All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractBinary class is the common ancestor of BitString and OctetString classes.
The AbstractCollection class is the superclass of Sequence and Set classes.
The AbstractContainer class implements functionality common to SequenceOf and SetOf classes.
The AbstractData class is the base class for all OSS ASN.1/Java universal classes representing ASN.1 types.
The AbstractException class is the base class for all exceptions
The ISO8601Time class implements the functionality common to all ASN.1 useful time types: DATE, TIME-OF-DAY, DATE-TIME and DURATION.
The AbstractObjectIdentifier class is a common superclass for the representations of the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER and RELATIVE-OID types.
The AbstractOpenType class is a common superclass for OpenType and HugeOpenType classes.
AbstractPDU<T extends Enum>
The class is an abstract superclass for compiler-generated project PDU classes.
The Abstract Real class class is the superclass of Real, DecimalReal, and MixedReal classes.
The AbstractString class provides a common ancestor for all of the ASN.1/Java string classes.
The AbstractString16 class implements the functionality common to all ASN.1 CharacterString types with one or two bytes per character.
The AbstractString32 class implements the functionality common to all ASN.1 CharacterString types with four bytes per character.
The AbstractTime class is the superclass of the two ASN.1 time types, GeneralizedTime and UTCTime.
Thrown by PDU class when decoding is impossible due to multiple PDUs are identified by the same tag.
This class is the superclass of all ASN.1 Module classes that are emitted by the ASN.1/Java Compiler.
This utility class is the extended version of the that has the ability to print the instance of AbstractData in the ASN.1 value notation format.
This class is the superclass of all ASN.1 Project classes that are emitted by the ASN.1/Java Compiler.
The contract for the ASN1Type interface is the ability to create instances representing the particular ASN.1 type.
This utility class facilitates customization of the formatted string, returned by the toString(ASN1ValueFormat) method of the AbstractData.
Auxiliary class that is used to provide text input to the ValueNotationReader class.
An exception is thrown when an ObjectIdentifier is constructed from a string of ASN.1 Value Notation that contains a bad arc or has an invalid format.
Helper class to distinguish exceptions that occur while converting the the formatted string to the value of the time type.
The Benchmark is an utility class that can be used for timing the coder.encode() and coder.decode() method calls.
This class implements coding services for Basic Encoding Rules (BER).
BERTool is an OSS Type-Length-Value(TLV) Print Utility and a nested utility class suite.
Thrown when an error is detected in the BER encoded data.
Provides the readTLV() method to read a complete BER encoding from an input stream and return it as an array of bytes.
Implements a BER encoding dump in decomposed-TLV format.
Defines methods that are invoked by the BERTool.dumpTLV(ByteBuffer, DumpBuilder) BER parser.
Implements a BER encoding dump in extended dump format.
Implements a BER encoding dump in hexadecimal-TLV format.
Implements a BER encoding dump in syntax-TLV format.
Represents BER tags.
Represents BER tag class values as Java enumeration objects.
Represents a BER encoding as a TAG, LENGTH, and VALUE triple.
Thrown by the TLVDump.dumpTLV() method in case of unexpected end of data.
Represents BER universal tag numbers as Java enumeration objects.
The Binary2JSONConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules into JSON data encoded by the JSON Encoding Rules.
The Binary2XMLConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules into XML data encoded with one of the XML Encoding Rules.
This marker interface is implemented by all the Binary encoding rules Coder classes
The BitString class represents an ASN.1 BIT STRING, an arbitrarily long string of bits, that may or may not be octet-aligned.
The BMPString class represents the ASN.1 BMPString type.
The BOOLEAN class represents the ASN.1 BOOLEAN type.
This class provides utility methods for testing and manipulating byte arrays.
The Choice class represents the ASN.1 CHOICE type.
This class defines public methods which allow access to the Coding Services of the OSS ASN.1/Java Tools.
This class implements coding services for Canonical Octet Encoding Rules (OER).
The ContainingBitString class represents an ASN.1 BIT STRING that is constrained by a ContentsConstraint.
The ContainingOctetString class represents an ASN.1 OCTET STRING that is constrained by a ContentsConstraint.
The ContentHandler class is used as a superclass of compiler-generated partial decode handlers.
Return codes of event handling methods of a partial decoding handler classes.
This class is provided for compatibility with the OSS/ASN.1 JNI Tools.
This class implements coding services for ALIGNED variant of Canonical Packed Encoding Rules (PER).
This class implements coding services for UNALIGNED variant of Canonical Packed Encoding Rules (CUPER).
This class implements coding services for Canonical XML Encoding Rules (CXER).
The DecimalReal class represents the ASN.1 REAL type with the DECIMAL directive.
DecodeFailedException is thrown by decode() method of Coder.
An exception thrown when an AbstractData subclass does not support the 'decode()' method.
This class implements coding services for Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER).
The EmbeddedPDV class represents the ASN.1 EMBEDDED PDV type.
The Identification class represents the ASN1 type of the identification component.
The Context_negotiation class represents the ASN.1 type of the context-negotiation component in the Identification class.
The Syntaxes class represents the ASN1 type of the syntaxes component in the Identification class.
EncodeFailedException is thrown by encode() method of coders.
An exception thrown when an AbstractData subclass does not support the 'encode()' method.
The EncodingRuleConvertor is used to decode input stream encoded by input encoding rules and re-encode it using output encoding rules.
The Enumerated class represents the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type.
The External class represents the ASN.1 EXTERNAL type.
The External.Encoding class is used by the External class, and represents the External.encoding component, which is an ASN.1 CHOICE.
The GeneralizedTime class represents the ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type.
The GeneralString class represents the ASN.1 GeneralString type.
The GraphicString class represents the ASN.1 GraphicString type.
A utility class for converting binary data to a hexadecimal string.
The HugeInteger class represents the ASN.1 INTEGER type with the HUGE compiler directive applied.
The IA5String class represents the ASN.1 IA5String type.
The InfoObject class represents the ASN.1 InfoObject class type.
The InfoObjectSet class represents a set of information objects of the appropriate information object class.
The INTEGER class represents the ASN.1 INTEGER type.
The ISO8601Date class represents the ASN.1 DATE type
The ISO8601DateTime class represents the ASN.1 DATE-TIME type
The ISO8601Duration class represents the ASN.1 DURATION type.
Class Fractional_part represents a duration's fractional part.
The ISO8601String class represents the ASN.1 TIME type
The ISO8601TimeInterface interface define methods for accessing integer fields inside parsed representations of ISO8601 time instants and durations.
The ISO8601TimeOfDay class represents the ASN.1 TIME-OF-DAY type
The JSON2BinaryConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert JSON data encoded by the JSON Encoding Rules into binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules.
This class implements coding services for JSON Encoding Rules (JSON/ER).
The MixedReal class represents the ASN.1 REAL type with the MIXED directive.
The Null class represents the ASN.1 NULL type.
The NumericString class represents the ASN.1 NumericString type.
The ObjectDescriptor class represents the ASN.1 ObjectDescriptor type.
The ObjectIdentifier class represents the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.
The ObjectIdentifierIri class represents the ASN.1 OID-IRI type.
The OctetString class represents the ASN.1 OCTET STRING type.
This class implements coding services for Octet Encoding Rules (OER).
The OpenType class represents the ASN.1 ANY and the open type.
This class implements coding services for ALIGNED variant of Packed Encoding Rules (PER).
This class implements coding services for UNALIGNED variant of Packed Encoding Rules (PER).
The PrintableString class represents the ASN.1 PrintableString type.
The Real class represents the ASN.1 REAL type.
The RelativeObjectIdentifier class represents the ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID type.C
The RelativeObjectIdentifierIri class represents the ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID-IRI type.
The RelaySafe interface defines the set of methods required to support relay-safe coding.
The RelaySafeChoice class represents the ASN.1 CHOICE type but has additional ability to store unknown extension and make it available for further relaying.
The RelaySafeEnumerated class represents the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type and is able to store an unknown extension for further relaying.
The RelaySafeSequence class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE type but has additional ability to store unknown extensions and make them available to coder for further relaying.
The RelaySafeSet class represents the ASN.1 SET type but has additionally the ability to store unknown extensions and make them available to the coder for further relaying.
This class is used as base class for compiler-generated sample code classes.
The Sequence class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE type.
The SequenceOf class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF type
The SetOfDeferred class represents the ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF type with a component type that has --<ASN1.DeferDecoding>-- directive.
The Set class represents the ASN.1 SET type.
The SetOf class represents the ASN.1 SET OF type
The SetOfDeferred class represents the ASN.1 SET OF type with a component type that has --<ASN1.DeferDecoding>-- directive.
The TeletexString class represents the ASN.1 TeletexString type.
Enumerated identifiers for all the ASN.1 encoding rules (transfer syntaxes) that are supported by the OSS Java runtime.
The contract for the UniqueKey interface is that the value uniquely identifying the object is returned.
The UniversalString class represents the ASN.1 UniversalString type.
The UnrestrCharacterString class represents the ASN.1 CHARACTER STRING type.
This class is used to represent non-negative (unsigned) 64-bit integer numbers.
The UTCTime class represents the ASN.1 UTCTime type
The UTF8String class represents the ASN.1 UTF8String type.
The UTF8String16 class represents the ASN.1 UTF8String type with the BMPSTRING directive.
The UTF8String32 class represents the ASN.1 UTF8String type with the UNIVERSALSTRING directive.
ValidateFailedException is thrown by validate() method of coders.
An exception thrown when an AbstractData subclass does not support the 'Coder.validate()' method.
Implements ASN.1 value notation parser.
The VideotexString class represents the ASN.1 VideotexString type.
The VisibleString class represents the ASN.1 VisibleString type.
The VisitorException class is the base class for all exceptions thrown while executing the Visitor design pattern.
This class implements coding services for XML Encoding Rules (XER).
This interface defines methods which are used to write XER encodings to a target output stream.
The XML2BinaryConvertor is a EncodingRuleConvertor used to convert XML data encoded with one of the XML Encoding Rules into binary data encoded with one of the Binary Encoding Rules.
This marker interface is implemented by all the XML encoding rules Coder classes
The XRelaySafeEnumerated class represents the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type and is able to store an unknown extension passed by XER for further relaying.