C0500W: The OSS.DefineName directive is ignored when the -compat nodecouplednames command-line option is specified.
C0500W: The OSS.DefineName directive is ignored because the "No Decoupled Names" box in the scroll down menu within the "Compatibility options" group in the "Output Files" tab of the "Compiler Options" window is checked.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains an OSS.DefineName directive that was ignored because the -compat noDecoupledNames option was previously specified.
Make sure you do not specify the -compat noDecoupledNames option when ASN.1-compiling your syntax. For more information, see Compiler Options.
A0501E: The right version brackets ']]' are missing in ASN.1 type.
This error indicates that the closing version brackets for the named type are missing.
"a0501e.asn", line 6 (Module-A0501E): A0501E: The right version brackets ']]' are missing in a CHOICE.
Add the closing version brackets.
C0502W: Using the -compat oldobjectnames command-line option with the -gen command-line option may result in some typenames in objects being incorrectly generated.
C0502W: Some typenames from objects may be incorrectly generated in the .gen file because the "Old Object Names" box in the scroll down menu within the "Compatibility options" group in the "Output Files" tab of the "Compiler Options" window is checked.
Some type names may be incorrectly generated in the output .gen file because the input ASN.1 syntax was compiled with both -compat oldObjectNames and -genDirectives options specified.
Remove the -compat oldObjectNames option from the command line.
A0503E: No nested version brackets are permitted in each extension addition group in ASN.1 type.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains nested version brackets after an extension addition.
Module-A0503E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN A ::= CHOICE { c BOOLEAN, ... , [[ d BIT STRING, e INTEGER, [[f IA5String ]] ]] } END
"a0503e.asn", line 7 (Module-A0503E): A0503E: No nested version brackets are permitted in each extension addition group in a CHOICE.
[[f IA5String ]] ]]
Remove the nested version brackets.
C0504I: Generating JAVA files.
The input ASN.1 compiler is currently writing the output .java files necessary for your application.
Make sure you do not specify the -verbose option.
C0505E: The ENCODABLE/DeferDecoding directive is not permitted on 'type reference' since it is an OpenType or ANY
An ASN1.DeferDecoding or OSS.ENCODABLE compiler directive is applied to an ANY type or an open type. This application is not supported.
Remove the compiler directive application.
C0506E: The DeferDecoding directive or ENCODABLE directive is not permitted on 'Name'. These directives may only be placed on a component of a SET, SEQUENCE, CHOICE, SET OF or SEQUENCE OF.
An ASN.1 DeferDecoding or OSS.ENCODABLE compiler directive is applied to a type that is not a component of a structured type. These directives are useful only for components of structured types.
Module-C0506E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Name ::= PrintableString --<ENCODABLE>-- END
"c0506e.asn", line 2 (Module-C0506E): C0506E: The DeferDecoding directive or ENCODABLE directive is not permitted on 'Name'. These directives may only be placed on a component of a SET, SEQUENCE, CHOICE, SET OF or SEQUENCE OF.
Place the type within a structured type, and then apply the ASN1.DeferDecoding or OSS.ENCODABLE directive to it.
C0507W: An object references a Type or ValueSet which is not a PDU due to use of the NOPDU directive. Please consider making the Type or ValueSet a PDU.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a reference to a type or value set that is not a PDU.
Remove the OSS.NOPDU directive or apply the OSS.PDU directive.
This message number is reserved for future use.
This message number is reserved for future use.
A0510E: The item referenced by the INSTANCE OF is either not an ObjectClass or is not defined.
An INSTANCE OF clause references a non-information-object class or an undefined item.
Place a reference to a defined information object class after the INSTANCE OF clause.
C0511I: There are unused standard or OSS-specific directives.
One or more compiler directives could not be applied to any component of the specification.
To see which compiler directives could not be used, specify the -genDirectives command-line option, and then look at the produced .gen file. Ensure that the absolute references actually match the components.
C0512E: Package name "package name" cannot be the same as any ASN.1 Module name. Please use the -output option to specify a different package name.
The name of the Java output package and the name of an input ASN.1 module are the same, and therefore will cause a name conflict.
To specify a different package name, use the -output ASN.1 compiler option.
C0513W: An empty string specified as a directive argument is ignored.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains an empty string enclosed in quotation marks that is specified as a compiler directive argument.
--<ASN1.Nickname Module-C0513W.Test "">-- Module-C0513W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Test ::= INTEGER END
"c0513w.asn", line 1 (): C0513W: An empty string specified as a nickname is ignored.
--<ASN1.Nickname Module-C0513W.Test "">--
Replace the empty string with an appropriate name.
A0514E: The element 'identifier', which is an extension, is not an element of COMPONENTS OF 'type reference', for extension additions are ignored by the "COMPONENTS OF Type" notation.
A COMPONENTS OF clause references a structure with elements that follow an extensibility marker. These elements will not be included in the type containing the COMPONENTS OF notation.
Place the elements you want to include before the extensibility marker.
A0515I: The field 'identifier', which is an extension addition in 'type reference 1', is skipped in the definition of 'type reference 2', since 'type reference 1' was referenced using the COMPONENTS OF notation.
A COMPONENTS OF clause references a structure with elements that follow an extensibility marker. These elements will not be included in the type containing the COMPONENTS OF notation.
Module-A0515I DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Type1 ::= [0] SEQUENCE { age INTEGER, name PrintableString, ..., date UTCTime } Type2 ::= [1] SEQUENCE { status INTEGER (1..5), gender ENUMERATED {male, female}, COMPONENTS OF Type1 } END
"a0515i.asn", line 9 (Module-A0515I): A0515I: The field 'date', which is an extension addition in 'Type1', is skipped in the definition of 'Type2', since 'Type1' was referenced using the COMPONENTS OF notation.
Place the elements you want to include before the extensibility marker.
A0516I: Component relation constraint that refers to the field 'identifier' cannot be applied to the 'identifier' field of the same CHOICE type for this constraint can never be satisfied.
A component relation constraint references a type in a CHOICE structure in a way that prevents the constraint from being satisfied because only one alternative of a CHOICE type can be selected at a time.
Replace the CHOICE structure with a SEQUENCE.
A0517I: Component relation constraint that refers to the field 'identifier' of the outermost CHOICE type cannot be applied to the 'tcipType' field, for this constraint can never be satisfied.
A component relation constraint references a type in the same CHOICE structure in a way that prevents the constraint from being satisfied because only one alternative of a CHOICE type can be selected at a time.
[Top portion not shown] . . . . Msg ::= CHOICE { msgName IA5String, tcipId TCIP-CLASS.&id ({TCIP-ObjSet}), tcipType TCIP-CLASS.&Type ({TCIP-ObjSet}{@tcipId}) } END
"a0517i.asn", line 59 (Module-A0516I): A0517I: Component relation constraint that refers to the field 'tcipId' of the outermost CHOICE type cannot be applied to the 'tcipType' field, for this constraint can never be satisfied.
Replace the CHOICE structure with a SEQUENCE.
C0518E: Module name "module reference" conflicts with a Java keyword. Please rename this module.
An ASN.1 module name conflicts with a Java language reserved word.
Replace the module name with one that does not conflict with a Java language reserved word.
The ASN.1 compiler has encountered an internal error.
Your ASN.1 input likely contains erroneous syntax, but in a new and unexpected form, which we need to further analyze.
Send the exact command line and ASN.1 input used to Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for review.
C0520E: The Remove directive cannot be applied to a mandatory component of a SET or SEQUENCE type or to a component of a CLASS, an object, or an object set. Check the component with the absolute reference 'absolute reference'.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to an incorrect component of a structured type.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0520E.Seq1.a>-- Module-C0520E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Seq1 ::= SEQUENCE { a INTEGER, b BOOLEAN } END
"c0520e.asn", line 5 (Module-C0520E): C0520E: The Remove directive cannot be applied to a mandatory component of a SET or SEQUENCE type or to a component of a CLASS, an object, or an object set. Check the component with the absolute reference 'Module-C0520E.Seq1.a'.
In the structured type's definition, mark the component you want to remove as OPTIONAL.
C0521E: All alternatives in a CHOICE type cannot be marked with the Remove directive, check the type with the absolute reference 'absolute reference'.
An ASN1.Remove compiler directives is trying to remove all components from a CHOICE type.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0521E.Choice1.a>-- --<ASN1.Remove Module-C0521E.Choice1.b>-- Module-C0521E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Choice1 ::= CHOICE { a INTEGER, b BOOLEAN } END
"c0521e.asn", line 6 (Module-C0521E): C0521E: All alternatives in a CHOICE type cannot be marked with the Remove directive, check the type with the absolute reference 'Module-C0521E.Choice1'.
Delete one of the ASN1.Remove directives.
C0522E: The component with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' must be marked with the Remove directive since it references the type with the absolute reference 'Module-C0522E.Status' which is marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove compiler directive is applied to a type that is referenced elsewhere in the input, and therefore will cause a reference error that cannot be resolved.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0522E.Status>-- Module-C0522E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Set1 ::= SET { a INTEGER, b Status OPTIONAL } Status ::= BOOLEAN END
"c0522e.asn", line 6 (Module-C0522E): C0522E: The component with the absolute reference 'Module-C0522E.Set1.b' must be marked with the Remove directive since it references the type with the absolute reference 'Module-C0522E.Status' which is marked for removal.
Apply the ASN1.Remove directive to the type that references the type you want to remove.
C0523E: The value or information object with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not contain any values for the item with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' since it or its type is marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove compiler directive is applied to a component of a structured type. However, a value assignment for that structured type contains the component marked for removal.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0523E.Set1.b>-- Module-C0523E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Set1 ::= SET { a INTEGER, b BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } valForSet1 Set1 ::= { a 5, b TRUE } END
"c0523e.asn", line 9 (Module-C0523E): C0523E: The value or information object with the absolute reference 'Module-C0523E.valForSet1' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not contain any values for the item with the absolute reference 'Module-C0523E.valForSet1.b' since it or its type is marked for removal.
Make sure you do not include the component marked for removal.
C0524E: The value or information object with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not reference the value with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' since it is marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to a value that is referenced by an item that is not marked for removal.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0524E.b>-- Module-C0524E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN b BOOLEAN ::= TRUE value BOOLEAN ::= b END
"c0524e.asn", line 4 (Module-C0524E): C0524E: The value or information object with the absolute reference 'Module-C0524E.value' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not reference the value with the absolute reference 'Module-C0524E.b' since it is marked for removal.
Apply an ASN1.Remove directive to the item that references the removed value.
C0525I: The list of some directives that can be used to avoid errors related to using the Remove directive can be found in the file 'filename'.
The ASN.1 compiler automatically detected that your input syntax is missing one or more ASN1.Remove compiler directives. For your convenience, the required directives were written to a .rmv file. Note that this is possible only if the -genDirectives or the -keepNames option was previously specified.
When invoking the compiler, pass the generated .rmv file on the command line before your input .asn files.
C0526I: Specify the -gendirectives or -keepnames command-line option to get in a file the list of some directives that can be used to avoid errors related to using the Remove directive.
C0526I: To get in a file the list of some directives that can be used to avoid errors related to using the Remove directive, check the "Generate directives for preserving names" or "Convert local directives to standard directives" box in the "Output Files" tab of the "Compiler Options" window.
The ASN.1 compiler detected that your input syntax is missing one or more ASN1.Remove compiler directives. We recommend that you instruct the compiler to generate a file that contains the required directives to be passed on the command line.
To instruct the ASN.1 compiler to generate the required file, specify the -genDirectives or the -keepNames option.
C0527E: The Remove directive cannot be applied to a component of a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF type. Check the component with the absolute reference 'absolute reference'.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to the base type of a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0527E.CardFile.*>-- Module-C0527E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN CardFile ::= SET OF SEQUENCE { name IA5String, id INTEGER } END
"c0527e.asn", line 4 (Module-C0527E): C0527E: The Remove directive cannot be applied to a component of a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF type. Check the component with the absolute reference 'Module-C0527E.CardFile.*'.
Delete the invalid ASN1.Remove directive.
C0528E: The value with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not contain any values for the item with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' since it references the type 'absolute reference' that is marked for removal.
A value assignment to a structured type has a component whose base type is marked for removal. However, a value for the removed type is listed in the value assignment.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0528E.IdNumber>-- Module-C0528E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN CardFile ::= SET OF SEQUENCE { name IA5String, id IdNumber } employees CardFile ::= { {name "Carol", id 1234}, {name "Wright", id 3456}, {name "Smith", id 2353} } IdNumber ::= INTEGER (1000..9999) END
"c0528e.asn", line 10 (Module-C0528E): C0528E: The value with the absolute reference 'Module-C0528E.employees' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not contain any values for the item with the absolute reference 'Module-C0528E.employees.*.id' since it references the type 'Module-C0528E.IdNumber' that is marked for removal.
"c0528e.asn", line 11 (Module-C0528E): C0528E: The value with the absolute reference 'Module-C0528E.employees' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not contain any values for the item with the absolute reference 'Module-C0528E.employees.*.id' since it references the type 'Module-C0528E.IdNumber' that is marked for removal.
"c0528e.asn", line 12 (Module-C0528E): C0528E: The value with the absolute reference 'Module-C0528E.employees' must be marked with the Remove directive or must not contain any values for the item with the absolute reference 'Module-C0528E.employees.*.id' since it references the type 'Module-C0528E.IdNumber' that is marked for removal.
To remove the value fields, add additional ASN1.Remove directives.
C0529E: The referenced item 'item' was detected that is marked for removal but it is referenced in the value or in the constraints of the type that was not marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove compiler directive is applied to an item that is referenced elsewhere in the input, and therefore will cause a reference error that cannot be resolved.
Apply the ASN1.Remove directive to the item that references the item you want to remove.
C0530E: The type with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' must be marked with the Remove directive since constraints on this type include the defined item or the component with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' which is marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to an item that is referenced in an unremoved type's constraint.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0530E.low>-- Module-C0530E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN low INTEGER ::= 10 high INTEGER ::= 100 IdNumber ::= INTEGER (low..high) END
"c0530e.asn", line 4 (Module-C0530E): C0530E: The type with the absolute reference 'Module-C0530E.IdNumber' must be marked with the Remove directive since constraints on this type include the defined item or the component with the absolute reference 'Module-C0530E.low' which is marked for removal.
Delete the removed item from the type constraint.
C0531E: The information object set or value set with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' must be marked with the Remove directive since it references the defined item with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' which is marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to an instance of an information object. However, the instance is later included in an information object set.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0531E.I-OBJ-SET >-- Module-C0531E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IOBJECT ::= CLASS { &Type, -- ASN.1 Name &description IA5String OPTIONAL } Instance1 IOBJECT ::= { { &Type INTEGER, &description "Hello" } } Instance2 IOBJECT ::= { { &Type INTEGER, &description "Goodbye" } } I-OBJ-SET IOBJECT ::= { Instance1 | Instance2 } END
"c0531e.asn", line 14 (Module-C0531E): C0531E: The information object set or value set with the absolute reference 'Module-C0531E.I-OBJ-SET' must be marked with the Remove directive since it references the defined item with the absolute reference 'Module-C0531E.Instance1' which is marked for removal.
Delete the removed information object instance from the information object set definition.
C0532E: The referenced item 'item or Item' was detected that was not marked for removal but it references the type "Type" marked for removal.
An ASN1.Remove compiler directive is applied to an item that is referenced elsewhere in the input, and therefore will cause a reference error that cannot be resolved.
--<ASN1.Remove Mod.I>-- Mod DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= INTEGER (1..2) ErrorSet {Type} ERROR-CLASS ::= { {10 Type}, ... } ErrorReturn ::= SEQUENCE { errorCategory ERROR-CLASS.&category ({ErrorSet{ I}}), errorInfo ERROR-CLASS.&Type ({ErrorSet {I}}{@errorCategory}) } ERROR-CLASS ::= CLASS { &code INTEGER UNIQUE, &Type } WITH SYNTAX {&code &Type} END
"c0531e.asn", line 14 (Module-C0531E): C0531E: The information object set or value set with the absolute reference 'Module-C0531E.I-OBJ-SET' must be marked with the Remove directive since it references the defined item with the absolute reference 'Module-C0531E.Instance1' which is marked for removal.
Apply the ASN1.Remove directive to the item that references the item you want to remove.
C0533E: The component with the absolute reference absolute reference cannot be removed since its type is not fully identified.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to a component of a SEQUENCE, SET, or CHOICE, but that component is not fully resolvable.
Make sure you do not apply the ASN1.Remove directive to types that are not fully resolvable.
C0534E: The Remove directive cannot be applied to the field 'identifier' referenced in the component relation constraint for the field 'identifier', check the type 'type reference'.
An ASN1.Remove directive is applied to a component of a SET, SEQUENCE, or CHOICE that is referenced from within a component relation constraint.
--<ASN1.Remove Module-C0534E.Msg.tcipId>-- Module-C0534E DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN [Middle portion not shown] . . . . Msg ::= SEQUENCE { msgName IA5String, tcipId TCIP-CLASS.&id ({TCIP-ObjSet}) OPTIONAL, tcipType TCIP-CLASS.&Type ({TCIP-ObjSet}{@tcipId}) } END
"c0534e.asn", line 60 (Module-C0534E): C0534E: The Remove directive cannot be applied to the field 'tcipId' referenced in the component relation constraint for the field 'tcipType', check the type 'Msg'.
Apply the ASN1.Remove directive to the type that has the component relation constraint applied to it, and then mark this field as OPTIONAL.
C0535W: The type 'type reference' is defined with INCLUDES of the type 'type reference' marked with the NoConstrain directive.
An OSS.NoConstrain directive is applied to a type that is used in a contained (INCLUDES) subtype, and therefore the subtype will not be checked during runtime.
--<OSS.NoConstrain Module-C0535W.OperationCode>-- Module-C0535W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN OperationCode ::= INTEGER (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5) Codes ::= INTEGER (INCLUDES OperationCode) END
"c0535w.asn", line 5 (Module-C0535W): C0535W: The type 'Codes' is defined with INCLUDES of the type 'OperationCode' marked with the NoConstrain directive.
Remove the OSS.NoConstrain directive from the type you want to include in the runtime constraint check.
A0536W: The field 'information object field reference' is missing from the SyntaxList.
One or more fields are missing from the syntax list of an information object class.
Module-A0536W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN ERROR ::= CLASS { &ParameterType OPTIONAL, &errorCode INTEGER UNIQUE } WITH SYNTAX { CODE &errorCode } END
"a0536w.asn", line 8 (Module-A0536W): A0536W: The field '&ParameterType' is missing from the SyntaxList.
Add the missing field to the syntax list. If it is optional, place it inside brackets ("[ ]").
L0537S: The -codefile option is not available in trial versions of this compiler. Please use the -controlfile option instead.
The -codeFile option you have attempted to use is not supported in the trial version of the ASN.1 compiler. The time-optimized encoder/decoder is available only to users with full licenses.
For information about obtaining a fully licensed version of the ASN.1 compiler for your platform, contact Sales ‹info@oss.com›.
C0538E: The Java project name 'project name' conflicts with a Java reserved word. Use the -output compiler option to change this name.
The Java project name conflicts with a Java keyword, and therefore will cause a name conflict.
To specify a different project name, use the -output ASN.1 compiler option.
C0539E: The Java project name 'project name' should not begin with a digit. Use the -output compiler option to change this name.
The name of the Java project cannot start with a numerical digit.
To specify a different project name, use the -output ASN.1 compiler option.
C0540E: The DeferDecoding directive on 'encodable component' is in conflict with the NOPDU directive. Consider making 'encodable component' a PDU or removing the DeferDecoding directive or using the command-line option pdusforopentypes.
An ASN1.DeferDecoding directive is applied to a component of a structured type that is marked with the OSS.NOPDU directive. These two directives conflict with each other.
--<ASN1.DeferDecoding Module-C0540E.Seq1.b>-- Module-C0540E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Seq1 ::= SEQUENCE { a INTEGER, b OCTET STRING --<NOPDU>-- } END
"c0540e.asn", line 6 (Module-C0540E): C0540E: The DeferDecoding directive on 'Seq1-b-encodable' is in conflict with the NOPDU directive. Consider making 'Seq1-b-encodable' a PDU or removing the DeferDecoding directive or using the command line option -pdusforopentypes.
Remove the OSS.NOPDU directive.
C0541W: Directive directive name is not supported and will be ignored.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a directive that is not supported for the target language you are using (for C, C++, or Java).
Remove the directive.
C0542S: The license file does not permit generation of code for 'OS' on 'machine'. Please contact OSS Nokalva for more information.
Code generation for the specified platform is not allowed because no valid license has been found in the ossinfo security file. This error message is displayed in the following situations:
To make sure you are using the correct version of the ossinfo file for cross-compiling to the platform you want, check the OSSINFO environment variable.
In case you do not have the ossinfo file for this type of operation, contact Sales ‹info@oss.com› for information about how to obtain it.
L0542I: 'ossinfo' does not permit cross-compilation to the "platform name" platform. Create custom 'ossinfo' that allows such cross compilation.
An asn1dflt cross-platform compilation configuration file was passed to OSS ASN-1Step, but the current ossinfo does not support it.
To make sure you are using the correct version of the ossinfo file for cross-compiling to the platform you want, check the OSSINFO environment variable.
In case you do not have the ossinfo file for this type of operation, contact Sales ‹info@oss.com› for information about how to obtain it.
A0543W: The non-OPTIONAL field 'identifier' of type NULL in a SET or SEQUENCE type will not be encoded when using PER.
A0543W: The non-OPTIONAL field 'identifier' of type NULL in a SET or SEQUENCE type will not be encoded when using OER.
A0543W: The non-OPTIONAL field 'identifier' of type NULL in a SET or SEQUENCE type will not be encoded when using PER or OER.
A NULL type that is included in a SET or SEQUENCE will not be encoded because the Packed Encoding Rules, the Octet Encoding Rules, or both were specified. This conforms with the official ASN.1 encoding rules standard.
"a0543w.asn", line 5 (Module-A0543W): A0543W: The non-OPTIONAL field 'c' of type NULL in a SET or SEQUENCE type will not be encoded when using PER or OER.
Specify the -suppress 0543 option or make sure you do not specify the -per and -oer options when checking the syntax.
L0544I: The -shippable option is not available.
The -shippable option you have attempted to use is not supported in the version of the ASN.1 compiler you are using.
Make sure you do not specify the -shippable command-line option.
A0545E: The value for 'information object value field' is circularly defined.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains an information object class instance in which a value field is circularly defined.
Remove the circular definition.
The ASN.1 compiler has encountered an internal error.
Your ASN.1 input likely contains erroneous syntax, but in a new and unexpected form, which we need to further analyze.
Send the exact command line and ASN.1 input used to Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for review.
A0547E: 'type reference' is used as a parent type in WITH COMPONENT(S) but its type is not SET, or SEQUENCE, or CHOICE, or SET OF, or SEQUENCE OF.
A WITH COMPONENT(S) inner subtype is applied to a type that is not a SET, SEQUENCE, CHOICE, SET OF, or SEQUENCE OF.
Module-A0547E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Type2 ::= Type1 (WITH COMPONENT (INTEGER)) -- Invalid Type1 ::= INTEGER Type3 ::= SET OF INTEGER Type4 ::= Type3 (WITH COMPONENT (1..30)) -- Valid END
"a0547e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0547E): A0547E: 'Type1' is used as a parent type in WITH COMPONENT(S) but its type is not SET, or SEQUENCE, or CHOICE, or SET OF, or SEQUENCE OF.
Type2 ::= Type1 (WITH COMPONENT (INTEGER)) -- Invalid
Remove the inner subtype from the type.
A0548W: The table in a component relation constraint must be a DefinedObjectSet. Please make the table in the constraint a DefinedObjectSet.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a component relation constraint whose specified source table is not an information object set.
[Top portion not shown.] . . . . Msg ::= SEQUENCE { msgName IA5String, tcipId TCIP-CLASS.&id ({TCIP-ObjSet}), tcipType TCIP-CLASS.&Type ({cpt-ActivationDate}{@tcipId}) } END
"a0548w.asn", line 59 (Module-A0548W): A0548W: The table in a component relation constraint must be a DefinedObjectSet. Please make the table in the constraint a DefinedObjectSet.
Make sure the component relation constraint refers to a defined information object set.
C0549E: The Java project name 'project name' must not contain directory separators. Please use the -path option to specify the path name for the project.
The name of the Java project contains directory separator slashes.
To specify a different path name, use the -path ASN.1 compiler for Java option.
C0550E: Invalid Java project name 'project name'. Please provide a name that can be used to create a directory.
The name of the Java project conflicts with the directory naming rules on your system.
To specify a different project name, use the -output ASN.1 compiler option.
L0551E: The directory, 'directory name', specified in the -path command-line option must exist.
The ASN.1 compiler for Java was invoked with the -path option, but the directory name argument did not match an already existing directory.
Make sure the directory name argument is spelled correctly.
C0552E: Error creating directory, 'directory name'. reason
The ASN.1 compiler for Java experienced an error while attempting to create an output directory in the default or specified path.
Make sure the process running the ASN.1 compiler has all required write permissions.
C0553W: No PDUs to print, so output files were not created.
The encoder/decoder control table cannot be created because the input ASN.1 syntax does not contain types that can be represented as PDUs for encoding and decoding.
Add one or more unreferenced ASN.1 types to your input specification to hold values for encoding/decoding.
A0554E: Extension marks conflict in type type reference: extension marker and element identifier (line x).
A structured type contains several extension additions nested at different levels that may cause tag conflicts during runtime. According to clause 52.7 of X.680 (2015 E), this is not valid.
"a0554e.asn", line 6 (Module-A0554E): A0554E: Extension marks conflict in type Msg: extension marker and element c (line 6).
Add an explicit tag to the nested structure containing the extension addition.
C0555E: The DeferDecoding directive cannot be applied to 'type reference' since it contains a ComponentRelationConstraint which references a component 'identifier' outside of 'containing structure type reference'.
An ASN1.DeferDecoding directive is applied to a type with a component relation constraint that references a component outside of the containing structure.
Delete the invalid compiler directive application.
C0556I: Reading configuration file filename.
The ASN.1 compiler is reading the named compiler configuration file.
To disable generation of informatory messages, specify the -noVerbose option.
C0557E: The USERFIELD directive is not supported on extension addition fields inside SET or SEQUENCE types with version brackets.
An OSS.USERFIELD directive is applied to extension elements within version brackets.
"a0557e.asn", line 8 (Module-A0557E): C0557E: The USERFIELD directive is not supported on extension addition fields inside SET or SEQUENCE types with version brackets.
Remove the directive application.
A0558E: The extension element identifier in Type 'type reference' must have a tag that is canonically greater than that on non-extension element identifier.
A0559E: The real value must have the same base as the constraints on its Type.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a value assignment to a REAL type in which the base (2 or 10) is different from the base of the constraints on the parent type.
Make sure the base of the value is the same as the base of the constraints on the parent type.
A0560E: Real values must have the same base (2 or 10).
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a value range constraint on a REAL type in which the endpoints have different bases (2 and 10).
Make sure the bases of both endpoints in the value range constraint are the same.
A0561E: The base of a value range endpoints must be the same (2 and 10 are not the same).
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a value range constraint on a REAL type in which the endpoints have different bases (2 and 10).
Make sure the bases of both endpoints in the value range constraint are the same.
C0562W: Ranges must be in increasing order. Assuming {low}..{high} instead of {high}..{low}.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a value range constraint on a REAL type in which the endpoints are listed in decreasing order.
Make sure the endpoints are listed in increasing order.
A0563W: The SET, SEQUENCE or CHOICE cannot be extended in a backward compatible manner since no ... is present.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains an attempt to extend a non-extensible SET, SEQUENCE, or CHOICE.
Add an extensibility marker to the original definition.
C0564W: The ASN.1 input contains multiple PDUs which are not referenced via information object sets and the '-per' or '-uper' compiler option was specified. The PER decoder will therefore require a PDU number to be explicitly passed to it as a parameter.
C0564W: The ASN.1 input contains multiple PDUs which are not referenced via information object sets and the "(UN)ALIGNED PER encoder/decoder" box within the "Encoding rules available at run-time" group in the "Runtime Control" tab of the "Compiler Options" window is checked. The PER decoder will therefore require a PDU number to be explicitly passed to it as a parameter.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains multiple information object class instances which are not included in any information object set. When using the Packed Encoding Rules, you must explicitly pass a PDU number to the decoder.
Create a new information object set that contains the individual information object class instances.
C0565E: "There are too many types to print. Please simplify your ASN.1 specification. Consider breaking it up into small pieces or consider using the ASN1.Remove directive to eliminate types you do not need."
The input ASN.1 syntax contains more types than the implementation limit permits.
Break the ASN.1 syntax into smaller parts or use the ASN1.Remove directive to eliminate types no longer needed.
L0566S: The number of classes per file, number, is invalid.
The ASN.1 compiler for C++ has detected an invalid argument for the -maxClassesInFile command-line option. This option limits the number of C++ classes generated in one generated C++ file.
Specify a valid non-negative and non-zero argument for the -maxClassesInFile option.
C0567E: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to type 'type reference' because its C representation differs from those of type 'referred type reference'.
An OSS.UseThis directive is applied to a type whose C representation differs from the one of the type being specified for use in the substitution.
Delete the invalid compiler directive application.
C0568W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to type 'absolute reference 1' because the absolute reference 'absolute reference 2' references a non-existent type, or a type that is not included in the current WorkingSet, or the type from another referenced type.
An OSS.UseThis directive specifies a type that does not exist, and therefore cannot be used for substitution.
Consider the following solutions:
C0569W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to type 'type reference' because it would produce a circular reference.
One or more UseThis directives are applied in a circular way, and therefore the specified substitution cannot be resolved.
--<OSS.UseThis Module-C0569W.S1 Module-C0569W.S2>-- --<OSS.UseThis Module-C0569W.S2 Module-C0569W.S3>-- --<OSS.UseThis Module-C0569W.S3 Module-C0569W.S1>-- Module-C0569W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN S1 ::= VisibleString --<UNBOUNDED>-- S2 ::= TeletexString --<UNBOUNDED>-- S3 ::= IA5String --<UNBOUNDED>-- END
"useThis.asn" (Module-C0569W): C0569W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to type 'Module-C0569W.S1' because it would produce a circular reference.
"useThis.asn" (Module-C0569W): C0569W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to type 'Module-C0569W.S3' because it would produce a circular reference.
"useThis.asn" (Module-0559W): C0569W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to type 'Module-C05569W.S2' because it would produce a circular reference.
To remove the circular reference, delete one or more applied OSS.UseThis directives.
C0570W: The OSS.UseThis directive can not be applied to type 'type reference' more than once.
An OSS.UseThis directive is applied more than once to the same ASN.1 type. The ASN.1 compiler will use the first directive application and ignore the subsequent ones.
Determine which directive application you want to use, and then remove all the other ones applied to the type.
C0571E: Invalid PDU identifier: <pduId>.
This message is issued by ASN-1Step when the mandatory argument of -decodePDU is not valid.
Consider the following solutions:
C0572I: The following PDU identifiers and their numbers are valid for the given abstract syntax:
This message is issued by ASN-1Step when -listPduId is specified. If no PDUs are available for decoding, no table is displayed.
A0573E: Expecting XMLNamedValue for the field of a SET or CHOICE but XML tag name 'identifier' does not match any of the field identifiers.
An XML value assignment includes a defined XML value for a SET or CHOICE type. However, the opening XML tag name for the XML value does not correspond to any of the field identifiers defined for the type.
Module-A0573E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= SET OF named CHOICE { a INTEGER } t1 ::= <T1> <named/><a>123</a></named> </T1> -- 'named' tag pair is unneeded for CHOICE END
"a0573e.asn", line 5 (Module-A0573E): A0573E: Expecting XMLNamedValue
for the field of a SET or CHOICE but XML tag name 'named' does not
match any of the field identifiers.
Make sure the tag name specified in the XMLValueAssignment is spelled correctly.
C0573E: Error opening PDU file "
<fileName>". <The reason of failure>. This file will be skipped.
This message is issued when ASN-1Step is unable to open the input encoding file when -decodePDU is specified.
Make sure you have specified a valid name or make sure you have read permission on the file.
A0574E: 'reference name' is not an information object set, it may not be referenced in a table constraint.
A component relation constraint or simple table constraint is missing a reference to a specific object set defined in the input ASN.1 syntax.
Consider the following solutions:
C0574E: I/O error reading PDU file "<fileName>". <The reason of failure>. This file will be skipped.
This message is issued when asn1step encounters an error while reading input encoding file when -decodePDU is specified.
A0575E: Parsing error: symbol END is not expected since the module header is omitted.
The symbol "END" is present at the end of the module that has no module header. You can compile the module only with the -assignments compiler option.
"a0575e.asn", line 6 (NoModuleName): A0575E: Parsing error: symbol END is not expected since the module header is omitted.
Delete the symbol "END".
A0576E: Default value for the field 'identifier' of a SET or SEQUENCE cannot be finitely reconstructed by adding missing default components to it.
A SET or SEQUENCE type has one or more incorrectly defined DEFAULT values. Under ASN.1:2015 standard, all missing DEFAULT values of a type or its components must be supplied in advance and the number of DEFAULT values must be finite.
"a0576e.asn", line 3 (MODULE-A0576E): A0576E: Default value for the field 'f' of a SET or SEQUENCE cannot be finitely reconstructed by adding missing default components to it.
To avoid circularity, correct the corresponding SET or SEQUENCE definition.
C0576E: Error opening PDU file "<fileName>" for writing. <The reason of failure>. This file will be skipped.
ASN-1Step was unable to open the output encoding file when -encodeValue was specified.
Consider the following solutions:
C0577E: I/O error writing PDU file "<fileName>". <The reason of failure>. This file will be skipped.
ASN-1Step has encountered an error while writing the output encoding file when -encodeValue was specified.
C0577W: Due to use of the '-dtd|-xsl' ASN.1 compiler option or 'OSS.DTD|OSS.XSL' global directive, [DTD|XSL] files for more than 16 PDU types have been produced that occupy more than 1 MB of disk space. OSS recommends the use of local [OSS.DTD|OSS.XSL] directives applied to particular PDU types to reduce [DTD|XSL] generation time and total files size. Terminating warning message emission till the end of the [DTD|XSL] generation stage.
C0577W: [XSL|DTD] files for more than 16 PDU types have been produced that occupy more than 1 MB of disk space because the ["Generate default stylesheet for each PDU"| "Generate document type definition file for each PDU"] box in the "Output Files" tab of the "Compiler Options" window is checked or 'OSS.Stylesheet|OSS.DTD' global directive is used. OSS recommends the use of local 'OSS.Stylesheet|OSS.DTD' directives applied to particular PDU types to reduce [XSL|DTD] generation time and total files size. Terminating warning message emission till the end of the [XSL|DTD] generation stage.
This error message is displayed while generating huge DTD/XSL files, and indicates that the compiler is engaged in a time-consuming task. It is recommended to avoid using global DTD/XSL options or directives.
If the NBAP standard notation is compiled with the -root and -dtd options, the following message is issued:
"nbap.asn" (NBAP-PDU-Descriptions): C0577W: Due to use of the '-dtd' ASN.1 compiler option or 'OSS.DTD' global directive, DTD files for more than 16 PDU types have been produced that occupy more than 1 MB of disk space. OSS recommends the use of local OSS.DTD directives applied to particular PDU types to reduce DTD generation time and total files size. Terminating warning message emission till the end of the DTD generation stage.
To choose one or more PDU types that need DTD/XSL files to be produced, use local OSS.DTD or OSS.Stylesheet directives instead of global directives or options.
L0578S: A PDU identifier must be specified whenever -decodepduid is specified.
This message is issued by asn1step when no argument is found after the -decodePdu option.
L0579S: A value name or a file that contains values in ASN.1 value
notation format or a directory with one or more such files with the
.txt extension must be specified whenever -encodevalue is specified.
This message is issued by asn1step when no argument is found after the -encodeValue option.
C0580E: The field of ObjectClassFieldType referenced in the component relation constraint must have exactly the same representation as the corresponding class field '%s' (line %d). Check OSS directives applied to both fields.
A class field and the field of SET, SEQUENCE or CLASS derived from the class field have different representations.
M DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN CLS ::= CLASS { &id SEQUENCE --<UNBOUNDED>-- OF INTEGER, &Type } ObjSet CLS ::= { { &id {0}, &Type INTEGER } } Seq ::= SEQUENCE { id CLS.&id ({ObjSet}) --<LINKED>--, value CLS.&Type ({ObjSet}{@id}) } END
"c0580e.asn", line 14 (M): C0580E: The field of ObjectClassFieldType referenced in the component relation constraint must have exactly the same representation as the correspondent class field '&id' (line 5). Check OSS directives applied to both fields.
Use the same representation for both fields.
C0580E: The value <valuereference< is not a PDU.
This message is issued by asn1step when the argument of -encodeValue does not correspond to a value reference available for encoding.
To obtain a list of value references available for encoding, specify the -valueRefTable option. For example:
asn1step input.asn -valueRefTable
C0581W: The Pattern constraint is not supported in the Java compiler. Please contact OSS Nokalva, Inc. if you are interested in this feature.
The input ASN.1 specification contains a Pattern constraint which is not supported by the Java compiler.
Module-C0581W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN A4 ::= [4] VisibleString (PATTERN "[ab]\]de") END
"C0581W.asn", line 3 (Module-C0581W):C0581W: The Pattern constraint is not supported in the Java compiler.Please contact OSS Nokalva, Inc. if you are interested in this feature.
For more information about this feature, contact OSS Nokalva.
The ASN.1 compiler has encountered an internal error.
Your ASN.1 input likely contains erroneous syntax, but in a new and unexpected form, which we need to further analyze.
Send the exact command line and ASN.1 input used to Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for review.
C0582I: The value <valueName> has PDU identifier <pduId> in the given abstract syntax.
The message is issued by asn1step after a value reference is successfully encoded to a file. To later decode the value, use the specified pduId.
A0583E: ValueRange within FROM is used incorrectly with 'type reference'. The ValueRange within permitted alphabet subtype constraint can only be applied to certain restricted character string types (IA5String, NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString, BMPString, UniversalString and UTF8String only), or types formed from them by tagging.
A permitted alphabet value range constraint is applied to a non-ordered character string type.
Module-A0583E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Type1 ::= GeneralString (FROM ("A".."C")) END
"a0583.asn", line 2 (Module-A0583E): A0583E: ValueRange within FROM is used incorrectly with 'Type1'. The ValueRange within permitted alphabet subtype constraint can only be applied to certain restricted character string types (IA5String, NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString, BMPString, UniversalString and UTF8String only), or types formed from
them by tagging.
Consider the following solutions:
C0583E: Encoding failed with error code <errorCode>. File <fileName>
will not be written. <The reason of failure.>
This message is issued by asn1step when -encodeValue is specified, and the encoder experiences a failure. The cause of the failure is also displayed.
A0584W: Illegal subset: 'type reference' contains no values of the parent type 'Z1'
A type in the ASN.1 input has a contained subtype constraint applied, but the contained subtype does not include any values which are allowed in the parent type.
Module-A0584W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN V ::= [0] INTEGER (20..30) Y ::= [1] INTEGER (31..35) Z1 ::= [2] V (Y | 24) END
"a0584w.asn", line 4 (Module-A0584W): A0584W: Illegal subset: 'Y' contains no values of the parent type 'Z1'
Make sure at least one value of the contained subtype is present in the parent type.
A0585E: The fixed-type value field 'fieldname' must not have a 'DEFAULT Value' in the 'ValueOptionalitySpec' because the 'UNIQUE' keyword is present."
An information object class in the ASN.1 input contains a DEFAULT keyword placed next to a type marked as UNIQUE. This is not valid according to the ASN.1 standard.
"a0585e.asn", line 6 (Module-A0585E): A0585E: The fixed-type value field '&id' must not have 'DEFAULT Value' in the 'ValueOptionalitySpec' because the 'UNIQUE' keyword is present.
Remove the DEFAULT keyword from the field.
C0586W: Runtime constraint checking of the ComponentRelationConstraint applied to field 'fieldname' will be disabled, since it references a component 'name' which has a DEFAULT value and which appears after the field with ComponentRelationConstraint within a SET/SEQUENCE/CHOICE."
The ASN.1 input contains an incorrect component relation constraint in which the referred component is placed in front of the constraint and has a DEFAULT value.
Module-C0586W DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN . . . . Msg ::= SEQUENCE { msgName IA5String, tcipId TCIP-CLASS.&id ({TCIP-ObjSet}), tcipType TCIP-CLASS.&Type ({TCIP-ObjSet}{@anotherId}), anotherId OBJECT IDENTIFIER DEFAULT {0 1} } END
"c0586w.asn", line 59 (Module-C0586W): C0586W: Runtime constraint checking of the ComponentRelationConstraint applied to field 'tcipType' will be disabled, since it references a component 'anotherId' which has a DEFAULT value and which appears after the field with ComponentRelationConstraint within a SET/SEQUENCE/CHOICE.
Make sure the component relation constraint references the proper preceding field in the enclosing SEQUENCE, SET, or CHOICE type.
A0587W: A Setting for OPTIONAL field 'fieldname' is not defined inside an OptionalGroup in the DefinedSyntax."
A field marked as optional in an information object class is not enclosed in square brackets in the corresponding WITH SYNTAX notation.
Place the optional field inside square brackets.
"A0588E: The number of additional '.'s following '@' in the 'AtNotation' refers to an outer construction that is not a SET, SEQUENCE, or CHOICE. The field 'component relation constraint identifier' is not found.";
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a component relation constraint which references a field (using AtNotation) which is absent from the containing structure. The structure is not a SET, SEQUENCE or CHOICE type.
Module-A0588E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN ERROR-CLASS ::= CLASS { &category PrintableString (SIZE(1)), &id INTEGER, &Type } WITH SYNTAX {&category &id &Type} ErrorSet ERROR-CLASS ::= { {"A" 1 INTEGER} | {"A" 2 REAL} | {"B" 1 CHARACTER STRING} | {"B" 2 GeneralString} } ErrorMessage ::= SEQUENCE { errorCategory ERROR-CLASS.&category({ErrorSet}), parameters SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { errorId ERROR-CLASS.& id({ErrorSet}{@errorCategory}), data SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { value ERROR-CLASS.&Type({ErrorSet}{@..errorId}), text VisibleString } } } END
"a0588e.asn", line 32 (Module-A0588E): A0588E: The number of additional '.'s following '@' in the 'AtNotation' refers to an outer construction that is not a SET, SEQUENCE, or CHOICE. The field 'errorId' is not found.
Make sure that the number of periods (".") following the at sign ("@") in the AtNotation is equal to the number of levels of a SET, SET OF, SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF, or CHOICE type, starting with the innermost enclosing type and ending with the structure containing the referenced component.
C0588W: Specified grouping digits count is not valid. Using default count (8).
This message is issued by ASN-1Step when the optional argument following the -hexChar or -binChar option is too long, is zero, is negative, or is not a number.
Specify a commonly used grouping number (2, 4, 8, 16 etc.).
C0589W: Runtime constraint checking for 'fieldname' will be disabled since ComponentRelationConstraint applied to this field references more than one component: 'component1' and 'component2'.";
A component relation constraint references more than one component. To increase speed and efficiency, OSS ASN.1 runtime libraries do not impose such constraints.
Remove one of the components from the constraint.
C0590W: The OSS.Truncate directive was not applied to the type 'type reference' because the number 'number' exceeds either the upper limit 16384 for its value or the upper bound of a size constraint that is not extensible for this type.
The OSS.Truncate directive is applied to a type but the truncation limit exceeds the upper limit.
--<OSS.Truncate Module-C0590W.Records 99999>-- Module-C0590W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Records ::= SEQUENCE OF Employee Employee ::= SEQUENCE { name IA5String, position IA5String, salary REAL } END
"c0590W.asn", line 4 (Module-C0590W): C0590W: The OSS.Truncate directive was not applied to the type 'Records' because the number '99999' exceeds either the upper limit 16384 for its value or the upper bound in size constraint that is not extensible for this type.
Make sure that at least one value of the contained subtype is present in the parent type.
C0591W: Java package name 'package name' is the same as project class name class name. Consider altering the package name in the -output option to contain all lowercase letters or additional uppercase letters.
The ASN.1 compiler for Java has detected an illegal name conflict between a Java package name and a Java class name.
Change the case of the package name using the -output option.
C0592W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to the type with the absolute reference 'absolute reference' because this type is not an instance of the parameterized type 'type reference' but references it (directly or indirectly) via OSS.UseThis directive.";
The OSS.UseThis directive cannot be applied to the type which is not an instance of a parameterized type.
--<OSS.UseThis Module-C0592W.P1 Module-C0592W.P>-- --<OSS.UseThis Module-C0592W.My-Sof Module-C0592W.P1>-- Module-C0592W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN P {Type} ::= SET OF Type P1 ::= P{INTEGER(0..100)} My-Sof ::= SET OF INTEGER(0..300) END
"c0592w.asn", line 2 (Module-C0592W): C0592W: The OSS.UseThis directive was not applied to the type with the absolute reference 'Module-C0592W.My-Sof' because this type is not an instance of the parameterized type 'P' but references it (directly or indirectly) via OSS.UseThis directive.
Remove the directive.
A0593E: ValueRange within FROM is used incorrectly with 'type reference'. The ValueRange within permitted alphabet subtype constraint can only be applied to certain restricted character string types (IA5String, NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString, BMPString, UniversalString and UTF8String only), or types formed from them by tagging.
A permitted alphabet value range constraint is applied to a non-ordered character string type.
Module-A0593E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Type1 ::= GeneralString (FROM ("A".."C")) END
"a0593.asn", line 2 (Module-A0593E): A0593E: ValueRange within FROM is used incorrectly with 'Type1'. The ValueRange within permitted alphabet subtype constraint can only be applied to certain restricted character string types (IA5String, NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString, BMPString, UniversalString and UTF8String only), or types formed from them by tagging.
Remove the value range subtype. You can replace it with a single value subtype or another kind of permitted alphabet subtype. Alternatively, you can use an ordered string ASN.1 type.
C0593I: The following value references and their PDU numbers are valid for the given abstract syntax:
ASN-1Step issues this message when -valueRefTable is specified. If no value references are available for encoding, the table is not displayed.
C0593W: The '-splitHeaders' or '-splitForSharing' compiler option is ignored for modules 'module name' and 'module name'; they may not be split into two independent parts.
C0593W: Modules 'module name' and 'module name' may not be split into two independent parts, the checked box "Split large header file into multiple pieces" in the "Output Files" tab of the "Compiler Options" window is ignored.
Two module definitions are not located in the same header file, and therefore they cannot be separated when the -splitHeaders or -splitForSharing option is specified.
Merge the two related modules.
C0594E: The field 'name' referenced in the ComponentRelationConstraint shall be either a value field or a value set field.
As shown in the following example, TypeField a is incorrectly referenced in the ComponentRelationConstraint applied to field b of the type Ch.
MY-CLASS ::= CLASS { &code INTEGER UNIQUE, &Type OPTIONAL } MySet MY-CLASS ::= { {&code 10, &Type PrintableString}} Ch ::= SEQUENCE { a MY-CLASS.&Type ({MySet}), b MY-CLASS.&code ({MySet}{@a}) }
ModuleName: error A0594E: The field 'a' referenced in the ComponentRelationConstraint shall be either a value field or a value set field.
C0595W: Automatic encoding/decoding will not be performed for 'type reference' since the NOPDU directive was applied to the contained type.
The ASN.1 compiler generates this error message when:
"c0595w.asn", Module-C0595W: warning C0595W: Automatic encoding/decoding will not be performed for 'Ex1' since the NOPDU directive was applied to the contained type.
Make sure you do not specify the OSS.NOPDU directive or the -noPdusForContainingTypes option. Note that you may specify the -pdusForContainingTypes option.
C0596W: Constraint checking for field '%s' would not be done at runtime as constraints applied to FixedTypeValueSetFields or VariableTypeValueSetFields are not currently supported.
A constraint is used on a fixed or variable type value set field of an information object class. Currently, such constraints are not supported.
Remove the constraint.
L0597W: The '-decodePdu 0' option is assumed by default.
One or more files with encoded data are specified on the ASN-1Step command line, but no PDU number (to decode this data) is provided. By default, -decodePdu 0 is assumed. The decoder may determine the PDU number based on the ASN.1 information. Otherwise, the decoder issues an error.
L0598E: The -trace option must have a mandatory file name argument.
The -trace is specified on the ASN1-Step command line without a mandatory parameter that identifies the file where the trace should be written to.
Add the missing parameter.
L0599W: Input ASN.1 files are ignored because the '-demo' option is specified.
ASN-1Step in demo mode supports only 2 pre-defined syntaxes Bcas and PersonnelRecord. Any .asn files specified on the command line are ignored.
Remove the -demo option or use one of the pre-defined syntaxes.
L0600E: The -demo option must have a mandatory argument, the name of the pre-defined ASN.1 syntax: Bcas or PersonnelRecord.
The -demo option is specified on the ASN1-Step command line either with an invalid parameter or without a one.
Remove the -demo option or provide the correct parameter: Bcas or PersonnelRecord.
L0601W: Ignoring filename: <file.xsl|file.dtd|file.pdtd>. Only one <XSL|DTD> file is permitted.
ASN1-Step issues this message when you specify the .xsl or .dtd filename (when the -encodeValue option is in use) more than once.
You can either specify the .xsl or .dtd filename only once or disable the -encodeValue option.
C0673W: The object identifier value specified in the ENCODED BY clause of ContentsConstraint for 'type reference' does not match any of the permitted encoding rules. Refer to OSS documentation for a list of permitted values.
A contents constraint employs an unrecognized set of encoding rules.
Module-C0673W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Ex1 ::= OCTET STRING ( CONTAINING INTEGER ENCODED BY {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) ultra-small(3) } ) END
"c0673w.asn", line 2 (Module-C0673W): C0673W: The object identifier value specified in the ENCODED BY clause of ContentsConstraint for 'Ex1' does not match any of the permitted encoding rules. Refer to OSS documentation for a list of permitted values.
Replace the set of encoding rules with one of the accepted sets or provide your own means to encode or decode the contents constraint data. The current permitted encoding rules are:
BER {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) basic-encoding(1)} DER {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) ber-derived(2) distinguished-encoding(1)} PER-basic-aligned {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) packed-encoding(3) basic(0) aligned(0)} PER-basic-unaligned {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) packed-encoding(3) basic(0) unaligned(1)} XER-basic {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) xml-encoding(5) basic(0)} XER-canonical {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) xml-encoding(5) canonical(1)} XER-extended {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) xml-encoding(5) extended(2)} CER {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) ber-derived(2) canonical-encoding(0)}
C0674W: Runtime encoding/decoding of the type specified in ContentsConstraint for 'type reference' will be impossible since the encoding rule 'encoding rule name' was not specified when ASN.1-compiling. Use the ' option' command-line option to turn it on.
C0674W: Runtime encoding/decoding of the type specified in ContentsConstraint for 'type reference' will be impossible since the encoding rule 'encoding rule' was not specified when ASN.1-compiling. To turn it on, please check the corresponding encoder/decoder box within the "Encoding rules available at run-time" group in the "Runtime Control" tab of the "Compiler Options" window.
A contents constraint requires a certain BIT STRING or OCTET STRING type to be encoded using a known encoding rule, but the rule is not enabled by default by the ASN.1 compiler.
Module-C0673W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Ex1 ::= OCTET STRING ( CONTAINING INTEGER ENCODED BY {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) packed-encoding(3) basic(0) aligned(0)} ) END
"c0673w.asn", line 2 (Module-C0673W): C0674W: Runtime encoding/decoding of the type specified in ContentsConstraint for 'Ex1' will be impossible since the encoding rule 'PER-basic-aligned' was not specified when ASN.1-compiling. Use the '-per' command-line option to turn it on.
Specify the compiler option (-per, -uper) that enables the encoding rules at runtime.
C0675I: Automatic encoding/decoding will not be performed for 'type reference' since "ENCODED BY" was used without "CONTAINING".";
The ASN.1 input contains a BIT STRING or OCTET STRING type with a contents constraint, but there is no CONTAINING notation to inform the encoder or decoder about the basic ASN.1 type contained within the stream of bits or bytes. Encoding or decoding such types automatically during runtime will not be possible.
Add a CONTAINING clause to the constraint in question.
C0676I: Runtime encoding/decoding of the type specified in ContentsConstraint for 'type reference' will be impossible since the encoding rule 'encoding rule' is not supported by the OSS runtime.
The set of encoding rules specified for the contents constraint is not supported.
Replace the encoding rules with one of the accepted sets or provide your own means to encode or decode the contents constraint data. The following encoding rules are supported:
{joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) basic-encoding(1)} {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) ber-derived(2) distinguished-encoding(1)} {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) packed-encoding(3) basic(0) aligned(0)} {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) packed-encoding(3) basic(0) unaligned(1)} {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) xml-encoding(5) basic(0)} {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) xml-encoding(5) canonical(1)} {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) xml-encoding (5) extended (2}
A0677E: A ContentsConstraint has been applied to the type 'type reference' which is neither an OCTET STRING nor a BIT STRING without a NamedBitList.
A contained subtype constraint is applied to a type which is neither a BIT STRING nor an OCTET STRING. According to the ASN.1 standard, you can apply contents constraints only to BIT STRING and OCTET STRING types. Note that you cannot apply named number lists to BIT STRING types.
Module-A0677E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Ex1 ::= EXTERNAL ( CONTAINING INTEGER ENCODED BY {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) basic-encoding(1)} ) END
"a0677e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0677E): A0677E: A ContentsConstraint has been applied to the type 'Ex1' which is neither an OCTET STRING nor a BIT STRING.
Replace the type with a BIT STRING or an OCTET STRING.
A0678E: Further constraints cannot be applied after ContentsConstraint, either directly or through typereference names, therefore the constraints on 'type reference' are not valid.
A contents constraint and a subtype constraint are applied to a type. Further constraints are not supported.
Module-A0678E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Ex1 ::= BIT STRING ( CONTAINING INTEGER ENCODED BY {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) basic-encoding(1)} ) (SIZE(50)) END
"a0678e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0678E): A0678E: Further constraints cannot be applied after ContentsConstraint, either directly or through typereference names, therefore the constraints on 'Ex1' are not valid.
Remove the additional subtype constraint.
A0694E: Invalid CharacterString value. value is permitted only for special-string types.
The ASN.1 input contains a value assignment for a restricted character string type, but the character value assigned is not valid for the base type of the value reference. For example, you cannot assign a multi-byte character to a value reference for an IA5String type.
Replace the base type of the value reference with a type that accepts extended characters, such as UTF8String or BMPString.
A0695E: Invalid CharacterString value.
The ASN.1 input contains a value assignment for a restricted character string type, but the character value assigned is not valid for the base type of the value reference. For example, you cannot assign a multi-byte character to a value reference for an IA5String type.
Make sure the value assigned is valid, according to the character set definition (Unicode, for example).
C0696W: The directive 'directive name' is not permitted for BIT STRING or OCTET STRING type with ContentsConstraint, it will be ignored.";
An incompatible directive is applied to a type with a contents constraint. OSS.DLINKED, OSS.LINKED, OSS.PADDED, OSS.VARYING cannot be applied to types with contents constraints.
--<OSS.LINKED Module-C0696W.Ex1>-- Module-C0696W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Ex1 ::= BIT STRING ( CONTAINING INTEGER ENCODED BY {joint-iso-itu-t(2) asn1(1) basic-encoding(1)} ) END
"c0696w.asn", line 4 (Module-C0696W): C0696W: The directive 'LINKED' is not permitted for BIT STRING or OCTET STRING type with ContentsConstraint, it will be ignored.
Remove the directive.
C0712E: The -messageFormat option must have a mandatory argument: 'oss' or 'emacs'.
The -messageFormat option is specified without a parameter, or the specified parameter is not supported.
Specify valid parameters.
L0727S: Input/output error for path/filename : System error message.
The -codeFile option is specified but the compiler cannot store the temporary file needed to build the time-optimized encoder/decoder routines.
Make sure you have write-permission and sufficient storage space in the working directory of the ASN.1 compiler. Also, if your ASN.1 schema is large, set the TMPDIR environment variable referenced by the ASN.1 compiler to a directory with enough storage space available. Type the following line, then re-run the ASN.1 compiler:
setenv TMPDIR fullpath/toMyHugeTempDir
The temporary directory that you specify must have at least 20 to 30 MB free space available.
L070W: The type ASN.1 type is not supported by the JAM Starter Kit Encoder/Decoder for Java.
The ASN.1 compiler for Java has detected an unsupported ASN.1 type in the input ASN.1 specification.
Remove the type.
C0730W: The type X is not supported by the Lean Encoder/Decoder for Java
The -lean option is specified but the input .asn file contains a type which is not supported by the library: REAL, UniversalString, UTF8String with UNBOUNDED directive, EMBEDDED PDV, CHARACTER STRING or EXTERNAL.
Use the oss.jar runtime library which provides full type support.
A0738E: The field 'fieldname' must have a DEFAULT value since it is referenced in 'VariableTypeValueSetFieldSpec' with 'ValueSetOptionalitySpec' which is 'DEFAULT ValueSet' in the field 'fieldname'.
An information object class has a type field which must have a DEFAULT value defined for it, but no value was provided.
Module-A0738E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN C ::= CLASS { &Type, &VSet &Type DEFAULT {1} } c C ::= { &VSet {100} } END
"a0738e.asn", line 4 (Module-A0738E): A0738E: The field '&Type' must have a DEFAULT value since it is referenced in 'VariableTypeValueSetFieldSpec' with 'ValueSetOptionalitySpec' which is 'DEFAULT ValueSet' in the field '&VSet'.
Add a DEFAULT value to the field (&Type DEFAULT INTEGER).
A0739E: Type mismatch: the value of the field 'fieldname' defined with 'VariableTypeValueFieldSpec' must have the same type as the type of the field 'fieldname'.
An information object class instance contains a value that does not correspond to the referenced base type.
Change the value so that it conforms to the base type.
L0749E: The -limitcons parameter integer is invalid.
The parameter specified after the -limitcons command-line option is not a valid integer.
asn1pjav -limitcons abc
L0749E: The -limitcons parameter abc is invalid.
Specify a valid integer for the parameter of -limitcons.
L0750E: The -splittypeinfo parameter integer is invalid.
The parameter specified after the -splittypeinfo command-line option is not a valid integer.
asn1pjav -splittypeinfo abc
L0750E: The -splittypeinfo parameter abc is invalid.
Specify a valid integer for the parameter of -splittypeinfo.
The option-name option must have a mandatory number argument.
You must specify the mandatory number argument for the command-line option.
asn1pjav -limitcons -output abc abc
L0751E: The -limitcons option must have a mandatory number argument.
Provide the mandatory numerical argument.
A0754W: The value of the named number 'named number' does not satisfy the constraints on its Type.
The ASN.1 input contains a named number list with a range constraint, but the values of the named numbers exceed the allowed range set.
Module-A0754W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= INTEGER {one(1),two(2)} (-10..0) i I ::= two END
"a0754w.asn", line 2 (Module-A0754W): A0754W: The value of the named number 'one' does not satisfy the constraints on its Type.
"a0754w.asn", line 2 (Module-A0754W): A0754W: The value of the named number 'two' does not satisfy the constraints on its Type.
"a0754w.asn", line 3 (Module-A0754W): A0755E: The value 'i' is invalid, for it is not a member of the resulting value set associated with the constrained type 'I'.
You can either remove the restrictive subtype constraint or make sure the named number values do not exceed the allowed range.
A0755E: The value 'value reference' is invalid, for it is not a member of the resulting value set associated with the constrained type type reference.
A value is assigned in a value reference using a named number that exceeds the allowed range of the base type.
Module-A0754W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= INTEGER {one(1),two(2)} (-10..0) i I ::= two END
"a0754w.asn", line 2 (Module-A0754W): A0754W: The value of the named number 'one' does not satisfy the constraints on its Type.
"a0754w.asn", line 2 (Module-A0754W): A0754W: The value of the named number 'two' does not satisfy the constraints on its Type.
"a0754w.asn", line 3 (Module-A0754W): A0755E: The value 'i' is invalid, for it is not a member of the resulting value set associated with the constrained type 'I'.
You can either remove the restrictive subtype constraint or make sure the named number values do not exceed the allowed range.
C0756E: An undefined type is used in the open type value, check 'value reference'.
A value reference for an open type contains a type which is undefined.
You can either replace the undefined type with a defined one or make sure the spelling is correct.
A0765E: The Symbol 'name' is imported into the module 'module reference' more than once, a fully-qualified name that includes the module reference name has to be used in the body of the importing module.
An IMPORTS statement contains a duplicate item in the import list within a module. Each item may appear only once.
If both items have the same name and they come from different modules, add the prefix of the module name to the duplicate item. Otherwise, delete the duplicate item.
A0766E: The same Symbol 'name' may not be imported from two modules that have the same module reference name 'module reference'.
An IMPORTS statement contains duplicate items in the import list within a module, each of which is contained in a module that has the same name.
You can either delete the duplicate items or change the source module names.
C0794S: Error creating temporary workfile: filename-and-path already exists.
You have specified the -codeFile compiler option, but the compiler could not store the temporary file needed to build the time-optimized encoder/decoder routines because the temporary filename is in use.
Make sure you have permission to overwrite and enough storage space in the working directory of the ASN.1 compiler. Also, set the TMPDIR environment variable referenced by the ASN.1 compiler to your own empty directory with sufficient storage space available. Type the following line, then re-run the ASN.1 compiler:
setenv TMPDIR fullpath/toMyHugeTempDir
The temporary directory that you specify should have at least 20 to 30 MB of free space available.
C0809E: Applying the ASN1.DeferDecoding directive to 'name', an untagged CHOICE in a SET having more than one component, is not supported.
The ASN1.DeferDecoding directive is applied to the field "s" which is an untagged CHOICE within a SET. Currently, this is not supported.
--<ASN1.DeferDecoding X-type.S.s>-- X-type DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN S ::= SET { s CHOICE {a OCTET STRING}, q INTEGER } END
"defch.asn", line 8 (X-type): C0809E: Applying the ASN1.DeferDecoding directive to 's', an untagged CHOICE in a SET having more than one
component, is not supported.
Remove the ASN1.DeferDecoding directive.
C0809W: This line contains an invalid UTF-8 character.
The ASN.1 input contains a value assignment with a UTF8String type, but the character value assigned is not valid for the base type.
Make sure the value assigned is valid according to the character set definition (ISO-10646).
C0811E: An invalid UTF-8 character was encountered inside the cstring value.
The ASN.1 input contains a value assignment with a UTF8String type, but the character value assigned is not valid for the base type.
You can either make sure the value assigned is valid according to the character set definition (ISO-10646) or you can specify the -ignoreError 0811 option when compiling.
C0812E: The value for 'value reference' contains a character set which is not allowed here.
The ASN.1 input contains a value assignment with a restricted character string type, but the character value assigned is not valid for the base type of the value reference. For example, you cannot assign a multi-byte character to a value reference for an IA5String type.
Replace the base type of the value reference with a type that accepts extended characters, such as UTF8String and BMPString.
C0813E: The cstring contains a character set which is not allowed here.
The ASN.1 input contains a value assignment with a restricted character string type, but the character value assigned is not valid for the base type of the value reference. For example, you cannot assign a multi-byte character to a value reference for an IA5String type.
Replace the base type of the value reference with a type that accepts extended characters, such as UTF8String and BMPString.
A0814W: Comment terminated by end of file. End of comment assumed.
The end token of a multi-line comment is not located before the end-of-file marker.
Module-A0814W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= INTEGER END /* Faulty mult-line comment has no end token
"a0814w.asn", line 4 (Module-A0814W): A0814W: Comment terminated by end of file. End of comment assumed.
Add the end multi-line-comment token ('*/') at the end of the multi-line comment.
C0820W: Stylesheet directive applied to a Type which is not a PDU.
The OSS.Stylesheet compiler directive was applied to a type which is not a PDU.
--<OSS.Stylesheet Module-C0820E.T1 "First.xsl">-- Module-C0820E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BOOLEAN T2 ::= SET OF T1 END
"c0820w.asn", line 3 (Module-C0820E): C0820W: Stylesheet directive applied to a Type which is not a PDU.
You can either remove the OSS.Stylesheet directive or apply the PDU directive to the corresponding type.
A0821E: Expecting XMLValueElement.
A0822E: Expecting XMLValueElement but found XMLValueElement2.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains an incorrect XML Value or the XML syntax does not satisfy the restrictions applied to the XMLValue production. The following XMLValueElements are supported:
Module-A0821E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BOOLEAN t1 ::= <T1> </T1> -- no <TRUE/> or <FALSE/> END
"a0821e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0821E): A0821E: Expecting XML empty-element tag.
t1 ::= <T1> </T1> -- no <TRUE/> or <FALSE/>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0823E: 'identifier' is not a valid XMLAttribute name ('form' is a correct name). The attribute is being ignored.
The input XML Value contains an XML start-tag or an XML empty-element tag with an attribute whose name is not form.
Module-A0823E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BOOLEAN t1 ::= <T1 name="MyBOOL"> <TRUE/> </T1> END
"a0823e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0823E): A0823E: 'name' is not a valid XMLAttribute name ('form' is a correct name). The attribute is being ignored.
t1 ::= <T1 name="MyBOOL"> <TRUE/> </T1>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0824E: The XMLAttribute value should be 'binary', 'hex' or 'xml', not 'identifier'. The attribute is being ignored.
The input XML Value contains an XML start-tag or XML empty-element tag with a form attribute whose value is not supported for the ASN.1 standard.
Module-A0824E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BOOLEAN t1 ::= <T1 form="arbitrary"> <TRUE/> </T1> END
"a0824e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0824E): A0824E: The XMLAttribute value should be 'binary', 'hex' or 'xml', not 'arbitrary'. The attribute is being ignored.
t1 ::= <T1 form="arbitrary"> <TRUE/> </T1>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0825E: The XML start-tag name should be 'identifier', not ' identifier'.
The input XML Value has an XML start-tag or XML end-tag with an incorrect name.
Module-A0825E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BOOLEAN t1 ::= <T1> <TRUE/> </1T> END
"a0825e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0825E): A0825E: The XML end-tag name should be 'T1', not '1T'.
t1 ::= <T1> <TRUE/> </1T>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0826E: The XMLAttribute for 'identifier' should be empty.
The input XML Value has an XML start-tag or XML end-tag with a form attribute, but the type of the value does not recognize this attribute.
Module-A0826E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BOOLEAN t1 ::= <T1 form="xml"> <TRUE/> </T1> END
"a0826e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0826E): A0826E: The XMLAttribute for 'T1' should be empty.
t1 ::= <T1 form="xml"> <TRUE/> </T1>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0827E: The 'form' XML attribute for 'identifier' should not be 'value'.
The input XML Value has an XML start-tag or XML end-tag with a form attribute, but the attribute value is incorrect.
Module-A0827E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BIT STRING t1 ::= <T1 form="binary"> 1100 </T1> END
"a0827e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0827E): A0827E: The 'form' XML attribute for 'T1' should not be 'binary'.
t1 ::= <T1 form="binary"> 1100 </T1>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0828E: The Value for 'identifier' should not be empty.
The input XML Value has an XML start-tag or XML end-tag with a form attribute but the attribute value is incorrect.
Module-A0828E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= INTEGER t1 ::= <T1/> END
"a0828e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0828E): A0828E: The Value for 'T1' should not be empty.
t1 ::= <T1/>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
The ASN.1 compiler has encountered an internal error.
Your ASN.1 input likely contains erroneous syntax, but in a new and unexpected form, which we need to further analyze.
Send the exact command line and ASN.1 input used to Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for review.
A0830E: Expecting an identifier from the named bit list of a BIT STRING,but found '<identifier/>'.
The input XML Value for the BIT STRING type contains an XML empty-element tag that does not correspond to any of its named bits.
Module-A0830E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= BIT STRING { one(1), two(2) } t1 ::= <T1> <seven/> </T1> END
"a0830e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0830E): A0830E: Expecting an identifier from the named bit list of a BIT STRING,but found '<seven/>'.
t1 ::= <T1> <seven/> </T1>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0831E: Expecting XMLNamedValue for the field 'identifier' of the SEQUENCE.
An XMLNamedValue for one of the mandatory SEQUENCE fields is missing from the XMLValue for the SEQUENCE type.
Module-A0831E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= SEQUENCE { a INTEGER } t1 ::= <T1> </T1> END
"a0831e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0831E): A0831E: Expecting XMLNamedValue for the field 'a' of the SEQUENCE.
t1 ::= <T1> </T1>
Correct the highlighted element of the schema and recompile.
A0832E: The SET, SEQUENCE or CHOICE value is impossible to represent in XML/JSON since one of the component identifiers is missing.
The input XML/JSON syntax uses an obsolete form of the SEQUENCE, SET, or CHOICE type definition without component names. The XMLValue production or the JSON object for this is undefined.
"a0832e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0832E): A0832E: The SET, SEQUENCE or CHOICE value is impossible to represent in XML/JSON since one of the component identifiers is missing.
You can either correct the SEQUENCE, SET, or CHOICE type definition by adding identifiers to the components, or specify the -ignoreError 832 compiler option to use a compiler-generated name as the component tag in the XML encoding or the member name in the JSON encoding.
A0833E: 'identifier' must be one of the standard node identifiers since NameForm is used.
The input XMLValue for an OBJECT IDENTIFIER uses the name form of the node with a non-standard name. The INTEGER node value for this name cannot be determined.
Module-A0833E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER t1 ::= <T1> one.2.3 </T1> END
"a0833e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0833E): A0833E: 'one' must be one of the standard node identifiers since NameForm is used.
t1 ::= <T1> one.2.3 </T1>
You can either add a number to the name or replace it with a standard one. The values supported for the above example are:
A0834E: NameForm (' identifier') is not valid for the RELATIVE-OID node.
The input XMLValue for the RELATIVE-OID uses the name form of the node. The name form is not valid for RELATIVE-OID values.
Module-A0834E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= RELATIVE-OID t1 ::= <T1> iso.2.3 </T1> END
"a0834e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0834E): A0834E: NameForm ('iso') is not valid for the RELATIVE-OID node.
t1 ::= <T1> iso. 2.3</T1>
Add a number to the name. A value supported for the above example is: "one(1).2.3".
A0835E: An OBJECT IDENTIFIER value should contain at least two nodes, but a single node was found.
The input XMLValue for the OBJECT IDENTIFIER contains a single node. The value must contain at least two nodes.
Module-A0835E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER t1 ::= <T1> one(1) </T1> END
"a0835e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0835E): A0835E: An OBJECT IDENTIFIER value should contain at least two nodes, but a single node was found.
t1 ::= <T1> one(1) </T1>
You can either correct the value so that at least two nodes are present or use a RELATIVE-OID to define a sub-identifier.
A0836W: 'identifier' is a standard identifier for number1, not for number2.
The input XMLValue for the OBJECT IDENTIFIER contains a node in the XMLNameAndNumber form whose name is a standard one; however, the corresponding number differs from the standard number.
Module-A0836E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER t1 ::= <T1> iso(0).1.2 </T1> END
"a0836e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0836E): A0836W: 'iso' is a standard identifier for 1, not for 0.
t1 ::= <T1> iso(0).1.2 </T1>
You can either remove the number or replace it with the number corresponding to the node name.
C0837S: The XMLValue production is unexpectedly terminated by the End-Of-File.
The input XMLValue terminates unexpectedly. The most likely cause of this error is the absence of a closing XML tag.
Module-C0837S DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN t1 ::= <T1> iso(0).1.2 T1 ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER END
"c0837s.asn", line 2 (Module-C0837S): C0837S: The XMLValue production is unexpectedly terminated by the End-Of-File.
Correct the ASN.1 syntax.
A0838E: 'identifier' is not a valid type for the XML Value.
An ASN.1 assignment (XMLValueAssignment) references an information object class or other ASN.1 construct for which XML values cannot be defined. The most likely cause of this error is that you provided a different type name than the one assumed.
Module-A0838E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= CLASS {&a INTEGER} t1 ::= <T1> 123 </T1> END
"a0838e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0838E): A0838E: 'T1' is not a valid type for the XML Value.
t1 ::= <T1> 123 </T1>
Correct the ASN.1 syntax.
A0855E: The ContentsConstraint is not supported in the ASN.1/C++ compiler. Please contact OSS Nokalva, Inc. if you are interested in this feature.
The input ASN.1 syntax contains a definition in which ContentsConstraint is used. The OSS ASN.1/C++ compiler does not support ContentsConstraint.
Remove the ContentsConstraint from the input ASN.1 syntax. If your ASN.1 syntax uses ContentsConstraint, contact Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for more information.
A0862E: The SET OF / SEQUENCE OF element values should be separated by whitespace but they are not.
The input XMLValue for a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF with the element of XML Category 2 contains element values which are not separated by whitespace.
Module-A0862E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= SET OF REAL t1 ::= <T1> <PLUS-INFINITY/>123.456 </T1> END
"a0862e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0862E): A0862E: The SET OF element values should be separated by whitespace but they are not.
t1 ::= <T1> <PLUS-INFINITY/>123.456 </T1>
Make sure you add spaces between elements.
A0863E: The SET OF / SEQUENCE OF element values should be separated by whitespace but they are not.
The input XMLValue for a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF with the element of XML Category 2 contains element values which are not separated by whitespace.
Module-A0863E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN T1 ::= SET OF REAL t1 ::= <T1> <PLUS-INFINITY/>123.456 </T1> END
"a0863e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0863E): A0863E: The SET OF element values should be separated by whitespace but they are not.
t1 ::= <T1> <PLUS-INFINITY/>123.456 </T1>
Make sure you add spaces between elements.
C0878W: Automatic encoding/decoding of the OpenType will be disabled [by LED runtime] since the referenced component, 'identifier2', appears after the referencing component, 'identifier1'.
A definition of a SET or SEQUENCE contains a field or its sub-component which is an OpenType with a component relation constraint applied. However, one of the referenced components is placed after the one referencing it. OSS runtime libraries (TOED/SOED/LED) do not support automatic decoding of such OpenTypes when either XER or CXER is used.
Module-C0878W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN MY-CLASS ::= CLASS { &code INTEGER, &Type } WITH SYNTAX {&code &Type} MySet MY-CLASS ::= { {1 T1} | {2 T2} } T1 ::= SET {a INTEGER} T2 ::= IA5String ErrorReturn ::= SEQUENCE { info MY-CLASS.&Type ({MySet}{@code}), code MY-CLASS.&code ({MySet}) } END
"c0878w.asn", line 14 (Module-C0878W): C0878W: Automatic encoding/decoding of the OpenType will be disabled since the referenced component, 'code', appears after the referencing component, 'info'.
Consider the following solutions:
A0882E: The leading digit of the exponent shall not be zero unless the exponent is a single digit.
The exponent specified in a REAL type value contains a leading zero and the exponent is not a single digit.
Module-A0882E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN SomeType ::= REAL value SomeType ::= 1e010 END
"a0882e.asn", line 5 (Module-A0882E): A0882E: The leading digit of the exponent shall not be zero unless the exponent is a single digit.
Remove the leading zero from the exponent.
A0907E: 'Value' in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference' shall be a 'cstring' (or a reference to such a character string) of type UniversalString.
The ASN.1 input contains a PATTERN constraint whose definition string is not of the type UniversalString. The definition string of a PATTERN constraint must be a UniversalString, according to the ASN.1 standard.
Module-A0907E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= PrintableString (PATTERN k) k PrintableString ::= "A" END
"a0907e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0907E): A0907E: 'Value' in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H' shall be a 'cstring' (or a reference to such a character string) of type UniversalString.
Replace the type of the pattern definition string (k, in this case) with the type UniversalString.
A0908E: 'value reference' may not be used as 'valuereference' in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference' because it is not a reference to a restricted character string value of size 1.
A PATTERN constraint is defined with a value that references a value which is not a restricted character string of size 1.
Module-A0908E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= UTF8String (PATTERN "\N{k}") k INTEGER ::= 3 END
"a0908e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0908E): A0908E: 'k' may not be used as 'valuereference' in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H' because it is not a reference to a restricted character string value of size 1.
Replace the value reference (k, in this case) with a restricted character string value of size 1.
A0909E: 'type reference 2' may not be used as 'typereference' in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference 1' because it is not a reference to a 'RestrictedCharacterStringType' with a set of permitted characters.
A PATTERN constraint is defined with a type that does not references a restricted character string with permitted characters.
Module-A0909E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= UTF8String (PATTERN "\N{K}") K ::= INTEGER END
"a0909e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0909E): A0909E: 'K' may not be used as 'typereference' in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H' because it is not a reference to a 'RestrictedCharacterStringType' with a set of permitted characters.
Replace the type reference with the type UniversalString or with a restricted character string type which is a subset of UniversalString (IA5String, for example).
C0910E: 'K' used as 'typereference' in the 'PatternConstraint' is circularly defined.
The definition string of a PATTERN constraint indirectly references the type to which the pattern constraint is applied. Such circular referencing with PATTERN constraints is not supported.
Module-C0910E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= UTF8String (PATTERN "\N{K}") K ::= H (FROM ("ABC")) END
"c0910e.asn", line 2 (Module-C0910E): C0910E: 'K' used as 'typereference' in the 'PatternConstraint' is circularly defined.
Remove the circular reference by omitting the indirect reference to the constrained type from the definition string of the PATTERN constraint.
A0911E: Unexpected end of a regular expression in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference'.
The definition string of a PATTERN constraint end with a symbol that requires an additional character.
Module-A0911E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= IA5String (PATTERN "A|") END
"a0911e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0911E): A0911E: Unexpected end of a regular expression in the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H'.
You can either add another character after the last symbol or remove the symbol.
A0912E: A regular expression of the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference' contains at least one illegal character 'illegal character'.
The definition string (regular expression) of a PATTERN constraint contains an illegal character or a character with a special meaning that is placed in an incorrect location.
Module-A0912E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= IA5String (PATTERN "A|*") END
"a0912e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0912E): A0912E: A regular expression of the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H' contains at least one illegal character '*'.
Remove the named character from the regular expression of the PATTERN constraint.
A0913E: The counter '999999999999' specified in a regular expression of the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference' exceeds its upper limit.
The ASN.1 input contains a PATTERN constraint with a character counter definition, but the counter number exceeds the allowed number of characters for the constrained string type.
Module-A0913E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= UTF8String (PATTERN "A#(999999999999999)") END
"a0913e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0913E): A0913E: The counter '999999999999' specified in a regular expression of the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H' exceeds its upper limit.
Reduce the count number listed in the regular expression of the PATTERN constraint.
A0914E: The second counter from the operator "#(n,m)" is less than the first counter in a regular expression of the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'type reference'.
The lower limit in a PATTERN constraint with a dual-limit repeat counter is greater than the upper limit. This is not allowed, because the notation #(n, m) denotes an expression match repeated at least n times but no more than m times.
Module-A0914E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN H ::= UTF8String (PATTERN "A#(8,5)") END
"a0914e.asn", line 2 (Module-A0914E): A0914E: The second counter from the operator "#(8,5)" is less than the first counter in a regular expression of the 'PatternConstraint' applied to the type 'H'.
You can either reduce the lower limit or increase the upper limit.
C0923E: Implementation limit exceeded too many fields in module 'module reference'."
The total number of tags in the input ASN.1 syntax exceeds the implementation limit.
Reduce the number of PDU types. Consider using the IMPLICIT tags instead of EXPLICIT tags.
A0935E: The dummy parameter 'Dummy' is used as an 'ObjectSet'. The 'ParamGovernor' shall be present in the 'ParameterList' and shall identify a 'DefinedObjectClass'.
When an information object set is passed as a parameter, it must employ a governor, namely, the information object class on which it is based. See the corrected example below.
Extension { InfoObjectSet } ::= SEQUENCE { extnID EXTENSION.&id ({InfoObjectSet}), critical EXTENSION.&critical ({InfoObjectSet}{@extnID}) }
Extension { EXTENSION : InfoObjectSet } ::= SEQUENCE { extnID EXTENSION.&id ({InfoObjectSet}), critical EXTENSION.&critical ({InfoObjectSet}{@extnID}) }
C0943I: Some ASN.1 items were not checked because they are not included in the WorkingSet. Please use -root option to enforce syntax checking of all input ASN.1 modules.
C0943I: Some ASN.1 items were not checked because they are not included in the WorkingSet. To enforce syntax checking of all input ASN.1 modules, please check the "Treat all modules as root modules" box in the "Compiler" tab of the "Compiler Options" window.
You have specified the command-line option -designerWarning, but certain items are not present in the current WorkingSet. Only items in the WorkingSet are thoroughly semantically checked. To check all items, you can either specify the -root option or apply the OSS.ROOT and/or the ASN1.WorkingSet directives to include them in the WorkingSet.
Assuming -designerWarning is specified, the value i1 is not included in the WorkingSet and will not be constraint checked.
Mod1 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I {INTEGER:bound} ::= INTEGER (1..bound) I1 ::= I {20} i1 I1 ::= 30 END Mod2 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN B ::= BOOLEAN END
C0944W: DTD directive applied to a Type which is not a PDU: type reference.
The OSS.DTD directive was applied to a non-PDU type. Since complete XER encodings are generated only for PDU types, DTD generation for non-PDU types is not supported and OSS.DTD directives applied to such types are ignored at compile time.
"c0944w.asn", line 3 (Module-C0944W): C0944W: DTD directive applied to a Type which is not a PDU: 'I'.
Apply the PDU directive to the type to convert it to a PDU.
C0945W: The DTD element element name is used in more than one context within the ASN.1 notation. Its model will conjoin all of its possible uses.
The same element name is used in different contexts in the XER encoding of a particular PDU. For instance, a field name matches an enumeration name. Since the DTD syntax cannot define different models for elements based on the context of their use, the compiler generates a single model describing all possible uses of the element at once.
"c0945w.asn", line 5 (Module-C0945W): C0945W: The DTD element 'b' is used in more than one context within the ASN.1 notation. Its model will conjoin all of its possible uses.
Note: the generated model for 'b' element is
<!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA|false|true)*>
Use distinct names for ASN.1 constructs that map to XML elements.
C0946W: type reference is extensible. New elements (not yet known) can be added to its model in later versions of the ASN.1 specification - they will not be accepted by this DTD (consider producing a new DTD if new elements are added).
The ASN.1 input contains an extensible type, but the DTD syntax cannot correctly describe extensibility. A generated DTD file will not accept extra elements that are generated for later versions of the same ASN.1 type with certain extension additions added. However, all extension additions present in the current version of this type will be mapped to DTD constructs.
--<OSS.DTD C0946W.S>-- Module-C0946W DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN S ::= SEQUENCE { f1 INTEGER, ..., f2 BOOLEAN } END
"c0946w.asn", line 3 (Module-C0946W): C0946W: 'S' is extensible. New elements (not yet known) can be added to its model in later versions of the ASN.1 specification - they will not be accepted by this DTD (consider producing a new DTD if new elements are added).
Note: generated model for 'S' is
<!ELEMENT S (f1,f2)>
Make sure you do not validate the XER encodings with unknown extension additions against a DTD file. To instruct the generated DTD to understand all of its extension additions, generate another DTD file for the latest version of the ASN.1 type.
C0947W: element name references an unconstrained OpenType, so any PDU type can be present within it. Models of all PDUs will be included in the DTD file.
An unconstrained OpenType is a component of a PDU and the DTD file is being generated for this PDU. An XER encoding for virtually any ASN.1 type may be present within this unconstrained OpenType encoding; however, the DTD file is generated with the assumption that only the ASN.1 types defined in the input syntax may be encoded so the model of this component accepts elements corresponding to all PDU types from the input ASN.1 syntax.
NOTE: In the presence of a component relation constraint that limits possible types to be present in an OpenType component, the DTD file generated allows only the elements permitted by the component relation constraint.
"c0947w.asn", line 5 (Module-C0947W): C0947W: 't' references an unconstrained OpenType, so any PDU type can be present within it. Models of all PDUs will be included in the DTD file.
Note: the generated model for 't' is
"t" references an unconstrained OpenType,
so any PDU type can be present within it.
Ensure that a model for the inner PDU is
included in the current DTD (or include it manually).
(#PCDATA is there because OpenType can also be encoded in HEX).
Add a component relation constraint which will better define the model for an OpenType component.
A0969E: The empty-element XML tag name identifier does not match any of the predefined control character representations that are permitted within an xml character string.
An ASN.1 assignment (XMLValueAssignment) for the character string type uses an empty-element XML tag as a part of the value, but the tag name does not match any permitted names of the control characters.
A0969E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= IA5String i ::= <I><null/></I> END
"a0969e.asn", line 3 (A0969E): A0969E: The empty-element XML tag name 'null' does not match any of the predefined control character representations that are permitted within an xml character string.
i ::= <I><null/></I>
Make sure the XMLValueAssignment uses the permitted empty-element tags only (refer to X.680, Table 3 for the complete list).
A0970E: An invalid character is used in the xml character string. The character code in hex is 'hexcode'.
An assignment (XMLValueAssignment) uses the control character directly (either as an UTF-8 character or as a character reference) instead of representing it as an empty-element tag. Control characters cannot be directly used in XML documents or in XMLValueAssignments.
A0970E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= IA5String i ::= <I></I> END
"a0970e.asn", line 3 (A0970E): A0970E: An invalid character is used in the xml character string. The character code in hex is '1'.
i ::= <I></I>
Replace the control character with an appropriate empty-element tag (<soh/>, for the above example).
A0971E: The use of '--' or '/*' is forbidden within a lexical item for xml character string.
An XMLValueAssignment contains a value for a restricted character string type employing either the '--' or '/*' character sequence. To avoid confusion with the beginning of the ASN.1 comment, this is not allowed.
Module-A0971E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= IA5String i ::= <I>/* text here */</I> END
"a0971e.asn", line 3 (Module-A0971E): A0971E: Use of '--' or '/*' is forbidden within lexical item for xml character string.
i ::= <I>/* text here */</I>
Replace one of the characters of the sequence with an appropriate character reference:
i ::= <I>/* text here */</I>
A0973E: Type-value mismatch: the information object set 'Name1' is incorrectly specified as a setting of the type field '&Name' of the information object class 'Name2'.
NBAP-IES ::= CLASS { &Var INTEGER } WITH SYNTAX { VAR &Var } NBAP-EXTENSION ::= CLASS { &Type } WITH SYNTAX { TYPE &Type } Nbap NBAP-IES ::= { { VAR {10} } } Nbap-Ext-Obj NBAP-EXTENSION ::= { { TYPE Nbap } }
"test.asn", line 18 (NBAP): A0973E: Type-value mismatch: the information object set 'Nbap' is incorrectly specified as a setting of the type field '&Type' of the information object class 'Nbap-Ext-Obj'.
L0974W: The 'keyword 1' option can be only used together with the 'keyword 2' option and will be ignored.
An ASN.1 compiler command-line option requires an additional option (for example, -nopdusforopentypes can be used only if -noconstraints is specified). In this case, the ASN.1 compiler ignores the initial option.
Specify the option referenced in the warning message.
The ASN.1 compiler has encountered an internal error.
Your ASN.1 input likely contains erroneous syntax, but in a new and unexpected form, which we need to further analyze.
Send the exact command line and ASN.1 input used to Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for review.
A0980E: The 'number' in each 'VersionNumber' of 'ExtensionAdditionGroup' shall be greater than or equal to two.
The version number specified in an extension addition group is less than two.
A0981E: The 'number' in each 'VersionNumber' of 'ExtensionAdditionGroup' shall be greater than the 'number' in any preceding 'NumberedBracket' within an insertion point.
The version number of a subsequent numbered bracket is not greater than the preceding one.
A0982E: 'VersionNumber' in the 'ExtensionAdditionGroup' shall not be present because not all 'ExtensionAdditions' in the module 'name' are 'ExtensionAdditionGroup's with 'VersionNumber's.
A version number has not been called for a version number in an extension addition group.
A0983E: 'VersionNumber' in the 'ExtensionAdditionGroup' shall be present because it is present in at least one 'ExtensionAdditionGroup' in the module 'name'.
A mandatory version number is mising from an extension addition group.
A0990E: identifier must be a legal moduleference.
A0990E: identifier must be a legal typereference.
An XMLValueAssignment (an xml value that is defined) contains an element name that does not conform to the ASN.1 Typereference (a name that refers to a type) syntax.
Module-A0990E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= INTEGER v1 ::= <A0990E-.I>123>/A0990E-.I> v2 ::= <I->123>/I-> END
"a0990e.asn", line 3 (A0990E): A0990E: 'A0990E-' must be a legal modulereference.
v1 ::= v1 ::= <A0990E-.I>123>/A0990E-.I>
"a0990e.asn", line 4 (Module-A0990E): A0990E: 'I-' must be a legal typereference.
v2 ::= <I->123>/I->
Use proper tag names for the XMLValueAssignment.
A0991E: The value of the referenced field name1 associated with values of the constrained field name2 is absent in the valuereference name3.
MY-CLASS ::= CLASS { &code INTEGER UNIQUE, &Type OPTIONAL } MySet MY-CLASS ::= { {&code 10, &Type PrintableString}} Ch ::= CHOICE { a MY-CLASS.&Type ({MySet}), b MY-CLASS.&code ({MySet}{@a}) } ch Ch ::= b : 10
"test.asn", line 14 (Asn1Mod): A0991E: The value of the referenced field 'a' associated with values of the constrained field 'b' is absent in the valuereference 'ch'.
A0992E: COMPILER ERROR #63 for item.
The ASN.1 compiler has encountered an internal error.
Your ASN.1 input likely contains erroneous syntax, but in a new and unexpected form, which we need to further analyze.
Send the exact command line and ASN.1 input used to Technical Support ‹support@oss.com› for review.
C0994I: Component 'name' is circularly defined.
A ::= SET { b B, i INTEGER } B ::= SET { a A OPTIONAL, j INTEGER } C ::= CHOICE { c [1] C, k INTEGER } D ::= A
"test.asn", line 11 (CIRCULAR): C0994I: Component 'a' is circularly defined.
C0996E: The Pattern constraint cannot be applied to type 'type reference BuiltinType'.
A PATTERN constraint is applied to a type that is not a restricted character string type.
Module-C0996E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN V ::= VisibleString (PATTERN ".*") -- Valid I ::= INTEGER (PATTERN "111") -- Invalid END
"a.asn", line 3 (Module-C0996E): C0996E: The Pattern constraint cannot be applied to type 'INTEGER'.
Remove the PATTERN constraint.
"A0997E: The number of additional '.' following the '@.' In ComponentRelationConstraint applied to the component 'component name' shall not exceed the number of constructions (SET, SET OF, SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF, CHOICE) containing the innermost SET or SEQUENCE where the 'AtNotation' occurs.
The number of periods (".") supplied in an AtNotation structure from a component relation constraint exceeds the allowed limit.
Module-A0997E DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN ERROR-CLASS ::= CLASS { &category PrintableString (SIZE(1)), &id INTEGER, &Type } WITH SYNTAX {&category &id &Type} ErrorSet ERROR-CLASS ::= { {"A" 1 INTEGER} | {"A" 2 REAL} | {"B" 1 CHARACTER STRING} | {"B" 2 GeneralString} } ErrorMessage ::= SEQUENCE { errorCategory ERROR-CLASS.&category({ErrorSet}), parameters SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { errorId ERROR-CLASS.&id({ErrorSet}{@errorCategory}), data SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { value ERROR-CLASS.&Type({ErrorSet}{@.......errorId}), text VisibleString } } } END
"a0997e.asn", line 23 (Module-A0997E): A0997E: The number of additional '.' foll owing the '@.' in ComponentRelationConstraint applied to the component 'value' shall not exceed the number of constructions (SET, SET OF, SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF, CHOICE) containing the innermost SET or SEQUENCE where the 'AtNotation' occurs.
Remove the extra periods (and other unnecessary parts) from the AtNotation.
"A0998E: The governor 'Name1' of the dummy parameter 'Name2' and the governor of the valueset 'Name3' used as the actual parameter in the instance 'Name4' of the parameterized type 'Name5' are not compatible.
The governors of the dummy parameter 'J' and of the value set used as the actual parameter in the instance of the parameterized type are not compatible.
I ::= CHOICE {i INTEGER, n NULL} K INTEGER ::= {-127..127} ROS {I:J} ::= SEQUENCE { i J } F ::= ROS{{K}}
"test.asn", line 8 (Mod): A0998E: The governor 'I' of the dummy parameter 'J' and the governor of the valueset 'K' used as the actual parameter in the instance 'F' of the parameterized type 'ROS' are not compatible.
"A0999E: At least one value 'value' of the actual parameter 'Name1' is not mapped to any values from the value set dummy parameter 'Name2' in the instance 'Name3' of the parameterized type 'Name4'.
Module-D DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN I ::= INTEGER (25..45) H ::= INTEGER (40..60) K H ::= {46..49} ROS {I:J} ::= SEQUENCE { i J } F ::= ROS{{K}} END
"test.asn", line 8 (Module-D): A0999E: At least one value '46' of the actual parameter 'K' is not mapped to any values from the value set dummy parameter 'J' in the instance 'F' of the parameterized type 'ROS'.
This documentation applies to the latest versions of the OSS® ASN.1 Tools software.
Copyright © 2024 OSS Nokalva, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of OSS Nokalva, Inc.
Every distributed copy of the OSS® ASN.1 Tools is associated with a specific license and related unique license number. That license determines, among other things, what functions of the OSS ASN.1 Tools are available to you.