The answer depends upon which type of encoder/decoder you wish to use. OSS offers three different encoder/decoders, all accomplishing (so to speak) the same work, but each optimized in a different way.
The easiest to use for the beginner is what we call the space-optimized encoder/decoder (SOED). It offers the most comprehensive trace facilities, error messages and debugging features. To use it in a statically linked application, you would link in libasn1code.a.
The various encoder/decoders are optimized to suit your priorities. In each case, you just link in the appropriate one. There is no need to change your application, nor any need to change your ASN.1, in switching from one type of encoder/decoder to another.
Space-Optimized Encoder Decoder (SOED)
Time-Optimized Encoder Decoder (TOED)
Lean Encoder Decoder (LED)
If you are still unsure which runtime is best for your application, contact us at
The samples included with some of the Knowledge Center answers are meant for your general understanding of the OSS products. Different versions of the products might produce slightly different outputs. Consult the products documentation and samples for the most up-to-date products information and code examples.
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