Messages issued by ASN-1Step can be divided into six categories:
S0001S: An internal memory error occurred.
This message is issued when unexpected memory error occurred. Contact OSS support to report this error.
S0002E: Invalid PDU identifier: 'pdu_id'. Use the -listPduId option to display the list of valid PDU identifiers.
This message is issued when the -decodePdu argument does not correspond to any PDU available for decoding. Specify the -listPduId option to obtain a list of PDU identifiers and names available for decoding.
S0003E: Error opening input file 'filename'. error description.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when opening an input file.
S0004E: Error reading from file 'filename'. error description.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when reading from an input file.
S0005E: Error opening output file 'filename'. error description.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when opening an output file.
S0006E: Error writing to file 'filename'. error description.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when writing to the specified output file.
S0007E: Encoding rule determined by the file extension 'ext' is invalid.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step finds that an input encoding file has an unrecognized filename extension.
S0008E: Valuereference 'name' has the type that is not a PDU.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step finds a value reference in the input is based on a non-PDU type. A PDU (protocol data unit) is a message that can be encoded/decoded as a complete unit.
S0009E: No valuereference 'name' whose type is PDU was found in the input syntax.
This message is issued when the -encodeValue argument does not match a value reference available for encoding. Specify the -valueRefTable option to obtain a list of value references available for encoding, for example,
asn1step input.asn -valueRefTable
S0010E: Encoding of PDU #pduId failed with return code 'return code'. No data is written to the file 'filename'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when encoding a value.
S0011W: The parameter in the '-keyword' option is not valid, the default value 'default value' is used.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step finds an unrecognized parameter for an option that takes an argument.
S0012E: Decoding of PDU #pduId failed with the return code 'return code'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when decoding an input encoding.
S0013E: Printing of PDU #pduId failed with the return code 'return code'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when printing a PDU value in value notation format.
S0014E: Printing of PER details failed with the return code 'return code'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step encounters an error when encoding a value.
S0015E: Runtime initialization failed with the return code 'return code'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step was not able to initialize the OSS runtime environment, possibly due to a license error.
S0016E: No PDUs found in the input abstract syntax.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step is unable to find defined types in the input ASN.1 specification suitable for encoding/decoding.
S0017E: No valuereferences whose types are PDUs found in the input syntax.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step is unable to find defined value references whose types are PDUs in the input ASN.1 specification.
S0018E: Invalid flag for '-keyword' option: flag.
This message is issued when the -printPerFlags, -xer, -exer, -flags, -encFlags, -decFlags, or -json option's argument does not correspond to a valid flag name.
S0019E: No files with encoded PDU was specified.
This message is issued when the -decodePdu option is specified but no input encoding files are listed on the command line.
S0020E: -lean command line option is not supported.
This message is issued if the -lean option is specified.
S0021E: A PDU identifier must be specified because PDU tags are not unique.
This message is issued when the -decodePdu argument is missing, or is 0 and PDU tags in the input syntax are not unique.
S0022E: Invalid flag for XER encoder: flag.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step finds an unrecognized parameter for the -xer option.
S0023W: XSL/DTD files are ignored because '-encodeValue' is not specified.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step finds .xsl or .dtd files but the -encodeValue option is not specified, which indicates the value to encode.
S0024W: XSL/DTD files are ignored because selected encoding rules are not XER.
This message is issued when ASN-Step finds .xsl or .dtd files but the XER encoding rules are not in use.
S0025W: Input XSL/DTD files will be used for valuereference 'name'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step finds .xsl or .dtd files that it can use when encoding a value with XER.
S0026E: Missing parameter in '-demo' option, specify 'Bcas' or 'PersonnelRecord'.
This message is issued when the -demo option is specified without a mandatory argument.
S0027E: Invalid parameter in '-demo' option, specify 'Bcas' or 'PersonnelRecord'.
This message is issued when the specified -demo option parameter is not one of the allowed parameters: Bcas or PersonnelRecord.
S0028E: The '-option' option is available only with the '-demo <Bcas|PersonnelRecord>' option in trial versions of ASN-1Step.
This message is issued when the -allEncode, -encodeValue, decodePdu, or -test runtime option is specified with the trial version of ASN-1Step. These options are available only in demo mode of the ASN-1Step trial version, that is, when the -demo option is also specified for one of the pre-defined syntaxes: Bcas or PersonnelRecord.
S0029I: The name 'prefix' specified in the '-output' option will be used as the file name prefix only for the first <re-encoding value|value notation>.
This informatory message is issued when ASN-1Step is used to encode (or re-encode) several values and the -output <prefix> option is specified. In this case, the name specified in the -output option will be used as the prefix of the filename created for the first value only.
S0030E: The file 'filename' does not contain a valid XER/CXER/EXER/texthexadecimal or text binary format encoding.
An error occurred when reading an encoding from a text file.
S0031W: The end of the file contains unencoded data.
This message is issued when the -decodePdu option is specified and the end of the input file contains extra data that ASN-1Step does not recognize as a valid concatenated PDU encoding starting point.
S0032E: Failed to set the structured types nesting limit to limit. Error code 'error_code': 'error description'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step fails to set the nesting limit specified in -setNestingLimit for decoding SET and SEQUENCE types.
S0033E: Failed to set the constructed strings encoding nesting limit to limit. Error code 'error_code': 'error description'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step fails to set the nesting limit specified in -stringNestingLimit for decoding constructed strings.
S0034E: Failed to determine the PDU identifier from the value notation in the 'textFileName' input file, use the '-encodeValue <pduId>,<fileName>' option.
This message is issued when the text file passed as a parameter to the -encodeValue option does not include value notation in the form
<valueName> <PduTypeName> ::= <value_notation>
from which ASN-1Step can determine the PDU identifier. You must specify the PDU identifier explicitly in the -encodeValue option.
S0035E: The 'textFileName' file contains at least one invalid value notation.
This message is issued when the text file passed as a parameter to the -encodeValue option does not include valid value notation.
S0036E: "filename", line num: Failed to parse the value notation. 'error description'.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step detects an error in the value notation in the text file passed as a parameter to the -encodeValue option. The error description is provided at the end of the error message.
S0037W: The flag flag in the '-keyword' option will be ignored because it implies all of the following: flag1, flag2 [, ...].
This message is issued when the name of the flag is specified by an ambigous prefix.
S0038W: The flag flag has no effect on <encoding|decoding> and will be ignored.
This message is issued when a decoder flag is specified for the encoder and when an encoder flag is specified for the decoder.
S0039I: CDR file header detected, skipping 'num' bytes: .
A CDR file header consisting of 50 or 54 bytes was detected and skipped before the first BER-based encoded message, which could include the CDR record header, was encountered. To suppress automatic detection of CDR headers, use the -noCDRHeadersDetection option.
S0040I: CDR record header detected, skipping 'num' bytes: .
A CDR record header consisting of 4 or 5 bytes was detected and skipped before decoding the BER-based encoded message. To suppress automatic detection of CDR headers, use the -noCDRHeadersDetection option.
S0041W: Although it was detected, the CDR file header was ignored because the value that was specifed with the -offset option (num1) is different from the value that was detected (num2).
ASN-1Step detected and ignored the CDR file header because the value specified with the -offset option is different from the value that was detected.
S0042W: Although it was detected, the CDR record header was ignored because the value that was specified with the -recordOffset option (num1) is different from the value that was detected (num2).
ASN-1Step detected and ignored the CDR record header because the value specified with the -recordOffset option is different from the value that was detected.
S0043W: Unsupported value 'num1' found in the 'Data record format' field of the CDR record header, skipping num2 bytes: <skipped_bytes>.
ASN-1Step failed to determine the encoding rules that should be used to decode the CDR record because the values of the Data Record Format field of the CDR record header do not correspond to any of the following supported encoding rules: BER, Aligned or Unaligned PER, or XER. The record is skipped.
S0044W: No CDR headers detected in the file 'fileName', attempting decoding using BER...
ASN-1Step failed to determine the CDR headers in the .cdr input file. An attempt is made to decode the file using the Basic Encoding Rules.
S0045E: A PDU identifier must be specified when decoding using PER, UPER,
OER, COER, or JSON rules.
This message is issued when the -decode option is specified with an invalid PDU type identifier or with a 0-PDU number and the PER, UPER, OER, COER, or JSON rules.
S0046W: Nothing to decode. All 'num' messages from the 'filename' file are skipped.
This message is issued when the number of skipped messages specified in the third argument of the -decode option exceeds the total number of messages in the specified file.
S0047E: Failed to skip message #num from the file 'filename' with a return code of 'rc'. .
This message is issued when the -decode option is specified with a number of messages to be skipped in the third parameter and ASN-1Step failed to skip at least one message.
S0048E: Failed to generate values for the 'PduTypeName' ASN.1 type.
This message is issued when the -generateMessages option is specified for a PDU type for which ASN-1Step failed to create at least one valid value.
S0049E: The '-randomLimits' 'property' parameter is invalid.
This message is issued when an invalid parameter, which identifies an ASN.1 type property, passed to the -randomLimits option. Permitted parameters (they can be truncated) are: length, intValue, bitCount, charCount, 1charValue, octCount, 1octValue, argValue, oidCount, mantissa, exponent, sofCount, recurLevel, year.
S0050E: Missing the mandatory <minimum|maximum> limit for the 'property' parameter in the '-randomLimits'.
This message is issued when the second (minimum) or the third (maximum) argument is missing in the -randomLimits option. Both values must be specified.
S0051E: Invalid value limit for the ' property' parameter in the '-randomLimits' option, expecting a number.
S0051E: Invalid value limit for the ' 1charValue' parameter in the '-randomLimits' option, a character value between ' ' and '~' or a number between 32 and 126.
S0051E: Invalid value limit for the ' 1octetValue' parameter in the '-randomLimits' option, expecting a hexadecimal value between '00' and 'FF' or a number between 0 and 255.
This message is issued when a range limit in the second (minimum) or the third (maximum) argument are not valid values for the ASN.1 properties specified in the first argument. Note that some command prompts require to escape single quotes in values for the 1charValue and 1octetValue properties, for example: -randomLimits 1char,\'a\', \'d\':1octet,\'AA\',\'FF\'.
S0052E: Invalid range from num1 to num2 for the ' property' parameter in the '-randomLimits' option.
S0052E: Invalid range from 'char1'(num1) to 'char2'(num2) for the '1charValue' parameter in the '-randomLimits' option.
This message is issued when the value of the second minimum parameter is not less than or equal to the value from the third maximum parameter in the -randomLimits option.
S0053W: Failed to create additional unique messages after num attempts, the 'fileName' file is not saved.
This message is issued when the -generateMessages option is specified and the number of the generated unique messages is less than the requested number after the specified number or the default 10 number of attempts.
S0054E: Failed to create at least one valid message after num attempts, the 'fileName' file is not saved.
This message is issued when the -generateMessages option is specified and no valid messages for the specified PDU were created after the specified or the default 10 number of attempts.
S0055W: No re-encoding is done because the input and output encoding rules are the same.
This message is issued when the -decodePdu option is specified to decode encoded messages with re-encoding using the same encoding rules which were used to create the input messages.
IA078E: The CSV format or header format is not correct: 'error string'.
The input CSV header or value record structure contains an error. The input format might not correspond to the specified PDU type structure. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA079E: An incorrect name is found inside the CSV header: 'error string'.
The CSV header contains a name that does not conform to the PDU type structure. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA080E: The column separator does not match the specified or the determined one: 'error string'.
A character specified where the column separator is expected is different from the previously detected separator. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA081E: The CSV structure is not correct: 'error string'.
The input CSV is structurally incorrect per the specified PDU type structure. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
Unexpected end of the CSV buffer encountered: 'error string'.
The end of the CSV buffer was reached, but more values are expected per the specified PDU type structure. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA083E: Values of circular types are not supported without a structured CSV header.
The input PDU type is recursively defined and is instantiated more than once. In this case, the full CSV header should be present to identify duplicate fields of multiple recursions.
IA084E: Unsupported CSV column separator: 'separator'.
The specified column separator is not supported. The following column separators are currently supported: ',', ';', ':', '='.
IA085E: Unsupported CSV header separator: 'separator'.
The specified header separator is not supported. The following header separators are currently supported: '-', '_', '.', '/', '\\'.
IA086E: Values of open types are not supported without a structured CSV header.
The specified PDU type includes an open type, but the input CSV does not include the full CSV header with special syntax for open types (the nested PDU type names or numbers are enclosed in parentheses). In this case, the decoder cannot determine the CSV structure.
IA087E: Failed to convert OCTET STRING value to/from BCD: 'error string'.
The -csv bcd option is specified or the OSS.PrintFunctionName directive with "ossPrintOctetAsBCDString" is applied to one or more OCTET STRING types, but one or more OCTET STRING values could not be converted to or from BCD. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA088E: Failed to convert OCTET STRING value to/from TBCD: 'error string'.
The -csv tbcd option is specified or the OSS.PrintFunctionName directive with "ossPrintOctetAsTBCDString" is applied to one or more OCTET STRING types, but one or more OCTET STRING values could not be converted to or from TBCD. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA089E: Failed to convert OCTET STRING value to/from ASCII: 'error string'.
The -csv ascii option is specified or the OSS.PrintFunctionName directive with "ossPrintOctetAsASCII" is applied to one or more OCTET STRING types, but one or more OCTET STRING values could not be converted to or from ASCII. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA090E: Failed to convert OCTET STRING value to/from IP address: 'error string'.
The OSS.PrintFunctionName directive with "ossPrintOctetAsIPAddress" is applied to one or more OCTET STRING types, but one or more OCTET STRING values could not be converted to or from an IP address. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
IA091E: Failed to convert OCTET STRING value to/from time stamp string: 'error string'.
The OSS.PrintFunctionName directive with "ossPrintOctetAsTimeStamp" is applied to one or more OCTET STRING types, but one or more OCTET STRING values could not be converted to or from time stamp. 'error string' shows the place in the input buffer where the error occurred.
This documentation applies to release 10.5 and later of ASN-1Step®.
Copyright © 2024 OSS Nokalva, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of OSS Nokalva, Inc.
Every distributed copy of ASN-1Step is associated with a specific license and related unique license number. That license determines, among other things, what functions of ASN-1Step are available to you.