Package com.oss.asn1

Class BMPString

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.oss.asn1.Sizeable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class BMPString extends AbstractString16
The BMPString class represents the ASN.1 BMPString type. BMPString is used by ASN.1 to implement the UNICODE standard.
ASN.1/Java 1.0-beta A
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BMPString

      public BMPString()
      The default constructor.
    • BMPString

      public BMPString(String value)
      Construct from a String.
      value - the String to set 'this' object to.
    • BMPString

      public BMPString(char[] value)
      Construct from a String.
      value - the char array to set 'this' object to.