Package com.oss.util

Enum Class BERTool.ValueType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<BERTool.ValueType>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum BERTool.ValueType extends Enum<BERTool.ValueType>
Represents BER universal tag numbers as Java enumeration objects.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    The universal tag number for BIT STRING type is 3.
    The universal tag number for BMPString type is 30.
    The universal tag number for BOOLEAN type is 1.
    The universal tag number for CHARACTER STRING type is 29.
    The universal tag number for DATE type is 31.
    The universal tag number for DATE-TIME type is 33.
    The universal tag number for DURATION type is 34.
    The universal tag number for EMBEDDED-PDV type is 11.
    The universal tag number for ENUMERATED type is 10.
    The universal tag number for EXTERNAL type is 8.
    The universal tag number for GeneralString type is 27.
    The universal tag number for GeneralizedTime type is 24.
    The universal tag number for GraphicString type is 25.
    The universal tag number for IA5String type is 22.
    The universal tag number for INTEGER type is 2.
    The universal tag number for NULL type is 5.
    The universal tag number for NumericString type is 18.
    The universal tag number for ObjectDescriptor type is 7.
    The universal tag number for OBJECT IDENTIFIER type is 6
    The universal tag number for OCTET STRING type is 4.
    The universal tag number for OID-IRI type is 35.
    The universal tag number for PrintableString type is 19.
    The universal tag number for REAL type is 9.
    The universal tag number for RELATIVE-OID type is 13.
    The universal tag number for RELATIVE-OID-IRI type is 36.
    The reserved universal tag number type is 15.
    The universal tag number for SEQUENCE type is 16.
    The universal tag number for SET type is 17.
    The universal tag number for TeletexString type is 20.
    The universal tag number for TIME type is 14.
    The universal tag number for TIME-OF-DAY type is 32.
    The universal tag number for UniversalString type is 28.
    The universal tag number for unknown type is 0.
    The universal tag number for UTCTime type is 23.
    The universal tag number for UTF8String type is 12.
    The universal tag number for VidiotexString type is 21.
    The universal tag number for VisibleString type is 26.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    compareTo, describeConstable, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final BERTool.ValueType UNKNOWN
      The universal tag number for unknown type is 0.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType BOOLEAN
      The universal tag number for BOOLEAN type is 1.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType INTEGER
      The universal tag number for INTEGER type is 2.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType BIT_STRING
      The universal tag number for BIT STRING type is 3.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType OCTET_STRING
      The universal tag number for OCTET STRING type is 4.
    • NULL

      public static final BERTool.ValueType NULL
      The universal tag number for NULL type is 5.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType OBJECT_IDENTIFIER
      The universal tag number for OBJECT IDENTIFIER type is 6

      public static final BERTool.ValueType OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR
      The universal tag number for ObjectDescriptor type is 7.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType EXTERNAL
      The universal tag number for EXTERNAL type is 8.
    • REAL

      public static final BERTool.ValueType REAL
      The universal tag number for REAL type is 9.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType ENUMERATED
      The universal tag number for ENUMERATED type is 10.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType EMBEDDED_PDV
      The universal tag number for EMBEDDED-PDV type is 11.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType UTF8STRING
      The universal tag number for UTF8String type is 12.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType RELATIVE_OID
      The universal tag number for RELATIVE-OID type is 13.
    • TIME

      public static final BERTool.ValueType TIME
      The universal tag number for TIME type is 14.
    • RESERVED15

      public static final BERTool.ValueType RESERVED15
      The reserved universal tag number type is 15.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType SEQUENCE
      The universal tag number for SEQUENCE type is 16.
    • SET

      public static final BERTool.ValueType SET
      The universal tag number for SET type is 17.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType NUMERIC_STRING
      The universal tag number for NumericString type is 18.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType PRINTABLE_STRING
      The universal tag number for PrintableString type is 19.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType TELETEX_STRING
      The universal tag number for TeletexString type is 20.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType VIDEOTEX_STRING
      The universal tag number for VidiotexString type is 21.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType IA5STRING
      The universal tag number for IA5String type is 22.
    • UTC_TIME

      public static final BERTool.ValueType UTC_TIME
      The universal tag number for UTCTime type is 23.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType GENERALIZED_TIME
      The universal tag number for GeneralizedTime type is 24.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType GRAPHIC_STRING
      The universal tag number for GraphicString type is 25.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType VISIBLE_STRING
      The universal tag number for VisibleString type is 26.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType GENERAL_STRING
      The universal tag number for GeneralString type is 27.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType UNIVERSALSTRING
      The universal tag number for UniversalString type is 28.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType CHARACTER_STRING
      The universal tag number for CHARACTER STRING type is 29.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType BMPSTRING
      The universal tag number for BMPString type is 30.
    • DATE

      public static final BERTool.ValueType DATE
      The universal tag number for DATE type is 31.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType TIME_OF_DAY
      The universal tag number for TIME-OF-DAY type is 32.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType DATE_TIME
      The universal tag number for DATE-TIME type is 33.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType DURATION
      The universal tag number for DURATION type is 34.
    • OID_IRI

      public static final BERTool.ValueType OID_IRI
      The universal tag number for OID-IRI type is 35.

      public static final BERTool.ValueType RELATIVE_OID_IRI
      The universal tag number for RELATIVE-OID-IRI type is 36.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static BERTool.ValueType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static BERTool.ValueType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Enum<BERTool.ValueType>