OSS TLV (Type-Length-Value) Print Utility
The OSS TLV Print Utility, osstlv (
osstlv.exe on Windows), is a program that takes a BER, DER, or CER encoding in ASCII or binary
format from an input file and writes it to an output file in one of three different type-length-value
(TLV) formats.
BER/DER/CER encodings can be printed in any one of the following formats: hexadecimal-TLV,
decomposed-TLV, or syntax-TLV. These formats are described in TLV Formats
NOTE: OSS TLV is only available on common platforms like Linux, Windows, and
Solaris, and may not be available for your embedded system port. If you are interested in OSS TLV
for your platform, contact OSS Nokalva Sales.
Using the OSS TLV Print Utility
Command Line
osstlv [-b|-t] <input> [+off[,num]] [-dec|-hex|-syn] [-out <output>] [-notitles] [-noaddition] [-pad <byte>] [-noshort]
[-nocdrheaders] [-help]
Keyword options, except -help, can be abbreviated to the fewest number
of letters needed to uniquely identify them. For example, -binary
can be abbreviated to -b.
- -binary infile
- The infile input file contains a BER/DER/CER encoding in binary format. If
infile is a dash (e.g., -b -), then the input is read
from stdin. -binary is the default input format when
the input file name is specified without being preceded by either the
-binary or -text option.
- -text infile
- The infile input file contains a BER/DER/CER encoding in hexadecimal format.
If infile is a dash (e.g., -t -) then the input is
read from stdin.
- +offset,num
- Print a number of bytes, num, of a BER/DER/CER encoding from an input file
starting from the offset position.
- -hexadecimal
- Print a BER/DER/CER encoding in hexadecimal-TLV format. This is the default output
- -decomposed
- Print a BER/DER/CER encoding in decomposed-TLV format.
- -syntax
- Print a BER/DER/CER encoding in syntax-TLV format.
- -nocdrheaders
- Do not automatically detect and skip CDR headers in the input encoding. By default,
automatic detection is enabled.
- -output outfile
- Output will be written to the outfile file. Output is written to stdout
when the -output option is omitted. If outfile is a
dash (e.g., -o -) then the output file name is read from
- -noshort
- Do not truncate output lines that would otherwise be longer than a line. By default,
such lines are truncated to fit one line without wrapping.
- -notitles
- Do not print the "Type", "Length", and "Contents" titles when printing a BER/DER/CER
encoding in syntax-TLV format. By default, titles are printed.
- -noaddition
- Do not print additional clarifying values for INTEGER and REAL types when printing
in decomposed-TLV or syntax-TLV formats, see the third example
below. Use this option when the output will be parsed and you want output lines
that follow the same pattern, regardless of type. By default, additional values are
- -help
- Print help information.
- -pad <byte>
- Skip padding areas between concatenated records filled with <byte>s. <
byte> represents a hex number (e.g., 0x00 for hex 00, 0xFF for hex FF) or a
non-negative decimal number from 0 to 255 (e.g., 10 or 128).
- Print the BER/DER/CER binary file, foo.dat, in hexadecimal-TLV
format to out.txt without truncating output lines:
osstlv -b foo.dat -nos -o out.txt
- Print the BER/DER/CER text file, foo.txt, in syntax-TLV format
to stdout without printing titles:
osstlv -t foo.txt -s -noa
- Print the BER/DER/CER binary file, foo.dat,
in decomposed-TLV format without printing additional hexadecimal values for INTEGER and
REAL types:
osstlv -b foo.dat -d -noa
Without -noa a line can be printed as:
18:d= 3 hl=2 l= 9 prim: REAL :{2365,10,28} (2.365000E+031)
With -noa the same line would be printed as:
18:d= 3 hl=2 l= 9 prim: REAL :{2365,10,28}
- Print the contents of the BER/DER/CER binary file, foo.dat,
containing 2 concatenated records with zero padding bytes in hexadecimal format, skipping
padding bytes:
osstlv foo.dat -pad 0x00
30 80
A1 80
00 00
00 00
Padding byte '0x00' detected, skipping 6 bytes ...
Concatenated record #2 detected, printing ...
30 80
A1 80
00 00
00 00
Padding byte '0x00' detected, skipping 6 bytes ...
BER/DER/CER encodings can be printed in any one of the following formats:
Hexadecimal-TLV Format
View a BER/DER/CER encoding in hexadecimal format with type, length, and value information
separated from each other by spaces or newlines. All nested encodings are printed in an indented
manner. Length values of 80 (hex) are not the true length of the value, but indicate that the
encoding is indefinite in length, and that the occurrence of matching end-of-contents octets
(00 00) indicates the end of the value.
Definite length encoding:
30 2A
30 06
02 01 0A
01 01 FF
30 00
30 1E
09 09 803509540A2BE520DF
17 11 3932303432333137343333342D30373030
Indefinite length encoding:
30 80
30 80
02 01 0A
01 01 FF
00 00
30 80
00 00
30 80
09 09 803509540A2BE520DF
17 11 3932303432333137343333342D30373030
00 00
00 00
Decomposed-TLV format
View a BER/DER/CER encoding in a format that lends itself to post-processing. The
structure of each output line is
<offset>:d=<lvl> hl=<head> l=<len> {prim | cons}: <type> :<contents>
- offset
- is the offset from the beginning of the message.
- lvl
- is the level of nesting; 1 is the outermost level.
- head
- is the number of octets occupied by the header information (type
and length fields) of an encoding. If an input value is misencoded
and the length of a tag-length pair is greater than the remaining data length, three question
marks, ???, are printed in this field.
- len
- is the decimal length of an encoding; -128 is for encodings with
an indefinite length. If an input value is misencoded and a length value exceeds the remaining
data length, the remaining data length is printed with a question mark, for example,
?35. If an input value is so misencoded that the length cannot be
found, three question marks are printed: ???.
- type
- is the built-in name of an ASN.1 type when the type information contains a UNIVERSAL class,
otherwise it is the tag class and number in brackets. The tag class is printed only for
APPLICATION and PRIVATE classes; it is not printed for context-specific classes. For encodings
with an indefinite length, END-OF-CONTENTS is printed when the end of
the current encoding is reached. The type information is prefixed with either
prim:, indicating that the type is a primitive one, or cons:,
indicating that it is a constructed one (i.e., it contains zero or more types, lengths, and
values nested within.)
- contents
- is the value component of the encoding. The contents field is
present only when the encoding is primitive. If an error occurs when converting a primitive
encoding value, its contents are printed as a hexadecimal string.
Definite length encoding:
0:d= 1 hl=2 l= 42 cons: SET
2:d= 2 hl=2 l= 6 cons: SET
4:d= 3 hl=2 l= 1 prim: INTEGER :10 (0x0a)
7:d= 3 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BOOLEAN :TRUE
10:d= 2 hl=2 l= 0 cons: SET
12:d= 2 hl=2 l= 30 cons: SET
14:d= 3 hl=2 l= 9 prim: REAL :{2365,10,28} (2.365000E+031)
25:d= 3 hl=2 l= 17 prim: UTCTime :920423174334-0700
Indefinite length encoding:
0:d= 1 hl=2 l=-128 cons: SET
2:d= 2 hl=2 l=-128 cons: SET
4:d= 3 hl=2 l= 1 prim: INTEGER :10 (0x0a)
7:d= 3 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BOOLEAN :TRUE
10:d= 3 hl=2 l= 0 prim: END-OF-CONTENTS
12:d= 2 hl=2 l=-128 cons: SET
14:d= 3 hl=2 l= 0 prim: END-OF-CONTENTS
16:d= 2 hl=2 l=-128 cons: SET
18:d= 3 hl=2 l= 9 prim: REAL :{2365,10,28} (2.365000E+031)
29:d= 3 hl=2 l= 17 prim: UTCTime :920423174334-0700
48:d= 3 hl=2 l= 0 prim: END-OF-CONTENTS
50:d= 2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: END-OF-CONTENTS
Syntax-TLV format
Outputs Type, Length, and
Contents fields that are similar to the format used in X.690
to show examples of encodings, where
- Type
- is the name of the ASN.1 type, if this can be determined, otherwise it is the tag class and
number of the encoding.
- Length
- is the length of the encoding or indef for indefinite length
encodings. If an input value is misencoded and a length value exceeds the remaining data length,
the remaining data length is printed with a question mark, for example, ?35
. If an input value is so misencoded that the length cannot be found, three question
marks are printed: ???.
- Contents
- is the contents if the encoding is primitive, or empty for constructed encodings.
Definite length encoding:
Type Length Contents
SET 42
Type Length Contents
Type Length Contents
INTEGER 1 10 (0x0a)
SET 30
Type Length Contents
REAL 9 {2365,10,28} (2.365000E+031)
UTCTime 17 920423174334-0700
Indefinite length encoding:
Type Length Contents
SET indef
Type Length Contents
SET indef
Type Length Contents
INTEGER 1 10 (0x0a)
SET indef
SET indef
Type Length Contents
REAL 9 {2365,10,28} (2.365000E+031)
UTCTime 17 920423174334-0700
Error Messages
One of the following error messages is generated when an error occurs while parsing the command line:
- Error opening input file, foo.txt. No such file or directory.
- Error opening output file, foo.out.
- Error reading input file, foo.dat.
- Error reading, stdin.
- Input file name is missing.
- Too many input file names.
- Output file name is missing.
- Too many output file names.
- Input text file, foo.txt, contains non-hexadecimal characters.
- Invalid number of bytes to be read from input file, 12bb45.
- Invalid offset into input file, 12aa67.
- Missing mandatory input file name.
- Output file name is missing.
- Unidentified input parameter, -foo."
- The -pad option requires a mandatory parameter <byte>.
- Invalid unsigned hexadecimal number, 'xx'.
One of the following error messages is generated when an error occurs while parsing an input BER/DER/CER encoding:
- Value misencoded: premature end of input encoding encountered.
- Value misencoded, length, nnn (0xff), longer than remaining data length, mmm (0xgg):
- Value misencoded: expected EOC octets not found for indefinite length encoding.
- Value misencoded, EOC with non-zero second octet encountered.
- Value misencoded, length of a tag-length pair, nnn (0xff), longer than remaining data length,
mmm (0xgg):