Package com.oss.asn1

Interface RelaySafe

All Known Implementing Classes:
RelaySafeSequence, RelaySafeSet

public interface RelaySafe
The RelaySafe interface defines the set of methods required to support relay-safe coding.
ASN.1/Java 1.0-beta A
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addUnknownExtension(byte[] ext)
    This method saves individual extension for further relaying.
    Returns identification for the relay (coder) that decoded these unknown extensions.
    Retrieves the specific unknown extension.
    This method returns the number of unknown extensions, available for relaying.
    This method is supposed to remove all unknown extensions, saved for relaying.
    setRelayID(String relayID)
    The contract for this method is to save the identification of the decoder that decoded unknown extensions to prevent erroneous relaying using incompatible transfer syntax.
  • Method Details

    • numberOfUnknownExtensions

      int numberOfUnknownExtensions()
      This method returns the number of unknown extensions, available for relaying.
      the number of unknown extensions, available for relaying.
    • removeAllUnknownExtensions

      void removeAllUnknownExtensions()
      This method is supposed to remove all unknown extensions, saved for relaying.
    • addUnknownExtension

      void addUnknownExtension(byte[] ext)
      This method saves individual extension for further relaying. The ext parameter may be null to indicate that the unknown extension was missing in the encoding. The indication of missing unknown extensions is required by the PER coder to reconstruct the extension preamble as it was in the original encoding.
      ext - an unknown extension to save.
    • getUnknownExtension

      byte[] getUnknownExtension(int index)
      Retrieves the specific unknown extension. A return value of null indicates that the requested unknown extension was missing in the original encoding.
      index - index of the unknown extension to return. Valid values are from 0 up to the value, returned by the numberOfUnknownExtensions method.
      unknown extension number index
    • getRelayID

      String getRelayID()
      Returns identification for the relay (coder) that decoded these unknown extensions.
      identification for the coder that decoded these unknown extensions
    • setRelayID

      void setRelayID(String relayID)
      The contract for this method is to save the identification of the decoder that decoded unknown extensions to prevent erroneous relaying using incompatible transfer syntax.
      relayID - identification for the coder that decoded the unknown extensions