Package com.oss.util

Class HexTool


public abstract class HexTool extends Object
A utility class for converting binary data to a hexadecimal string.
ASN.1/Java 1.0-beta A
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static String
    getHex(byte[] buffer)
    Get a string containing the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
    static String
    getHex(byte[] buffer, int bytesPerLine)
    Get a string containing the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
    static char
    hexDigit(int digit)
    Determines the character representation for a specified hexadecimal digit represented by integer value.
    static byte[]
    parseHex(String hexString, boolean leftAlign)
    Takes a string of hexadecimal digits and converts the string to a byte array.
    static byte[]
    parseHstring(String hexString)
    Takes a string that contains ASN.1 value notation for the OCTET STRING and converts it to the byte array.
    static void
    printHex(byte[] buffer)
    Print the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
    static void
    printHex(byte[] buffer, int bytesPerLine)
    Print the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • HexTool

      public HexTool()
  • Method Details

    • printHex

      public static void printHex(byte[] buffer)
      Print the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data. The output defaults to 32 bytes per line.
      buffer - a byte array of binary data.
    • printHex

      public static void printHex(byte[] buffer, int bytesPerLine)
      Print the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
      buffer - a byte array of binary data.
      bytesPerLine - the number of bytes to print per line.
    • getHex

      public static String getHex(byte[] buffer)
      Get a string containing the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data. The output defaults to 32 bytes per line.
      buffer - a byte array of binary data.
      the string that contains the hexadecimal representation of the input binary data.
    • getHex

      public static String getHex(byte[] buffer, int bytesPerLine)
      Get a string containing the hexadecimal representation of a buffer of binary data.
      buffer - a byte array of binary data.
      bytesPerLine - the number of bytes to write per line.
      the string that contains the hexadecimal representation of the input binary data.
    • parseHex

      public static byte[] parseHex(String hexString, boolean leftAlign) throws NumberFormatException
      Takes a string of hexadecimal digits and converts the string to a byte array. The effect of the leftAlign parameter is as follows. When the hexString has an odd number of hexadecimal digits, the parameter instructs the method where to place the padding nibble:
              Let the hexString is "123":
              leftAlign       byte[] returned
              true            {0x12, 0x30}
              false           {0x01, 0x23}
      hexString - string of hexadecimal digits to convert to a byte array.
      leftAlign - specifies where the padding nibble should occur in case when the input string contains odd number of hexadecimal characters.
      the result byte array.
      NumberFormatException - if the hexString contains invalid characters.
    • parseHstring

      public static byte[] parseHstring(String hexString) throws NumberFormatException
      Takes a string that contains ASN.1 value notation for the OCTET STRING and converts it to the byte array. This byte array can be passed either to the OctetString constructor or to the setValue() method of the OctetString class.
      hexString - string, that contains value notation. E.g. '010203'H.
      the result byte array
      NumberFormatException - if the string does not contain valid value notation for the OCTET STRING.
    • hexDigit

      public static char hexDigit(int digit)
      Determines the character representation for a specified hexadecimal digit represented by integer value.
      digit - integer in the range of 0..15.
      character representation of the digit. The '\0' is returned if the digit is out of range.