDay(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Constructs time of day value from a string.
isPDU() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Tells if this AbstractData represents a PDU.
isPDUDetectionAvailable() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Indicates if the coder is capable of automatically detecting the type of the incoming PDU.
isPduWrappingEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
isPositiveInfinity() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Detect if the current value is +INFINITY.
isPositiveInfinity() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Detect if the current value is +INFINITY.
isPositiveInfinity() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Detect if the current value is +INFINITY.
isPrintingAsValueAssignmentEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Indicates whether the value is printed as a value assignment.
isPrintingOfImpliedValuesEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Indicates whether DEFAULT values should be included into the output even if were not explicitly specified.
isPrintingOfImpliedValuesEnabled() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Indicates whether DEFAULT values should be included into the output even if were not explicitly specified.
isPrintTitles() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Get the value of printTitles.
isUnknownEnumerator() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Checks if the object is the result of decoding an unknown enumerated value of extensible enumerated type.
isUnknownEnumerator() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeEnumerated
Checks if the object is the result of decoding unknown enumerated value of extensible enumerated type.
isUnknownExtensionFound() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
isValid() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Provides constraint checking of 'this' object.
isValueAssignmentIncluded() - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Indicates whether the value is formatted as a value assignment.
isZero() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Detect if the current value is zero (0).
isZero() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Detect if the current value is zero (0).
isZero() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Detect if the current value is zero (0).
iterator() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Returns an iterator over the elements in this SET OF in proper sequence.
iterator() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Returns an iterator over the elements in this SET OF in proper sequence.


JSON - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
JSON Encoding Rules (JSON)
JSON2BinaryConvertor - Class in com.oss.asn1
The JSON2BinaryConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert JSON data encoded by the JSON Encoding Rules into binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules.
JSON2BinaryConvertor(JSONCoder, BinaryCoder) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.JSON2BinaryConvertor
Construct with two coder objects
JSONCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for JSON Encoding Rules (JSON/ER).


length - Variable in class com.oss.util.BERTool.TLV
The number of octets occupied by the value or -1 when the value contains an indefinite BER encoding length.
length(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
length(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when a length is parsed.
length(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
length(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
length(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
LESS_THAN - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Returned by compareTo() if the value of the object calling compareTo() is less than the value of the object being passed to compareTo().
longValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Get the value of 'this' object.
longValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Get the value of 'this' object as a long.
longValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Get the value of 'this' object as a long.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Runs the OSS Type-Length-Value(TLV) Print Utility.
MINUS_INFINITY - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
The constant used to specify the ASN.1 REAL value, MINUS-INFINITY.
MINUS_INFINITY - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.Real
The constant used to specify the ASN.1 REAL value, MINUS-INFINITY.
MixedReal - Class in com.oss.asn1
The MixedReal class represents the ASN.1 REAL type with the MIXED directive.
MixedReal() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
The default constructor.
MixedReal(double) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Construct from a double.
MixedReal(float) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Construct from a float.
MixedReal(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Construct from a String.
multiply(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Multiplies this number by another number.


name() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Enumerated
Returns the name of this enumerator.
newInstance() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.ASN1Type
Returns an instance of the class representing an ASN.1 type.
newline(PrintStream, int) - Static method in class com.oss.util.SampleUtil
Starts new line of output and performs indentation.
NOT_A_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
The constant used to specify the ASN.1 REAL value, NOT-A-NUMBER.
NOT_A_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.Real
The constant used to specify the ASN.1 REAL value, NOT-A-NUMBER.
Null - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Null class represents the ASN.1 NULL type.
Null() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.Null
The default constructor.
NULL - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for NULL type is 5.
numberOfSamples() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns the current setting for the number of samples to collect.
numberOfSamples(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Sets the number of samples to collect.
numberOfUnknownExtensions() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.RelaySafe
This method returns the number of unknown extensions, available for relaying.
numberOfUnknownExtensions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSequence
Returns number of unknown extensions available for relaying.
numberOfUnknownExtensions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSet
Returns number of unknown extensions available for relaying.
numComponents() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractCollection
Get the number of components in the AbstractCollection.
NUMERIC_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for NumericString type is 18.
NumericString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The NumericString class represents the ASN.1 NumericString type.
NumericString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.NumericString
The default constructor.
NumericString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.NumericString
Construct from a char array.
NumericString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.NumericString
Construct from a String.


OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for ObjectDescriptor type is 7.
OBJECT_IDENTIFIER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for OBJECT IDENTIFIER type is 6
ObjectDescriptor - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ObjectDescriptor class represents the ASN.1 ObjectDescriptor type.
ObjectDescriptor() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectDescriptor
The default constructor.
ObjectDescriptor(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectDescriptor
Construct from a String.
ObjectDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectDescriptor
Construct from a String.
ObjectIdentifier - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ObjectIdentifier class represents the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.
ObjectIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifier
The default constructor.
ObjectIdentifier(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifier
Construct from a byte array.
ObjectIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifier
Construct from a String.
ObjectIdentifierIri - Class in com.oss.asn1
The ObjectIdentifierIri class represents the ASN.1 OID-IRI type.
ObjectIdentifierIri() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifierIri
The default constructor.
ObjectIdentifierIri(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifierIri
Construct from a char array.
ObjectIdentifierIri(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.ObjectIdentifierIri
Construct from a String.
objects() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Get an Enumeration of the elements stored in the container.
octet_aligned_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Class constants identified chosen component.
OCTET_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for OCTET STRING type is 4.
octetAligned_Chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Class constants identified chosen component.
OctetString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The OctetString class represents the ASN.1 OCTET STRING type.
OctetString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OctetString
The default constructor.
OctetString(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OctetString
Construct from a byte[].
OER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Octet Encoding Rules (OER)
OERCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for Octet Encoding Rules (OER).
OID_IRI - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for OID-IRI type is 35.
OpenType - Class in com.oss.asn1
The OpenType class represents the ASN.1 ANY and the open type.
OpenType() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
The default constructor.
OpenType(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Construct an instance of this class with a byte array that represents the encoding of a valid ASN.1 type.
OpenType(byte[], TransferSyntax) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Construct an instance of this class with a byte array that represents the encoding of a valid ASN.1 type.
OpenType(AbstractData) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Construct an instance of this class with an AbstractData object that represents an unencoded value of a valid ASN.1 type.
OpenType(AbstractData, Coder) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Construct an instance of this class with a PDU object reference that represents the un-encoded value of a valid ASN.1 type.


parseBCD(String) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Parses a string containing an unsigned decimal number and converts it to the Binary-Coded Decimal representation.
parseHex(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Takes a string of hexadecimal digits and converts the string to a byte array.
parseHstring(String) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Takes a string that contains ASN.1 value notation for the OCTET STRING and converts it to the byte array.
parseIPAddress(String) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Take a textual IP address, convert it to the binary format and return the result in a byte[] array.
parseTAP3BCD(String) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Parses a string containing one or more '0'-'9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' and 'e' digits and converts it to the Binary-Coded Decimal representation.
parseTBCD(String) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Parses a string containing one or more '0'-'9', 'a', 'b', 'c', '+' and '#' digits and converts it to the Telephony Binary-Coded Decimal representation.
parseTime(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Takes formatted string that contains the value of time type, splits the string to the components and initializes the instance of the AbstractTime class, passed as a parameter.
parseTime(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Takes formatted string that contains the value of GeneralizedTime, splits the string to the components and initializes the instance of the AbstractTime class, passed as a parameter.
parseTime(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Takes formatted string that contains the value of UTCTime, splits the string to the components and initializes the instance of the AbstractTime class, passed as a parameter.
parseTime(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Takes formatted string that contains the value of AbstractISO8601Time, splits the string to the components and initializes the instance of the AbstractISO8601Time class, passed as a parameter.
parseTime(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Takes formatted string that contains the value of ISO8601Date, splits the string to the components and initializes this instance of the ISO8601Date class.
parseTime(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Takes formatted string that contains the value of ISO8601DateTime, splits the string to the components and initializes this instance of the ISO8601DateTime class.
parseTime(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Takes formatted string that contains the value of ISO8601Duration, splits the string to the components and initializes this instance of the ISO8601Duration class.
parseTime(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Takes formatted string that contains the value of ISO8601TimeOfDay, splits the string to the components and initializes this instance of the ISO8601TimeOfDay class.
PER_ALIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Packed Encoding Rules (PER - Aligned)
PER_UNALIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Packed Encoding Rules (PER - Unaligned)
PERAlignedCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for ALIGNED variant of Packed Encoding Rules (PER).
PERUnalignedCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for UNALIGNED variant of Packed Encoding Rules (PER).
PLUS_INFINITY - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
The constant used to specify the ASN.1 REAL value, PLUS-INFINITY.
PLUS_INFINITY - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.Real
The constant used to specify the ASN.1 REAL value, PLUS-INFINITY.
presentation_context_id_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Class constant to identify the chosen component.
print(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Print the instance of AbstractData in ASN.1 value notation format.
print(Object) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Overrides the method of the superclass to handle the obj that is the instance of the AbstractData in a special way.
PRINTABLE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for PrintableString type is 19.
PrintableString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The PrintableString class represents the ASN.1 PrintableString type.
PrintableString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.PrintableString
The default constructor.
PrintableString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.PrintableString
Construct from a char array.
PrintableString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.PrintableString
Construct from a String.
printHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Print the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
printHex(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.oss.util.HexTool
Print the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
println(Object) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Overrides the method of the superclass to handle the obj that is the instance of the AbstractData in a special way.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception com.oss.asn1.AbstractException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.TagClass
The private BER tag class


readFrom(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.TLV
Creates an instance by reading it from a ByteBuffer.
readResolve() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeEnumerated
For serializable classes, the readResolve method allows a class to replace/resolve the object read from the stream before it is returned to the caller.
readTLV(InputStream) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.BERReader
Reads a complete BER encoding from an input stream and returns it as an array of bytes.
readValue(AVNInput, T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Parses the value notation or the value assignment from the input.
readValue(String, T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Parses the value notation or the value assignment from the input.
readValueAssignment(AVNInput) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Parses the next value assignment from the input or returns null if the end of the input is reached.
readValueAssignment(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Parses the next value assignment from the input or returns null if the end of the input is reached.
Real - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Real class represents the ASN.1 REAL type.
Real() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.Real
The default constructor.
Real(double) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.Real
Construct from a double.
Real(float) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.Real
Construct from a float.
REAL - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for REAL type is 9.
RELATIVE_OID - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for RELATIVE-OID type is 13.
RELATIVE_OID_IRI - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for RELATIVE-OID-IRI type is 36.
RelativeObjectIdentifier - Class in com.oss.asn1
The RelativeObjectIdentifier class represents the ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID type.C
RelativeObjectIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifier
The default constructor.
RelativeObjectIdentifier(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifier
Construct from a byte array.
RelativeObjectIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifier
Construct from a String.
RelativeObjectIdentifierIri - Class in com.oss.asn1
The RelativeObjectIdentifierIri class represents the ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID-IRI type.
RelativeObjectIdentifierIri() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifierIri
The default constructor.
RelativeObjectIdentifierIri(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifierIri
Construct from a char array.
RelativeObjectIdentifierIri(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelativeObjectIdentifierIri
Construct from a String.
RelaySafe - Interface in com.oss.asn1
The RelaySafe interface defines the set of methods required to support relay-safe coding.
RelaySafeChoice - Class in com.oss.asn1
The RelaySafeChoice class represents the ASN.1 CHOICE type but has additional ability to store unknown extension and make it available for further relaying.
RelaySafeChoice() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
The default constructor.
RelaySafeChoice(AbstractData) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Construct a RelaySafeChoice with the chosen component.
RelaySafeChoice(AbstractData, int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Construct a RelaySafeChoice with the chosen component.
RelaySafeEnumerated - Class in com.oss.asn1
The RelaySafeEnumerated class represents the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type and is able to store an unknown extension for further relaying.
RelaySafeEnumerated() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeEnumerated
The default constructor.
RelaySafeEnumerated(long) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeEnumerated
Construct with a long value.
RelaySafeSequence - Class in com.oss.asn1
The RelaySafeSequence class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE type but has additional ability to store unknown extensions and make them available to coder for further relaying.
RelaySafeSet - Class in com.oss.asn1
The RelaySafeSet class represents the ASN.1 SET type but has additionally the ability to store unknown extensions and make them available to the coder for further relaying.
remainder(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Computes the remainder from division of this number by another number.
remove(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Remove the AbstractData object identified by its index from the container.
remove(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Remove the AbstractData object identified by its index from the container.
remove(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Remove the AbstractData object identified by its index from the container.
remove(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Remove the AbstractData object identified by its index from the container.
remove(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Remove an Element from this SET OF.
remove(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Remove an Element from this SEQUENCE OF.
remove(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Remove an Element from this SET OF.
remove(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Remove an Element from this SET OF.
removeAllElements() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractContainer
Remove all AbstractData object elements from the container.
removeAllElements() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Remove all AbstractData object elements from the container.
removeAllElements() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Remove all AbstractData object elements from the container.
removeAllElements() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Remove all AbstractData object elements from the container.
removeAllElements() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Remove all AbstractData object elements from the container.
removeAllObjects() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Remove all AbstractData object elements from the container.
removeAllUnknownExtensions() - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.RelaySafe
This method is supposed to remove all unknown extensions, saved for relaying.
removeAllUnknownExtensions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSequence
Removes all unknown extensions, saved for relaying.
removeAllUnknownExtensions() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeSet
Removes all unknown extensions, saved for the relaying.
removeObject(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Remove the information object, which object reference matches the reference of the input object, from this information object set.
RESERVED15 - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The reserved universal tag number type is 15.
resetDefaults() - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Resets class wide defaults to built-in values.
run() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Runs encoder and decoder performance tests.


SampleUtil - Class in com.oss.util
This class is used as base class for compiler-generated sample code classes.
SampleUtil() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.SampleUtil
samplingTime() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns the current setting for the sampling interval.
samplingTime(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Sets the duration of sampling interval.
Sequence - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Sequence class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE type.
SEQUENCE - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for SEQUENCE type is 16.
SequenceOf<T extends AbstractData> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The SequenceOf class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF type
SequenceOfDeferred<T extends AbstractData> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The SetOfDeferred class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF type with a component type that has --<ASN1.DeferDecoding>-- directive.
set(int, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Set field value.
set(int, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set field value.
set(int, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set field value.
set(int, int) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeInterface
Set a field value.
set(int, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Set field value.
set(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOf
Set (replace) an Element in the SET OF.
set(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SequenceOfDeferred
Set (replace) an Element in the SEQUENCE OF.
set(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOf
Set (replace) an Element in the SET OF.
set(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.SetOfDeferred
Set (replace) an Element in the SET OF.
Set - Class in com.oss.asn1
The Set class represents the ASN.1 SET type.
SET - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for SET type is 17.
setAbstract(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
The mutator for the field "abstract".
setArbitrary(BitString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
The mutator for the field "arbitrary" in Encoding.
setBeginDataResponse(ContentHandler.Response) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Set Response object to be returned by ContentHandler.getBeginDataResponse()
setBeginInfoResponse(ContentHandler.Response) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Set Response object to be returned by ContentHandler.getBeginInfoResponse()
setBit(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Set a bit, identified by an index, to 1.
setBytesPerLine(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
Sets the value of bytesPerLine.
setChosenValue(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeChoice
Overrides the setChosenValue method of the superclass to clean up the unknown extension.
setContainedValue(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Set the value to the interpreted form (the value of the contained ASN.1 type).
setContainedValue(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Set the value to the interpreted form (the value of the contained ASN.1 type).
setContentType(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Set content type of this content handler.
setContext_negotiation(EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "context-negotiation" in Identification.
setData_value(OctetString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
The mutator for the field "data-value".
setData_value_descriptor(ObjectDescriptor) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The mutator for the OPTIONAL field "data-value-descriptor", marking it as present.
setDataValueDescriptor(ObjectDescriptor) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
setDay(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the day component of 'this' object.
setDay(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Set the day component of 'this' object.
setDay(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set the day component of 'this' object.
setDays(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the days component of 'this' object.
setDecodedValue(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractOpenType
Set the unencoded data of a valid ASN.1 type.
setDecodedValue(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Set the unencoded data of a valid ASN.1 type.
setDecodedValue(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingBitString
Set the value to the interpreted form (the value of the contained ASN.1 type).
setDecodedValue(T) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContainingOctetString
Set the value to the interpreted form (the value of the contained ASN.1 type).
setDecoder(BinaryCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Binary2JSONConvertor
Set Binary decoder
setDecoder(BinaryCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Binary2XMLConvertor
Set Binary decoder
setDecoder(Coder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
Set decoder object that will be used to decode the input stream
setDecoder(JSONCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSON2BinaryConvertor
Set JSON decoder
setDecoder(XMLCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XML2BinaryConvertor
Set XML decoder
setDecoderDebugOut(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Redirect the decoder's diagnostic output to a character-output stream.
setDecoderDebugProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Specify settings of the decoder's debugger.
setDefaultIndentWidth(int) - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Specifies the value for the indent width.
setDefaultTruncationLimit(int) - Static method in class com.oss.util.BERTool
Specifies the value for the truncation limit that will be used to truncate long contents strings.
setDigits(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Set the digits component of 'this' object.
setDirect_reference(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The mutator for the OPTIONAL field "direct-reference", marking it as present.
setDirectReference(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
setEncodedValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Set the encoded data, an encoding of a valid ASN.1 type.
setEncodedValue(byte[], TransferSyntax) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.OpenType
Set the encoded data, an encoding of a valid ASN.1 type.
setEncoder(BinaryCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSON2BinaryConvertor
Set output Binary encoder
setEncoder(BinaryCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XML2BinaryConvertor
Set output Binary encoder
setEncoder(Coder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EncodingRuleConvertor
Set encoder object that will be used to re-encode to the output stream
setEncoder(JSONCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Binary2JSONConvertor
Set output JSON encoder
setEncoder(XMLCoder) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Binary2XMLConvertor
Set output XML encoder
setEncoderDebugOut(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Redirect the encoder's diagnostic output to a character-output stream.
setEncoderDebugProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Specify settings of the encoder's debugger.
setEncoding(External.Encoding) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The mutator for the field "encoding".
setEndDataResponse(ContentHandler.Response) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Set Response object to be returned by ContentHandler.getEndDataResponse()
setEndInfoResponse(ContentHandler.Response) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler
Set Response object to be returned by ContentHandler.getEndInfoResponse()
setFixed(Null) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "fixed" in Identification.
setFractional_part(ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the fractional part component of 'this' object.
setHour(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the hour component of 'this' object.
setHour(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set the hour component of 'this' object.
setHour(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Set the hour component of 'this' object.
setHours(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the hours component of 'this' object.
setIdentification(EmbeddedPDV.Identification) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
The mutator for the field "identification".
setIdentification(EmbeddedPDV.Identification) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
The mutator for the field "identification".
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Set indentation width for generating whitespace (JSON and XER only)
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.JSONCoder
Set indentation width for generating whitespace
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.XERCoder
Set indentation width for generating whitespace
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Set the width of one indent level.
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
Sets the value of the indent width.
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Sets the value of the indent width.
setIndirect_reference(long) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The mutator for the OPTIONAL field "indirect-reference", marking it as present.
setIndirect_reference(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
The mutator for the OPTIONAL field "indirect-reference", marking it as present.
setIndirectReference(long) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
setIndirectReference(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External
setIsUTCTime(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Specify that this GeneralizedTime should represent UTCTime.
setMillisecond(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Set the millisecond component of 'this' object.
setMinute(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the minutes component of 'this' object.
setMinute(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set the minutes component of 'this' object.
setMinute(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Set the minutes component of 'this' object.
setMinuteDifferential(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the minutes-differential component of 'this' object.
setMinuteDifferential(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Set the minute-differential component of 'this' object if the isUTCTime flag is false.
setMinutes(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the minutes component of 'this' object.
setMonth(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the month component of 'this' object.
setMonth(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Set the month component of 'this' object.
setMonth(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set the month component of 'this' object.
setMonths(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the months component of 'this' object.
setNumberOfSamples(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
setObject(T, int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObjectSet
Set the Element at the index in the container to the new element.
setOctet_aligned(OctetString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
The mutator for the field "octet-aligned" in Encoding.
setOctetAligned(OctetString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
SetOf<T extends AbstractData> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The SetOf class represents the ASN.1 SET OF type
SetOfDeferred<T extends AbstractData> - Class in com.oss.asn1
The SetOfDeferred class represents the ASN.1 SET OF type with a component type that has --<ASN1.DeferDecoding>-- directive.
setPresentation_context_id(long) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
The mutator for the field "presentation-context-id".
setPresentation_context_id(long) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "presentation-context-id" in Identification.
setPresentation_context_id(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
The mutator for the field "presentation-context-id".
setPresentation_context_id(INTEGER) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "presentation-context-id" in Identification.
setPrintTitles(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Set the value of printTitles.
setRecursionLimit(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ValueNotationReader
Limits the depth of recursive calls when the ASN.1 schema includes types with circular definitions.
setRelayId(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.RelaySafeEnumerated
Set the identification of the transfer syntax.
setRelayID(String) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.RelaySafe
The contract for this method is to save the identification of the decoder that decoded unknown extensions to prevent erroneous relaying using incompatible transfer syntax.
setSamplingTime(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
setSecond(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the seconds component of 'this' object.
setSecond(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set the seconds component of 'this' object.
setSecond(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Set the seconds component of 'this' object.
setSeconds(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the seconds component of 'this' object.
setSignificantBits(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Set the significant bits of BitString.
setSingle_ASN1_type(OpenType) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
The mutator for the field "single-ASN1-type" in Encoding.
setSingleASN1Type(OpenType) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
setString_value(OctetString) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
The mutator for the field "string-value".
setSyntax(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "syntax" in Identification.
setSyntaxes(EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "syntaxes" in Identification.
setTransfer(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
The mutator for the field "transfer".
setTransfer_syntax(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
The mutator for the field "transfer-syntax".
setTransfer_syntax(ObjectIdentifier) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
The mutator for the field "transfer-syntax" in Identification.
setTruncationLimit(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1PrintWriter
Set the truncation limit.
setTruncationLimit(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.ASN1ValueFormat
Set the truncation limit.
setTruncationLimit(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
Sets the value of truncationLimit.
setTruncationLimit(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
Sets the value of truncationLimit.
setTruncationLimit(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Sets the value of truncationLimit.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Set the value of 'this' object to a boolean.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractBinary
Set the value of 'this' object to the value of the Java type byte[].
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractObjectIdentifier
Set the value of 'this' object to a byte array.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Set the value of this object to a byte[].
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Set the value of 'this' object to a byte array.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Set the value of 'this' object to a byte array.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(byte[], int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BitString
Set the value of this object to a byte[].
setValue(char[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(char[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(char[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(char[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(char[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(double) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Set the value of 'this' object from a double value.
setValue(double) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Set the value of 'this' object from a double value.
setValue(double) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Set the value of 'this' object to a double value.
setValue(float) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Set the value of 'this' object from a float value.
setValue(float) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Set the value of 'this' object from a float value.
setValue(float) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Set the value of 'this' object to a float value.
setValue(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Set the value of 'this' object to a short.
setValue(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration.Fractional_part
Set the value component of 'this' object.
setValue(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Set the value of 'this' object to a short.
setValue(int[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Set the value of 'this' object to an int[].
setValue(int[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the value of an AbstractTime object from an array of int that contains the year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and minutes-differential.
setValue(int[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Set the value of 'this' object to an array of char.
setValue(int[]) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Set the value of 'this' object to an int array.
setValue(int[], boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Set the value of a GeneralizedTime from an array of int that contains the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, minute-differential and millisecond.
setValue(long) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Set the value of 'this' object to a short.
setValue(long) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Set the value of 'this' object to a short.
setValue(short) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Set the value of 'this' object to a short.
setValue(short) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Set the value of 'this' object to a short.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the TIME.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
Set the value of 'this' object to a String.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Set the value of 'this' object to a String.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Set the value of 'this' object to a String.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DecimalReal
Set the value of 'this' object by converting the input String value into a double.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the GeneralizedTime.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the DATE.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the DATE-TIME.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the DURATION.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the TIME-OF-DAY.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.MixedReal
Set the value of 'this' object by converting the input String value into a double.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Real
Set the value of 'this' object by converting the input String value into a double.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Set an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the UTCTime.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Set the value of 'this' object to a String.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Set the value of 'this' object to a String.
setValue(BigInteger) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.HugeInteger
Set the value of 'this' object to a java.math.BigInteger.
setWarmupTime(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
setWeeks(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the weeks component of 'this' object.
setYear(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Set the year component of 'this' object.
setYear(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Set the year component of 'this' object.
setYear(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Set the year component of 'this' object.
setYears(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Set the years component of 'this' object.
shiftLeft(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Shifts this number by the specified number of bits to the left.
shiftRight(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Does unsigned shift of this number by the specified number of bits to the right.
shortValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.INTEGER
Get the value of 'this' object as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Get the value of 'this' object as a short.
single_ASN1_type_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Class constants identified chosen component.
singleASN1Type_Chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.External.Encoding
Class constants identifying chosen component.
size() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractContainer
It was replaced by the new method getSize().
skip(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
skip(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when a misencoded value is skipped.
skip(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
skip(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
skip(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
SKIP - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response
Specifies that partial decoding should be continued with suppressing all other callbacks either upto the end of current field or upto the whole PDU end, depending on whether the SKIP response is returned from a "begin" callback or from an "end" callback.
stringValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString
Get the value of 'this' object as a String.
stringValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString16
Get the value of 'this' object as a String.
stringValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractString32
Get the value of 'this' object as a String.
stringValue() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Get the value of 'this' object as a String.
subtract(UNSIGNED) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Computes the difference between two numbers.
syntax_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Class constant to identify the chosen component.
SyntaxBuilder(PrintStream) - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
Constructs a new syntax-TLV dump builder, which is used to dump data from a specified byte buffer source to a specified print stream sink.
Syntaxes() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
The default constructor.
Syntaxes(ObjectIdentifier, ObjectIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
Construct with components.
syntaxes_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Class constant to identify the chosen component.


tag - Variable in class com.oss.util.BERTool.TLV
The BER tag.
tag(ByteBuffer, BERTool.Tag) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.DecomposedBuilder
tag(ByteBuffer, BERTool.Tag) - Method in interface com.oss.util.BERTool.DumpBuilder
Invoked when a tag is parsed.
tag(ByteBuffer, BERTool.Tag) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.ExtendedDumpBuilder
tag(ByteBuffer, BERTool.Tag) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.HexBuilder
tag(ByteBuffer, BERTool.Tag) - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.SyntaxBuilder
TELETEX_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for TeletexString type is 20.
TeletexString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The TeletexString class represents the ASN.1 TeletexString type.
TeletexString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.TeletexString
The default constructor.
TeletexString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.TeletexString
Construct from a char array.
TeletexString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.TeletexString
Construct from a String.
TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for TIME type is 14.
TIME_OF_DAY - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for TIME-OF-DAY type is 32.
TLV() - Constructor for class com.oss.util.BERTool.TLV
TLVDumpException(String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.util.BERTool.TLVDumpException
toBCD(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Converts a Binary-Coded Decimal that is stored in the byte[] to a decimal number.
toDate() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Get a Java Date object primed with the data from 'this' AbstractISO8601Time object.
toDate() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get a Java Date object primed with the data from 'this' AbstractTime object.
toDate(Calendar) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Get a Java Date object primed with the data from 'this' AbstractISO8601Time object using the calendar "calendar".
toDate(Calendar) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Get a Java Date object primed with the data from 'this' AbstractTime object using the calendar "calendar".
toDate(Calendar) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Get a Java Date object primed with the data from 'this' AbstractTime object using the calendar "calendar".
toFormattedString(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Converts the instance of ISO8601TimeInterface to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
toFormattedString(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Date
Converts the instance of ISO8601TimeInterface to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
toFormattedString(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601DateTime
Converts this instance of ISO8601TimeInterface to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
toFormattedString(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601Duration
Converts this instance of ISO8601TimeInterface to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
toFormattedString(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601TimeOfDay
Converts this instance of ISO8601TimeInterface to the formatted string, suitable for the encoding.
toIPAddress(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Convert a binary IP address to text format.
toString() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Provides the conversion of 'this' object into the Java String object containing the ASN.1 value notation format.
toString() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.InfoObject
Provides the conversion of 'this' object into the Java String object containing the ASN.1 value notation format.
toString() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Return the name of this implementation of the Coder.
toString() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Converts this unsigned number to a String.
toString() - Method in class com.oss.util.BERTool.Tag
Gets the ASN.1 syntax of this tag as a string.
toString() - Method in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
toString(ASN1ValueFormat) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractData
Provides the conversion of 'this' object into the Java String object containing the ASN.1 value notation format.
toTAP3BCD(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Converts a TAP3 Binary-Coded Decimal that is stored in the byte[] to text format.
toTBCD(byte[]) - Static method in class com.oss.util.ByteTool
Converts a Telephony Binary-Coded Decimal (TBCD) that is stored in the byte[] to the text format.
transfer_syntax_chosen - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification
Class constant to identify the chosen component.
TransferSyntax - Enum Class in com.oss.asn1
Enumerated identifiers for all the ASN.1 encoding rules (transfer syntaxes) that are supported by the OSS Java runtime.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.BOOLEAN
Constant used to specify the TRUE BOOLEAN value.


UniqueKey<T extends AbstractData> - Interface in com.oss.asn1
The contract for the UniqueKey interface is that the value uniquely identifying the object is returned.
UNIVERSAL - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.TagClass
The universal BER tag class
UniversalString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The UniversalString class represents the ASN.1 UniversalString type.
UniversalString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UniversalString
The default constructor.
UniversalString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UniversalString
Construct from a char array.
UniversalString(int[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UniversalString
Construct from an int array.
UniversalString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UniversalString
Construct from a String.
UNIVERSALSTRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for UniversalString type is 28.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for unknown type is 0.
UnrestrCharacterString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The UnrestrCharacterString class represents the ASN.1 CHARACTER STRING type.
UnrestrCharacterString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
The default constructor.
UnrestrCharacterString(EmbeddedPDV.Identification, OctetString) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Construct with components.
UNSIGNED - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class is used to represent non-negative (unsigned) 64-bit integer numbers.
UNSIGNED() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
The default constructor.
UNSIGNED(int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Construct from an int.
UNSIGNED(long) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Construct from a long.
UNSIGNED(short) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Construct from a short.
UNSIGNED(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UNSIGNED
Construct from a String.
useDefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BERCoder
Use Definite Length Encoding when encoding with the Basic Encoding Rules.
useDefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Use Definite Length Encoding when encoding with the Basic Encoding Rules (BER ONLY).
useIndefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BERCoder
Use Indefinite Length Encoding when encoding with the Basic Encoding Rules.
useIndefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Use Indefinite Length Encoding when encoding with the Basic Encoding Rules (BER ONLY).
usingDefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.BERCoder
Determine whether DEFINITE length encoding is in effect.
usingDefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Determine whether DEFINITE length encoding is in effect (BER Only).
usingDefiniteLengthEncoding() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.DERCoder
Determine whether DEFINITE length encoding is in effect.
UTC_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for UTCTime type is 23.
UTCTime - Class in com.oss.asn1
The UTCTime class represents the ASN.1 UTCTime type
UTCTime() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
The default constructor.
UTCTime(int[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Construct an instance of this class from an int array.
UTCTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Construct from individual time components.
UTCTime(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTCTime
Construct an instance of this class from a String containing value notation of the UTCTime.
UTF8String - Class in com.oss.asn1
The UTF8String class represents the ASN.1 UTF8String type.
UTF8String() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
The default constructor.
UTF8String(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Construct from a byte array.
UTF8String(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Construct from a char array.
UTF8String(int[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Construct from an int array.
UTF8String(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String
Construct from a String.
UTF8STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for UTF8String type is 12.
UTF8String16 - Class in com.oss.asn1
The UTF8String16 class represents the ASN.1 UTF8String type with the BMPSTRING directive.
UTF8String16() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
The default constructor.
UTF8String16(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Construct from a byte array.
UTF8String16(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Construct from a char array.
UTF8String16(int[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Construct from an int array.
UTF8String16(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String16
Construct from a String.
UTF8String32 - Class in com.oss.asn1
The UTF8String32 class represents the ASN.1 UTF8String type with the UNIVERSALSTRING directive.
UTF8String32() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
The default constructor.
UTF8String32(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Construct from a byte array.
UTF8String32(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Construct from a char array.
UTF8String32(int[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Construct from an int array.
UTF8String32(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.UTF8String32
Construct from a String.


validate(AbstractData) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.Coder
Validate a PDU by checking its constraints. This method is deprecated. Use the isValid method of AbstractData class instead.
ValidateFailedException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
ValidateFailedException is thrown by validate() method of coders.
ValidateFailedException(VisitorException) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.ValidateFailedException
Constructs the ValidateFailedException from some other VisitorException
ValidateFailedException(ExceptionDescriptor, String, long) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.ValidateFailedException
Constructs with 'long' additional parameter
ValidateFailedException(ExceptionDescriptor, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.oss.asn1.ValidateFailedException
Constructs with 'String' additional parameter
ValidateNotSupportedException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
An exception thrown when an AbstractData subclass does not support the 'Coder.validate()' method.
validateTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractTime
Does basic sanity checks for the value of time types.
validateTime() - Method in class com.oss.asn1.GeneralizedTime
Overrides basic version of the validateTime to make additional check that the number of milliseconds is in range 0..999.
validateTime(int) - Method in class com.oss.asn1.AbstractISO8601Time
Does basic sanity checks for the value of useful time types.
validateTime(String) - Static method in class com.oss.asn1.ISO8601String
Does basic sanity checks for the value of Time type.
value - Variable in class com.oss.util.BERTool.TLV
Value octets.
VALUE - Static variable in class com.oss.asn1.Null
The single static instance of Null (Singleton)
ValueNotationReader - Class in com.oss.asn1
Implements ASN.1 value notation parser.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.TagClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.oss.asn1.ContentHandler.Response
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.TagClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verbose() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Reports whether progress messages are enabled.
verbose(boolean) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Enables progress messages while the benchmark is executing.
VIDEOTEX_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for VidiotexString type is 21.
VideotexString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The VideotexString class represents the ASN.1 VideotexString type.
VideotexString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.VideotexString
The default constructor.
VideotexString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.VideotexString
Construct from a char array.
VideotexString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.VideotexString
Construct from a String.
VISIBLE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.util.BERTool.ValueType
The universal tag number for VisibleString type is 26.
VisibleString - Class in com.oss.asn1
The VisibleString class represents the ASN.1 VisibleString type.
VisibleString() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.VisibleString
The default constructor.
VisibleString(char[]) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.VisibleString
Construct from a char array.
VisibleString(String) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.VisibleString
Construct from a String.
VisitorException - Exception in com.oss.asn1
The VisitorException class is the base class for all exceptions thrown while executing the Visitor design pattern.


warmupTime() - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Returns the current setting for the warmup timeout of the performance test loop.
warmupTime(int) - Method in class com.oss.util.Benchmark
Sets the warmup timeout for the performance test loop.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.XERWriter
Write the array of bytes.
write(int) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.XERWriter
Write single octet.
write(String) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.XERWriter
Write a string doing UTF8 encoding.
writeChar(int) - Method in interface com.oss.asn1.XERWriter
Write a character doing UTF8 encoding.


XER - Enum constant in enum class com.oss.asn1.TransferSyntax
XML Encoding Rules (XER)
XERCoder - Class in com.oss.asn1
This class implements coding services for XML Encoding Rules (XER).
XERWriter - Interface in com.oss.asn1
This interface defines methods which are used to write XER encodings to a target output stream.
XML2BinaryConvertor - Class in com.oss.asn1
The XML2BinaryConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert XML data encoded with one of the XML Encoding Rules into binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules.
XML2BinaryConvertor(XMLCoder, BinaryCoder) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.XML2BinaryConvertor
Construct with two coder objects
XMLCoder - Interface in com.oss.asn1
This marker interface is implemented by all the XML encoding rules Coder classes
XRelaySafeEnumerated - Class in com.oss.asn1
The XRelaySafeEnumerated class represents the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type and is able to store an unknown extension passed by XER for further relaying.
XRelaySafeEnumerated() - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.XRelaySafeEnumerated
The default constructor.
XRelaySafeEnumerated(long) - Constructor for class com.oss.asn1.XRelaySafeEnumerated
Construct with a long value.


_abstract - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
Keeps the abstract component.
_data_value - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
Represents the data-value field of EMBEDDED-PDV data type
_data_value_descriptor - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.External
Represents the data-value-descriptor field of EXTERNAL type
_direct_reference - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.External
Represents the direct-reference field of EXTERNAL type
_encoding - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.External
Represents the encoding field of EXTERNAL type
_identification - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV
Represents the identification field of EMBEDDED-PDV data type
_identification - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Represents the identification field of CHARACTER STRING type.
_indirect_reference - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.External
Represents the indirect-reference field of EXTERNAL type
_presentation_context_id - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
Keeps the presentation-context-id component.
_string_value - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.UnrestrCharacterString
Represents the string-value field of CHARACTER STRING type.
_transfer - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Syntaxes
Keeps the transfer component.
_transfer_syntax - Variable in class com.oss.asn1.EmbeddedPDV.Identification.Context_negotiation
Keeps transfer-syntax component.
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